riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Well I invested in going around the world to the other side with ex partner and last 5 days and had to come back and got nervous breakdown.
I have no answer for you cause if I tell you an answer you could put it around and put them blame on me .
All I can say is relationships are the most trickiest . See there's a thing line between love and co dependacy and there's a think line between control and concern in relationships but what happens in relationships when you have sex with your partner for the 1st time all of those examples what I said come into play straight away without you knowing it .
You"ll have to figure it out for yourself cause they way you are is that your doubting yourself in the relationship.
The biggest attack in a relationship is doubt with the mind. ( That's where the mind starts talking to you ) , especially after being a relationship for a long period of time cause your full blown in it .
That's my answer my friend.
I'll make it a bit lighter for when your in relationship the relationship becomes 1 .
If I only knew that before
I have no answer for you cause if I tell you an answer you could put it around and put them blame on me .
All I can say is relationships are the most trickiest . See there's a thing line between love and co dependacy and there's a think line between control and concern in relationships but what happens in relationships when you have sex with your partner for the 1st time all of those examples what I said come into play straight away without you knowing it .
You"ll have to figure it out for yourself cause they way you are is that your doubting yourself in the relationship.
The biggest attack in a relationship is doubt with the mind. ( That's where the mind starts talking to you ) , especially after being a relationship for a long period of time cause your full blown in it .
That's my answer my friend.
I'll make it a bit lighter for when your in relationship the relationship becomes 1 .
If I only knew that before
icedeathshogun · 22-25
@riseofthemachine I'm most worried about that. my bad thoughts are moving my body in how I behaving towards my partner.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@icedeathshogun Your bad thoughts are only thoughts but don't react them .
The bad thoughts usually come from insecurities and I'm gonna tell you this my friend in my 44 years here on this life .
I never met one person that wasn't insecure in a relationship. It happens usually after a long time in a relationship.
That's how arguements start
The bad thoughts usually come from insecurities and I'm gonna tell you this my friend in my 44 years here on this life .
I never met one person that wasn't insecure in a relationship. It happens usually after a long time in a relationship.
That's how arguements start
icedeathshogun · 22-25
@Musicman Do you know how I can regulate this feeling so that it doesn't become a bad thing in our relationship?
@icedeathshogun Sadly no I don't. ☹
Lilnonames · F
Invest what??
icedeathshogun · 22-25
@Lilnonames basically the longer I am with her, and the more ways I give my love to her in various aspects
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