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My voices in my head back

And they're telling me to kill myself.
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MemoirsOfTheDamned · F Best Comment
As someone who also has voices in her head and experiences command hallucinations among others, I would suggest seeing psychiatrist and getting on an antipsychotic. It may take a while to find one that works the best-- and you could end up like me and needing two to work together-- but it really is worth it. It isn't as simple as people think with "Don't listen" or "ignore them"

They don't understand how LOUD the commands can get and how there is nothing that really silences them.

If you're getting to the point where they're overwhelming, I suggest inpatient hospitalization. I've been pink slipped (Involuntarily committed) to psych hospitals a lot, so I know they're not ideal, but they can be life saving in situations like this.

I have to say, though, you must be tougher than I. When I start hallucinating and the voices start up, I can't message people or post about it as it happens. I'm entirely consumed.
@MemoirsOfTheDamned thanks for telling me that. I'll hurt my left pinky and right eye yesterday
@Slivereyes I'm sorry you're hurt. That's no fun. :/ But of course I'd tell you. I like helping people, if I can.
@MemoirsOfTheDamned I'm going to doctor's appointment on Monday

What happened?

Don't listen!
@SomeMichGuy it's hard not do
@Slivereyes I am sure it is.

Things in our heads seem to be such a part of us!
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@Montanaman your wrong
Montanaman · M
@SlivereyesI'm glad I was wrong.
I'm glad you're still with us!🤗🙏
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