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If only it was socially unacceptable to start conversations with random strangers

That unless you know someone, it's proper to simply keep to yourself and talking to strangers is considered awkward and suspicious. That would make going out in public a hell of a lot easier for introverts like me.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35 Best Comment
It is here and I sometimes wish there was some golden middle way in this. Because people often only go to social events like gigs and art exhibitions in pairs or groups and if you'd like to go alone and meet new people, you'd have to meddle in and most probably get cautious wtf stares. On the other hand, lone people look like they want to be left alone. 😆 But maybe it's just me who gets that impression.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@CrazyMusicLover I want to move to your part of the world, lol.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Ducky I heard it's basically entire transalpine Europe. 😆 Up to north from the Alps.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@CrazyMusicLover You'd think it would be like that in the US, what with all the mass shootings we get and just how generally uptight Americans are. 😒

deadteddy · 26-30, F
is considered awkward and suspicious

More and more unfortunately. With so much crimes happening, people are just jaded I think, my SO is one of them. He thinks people who initiate convos in public always have second intentions. And most of the time he’s … right , unfortunately.
One day I decided to accept a strangers convo and interact with him , it turns out the dude wanted to scam us. My SO knew from the start he bad intentions and was touching my arm for me not to talk with him. But I did, and I almost got us in trouble 😬.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@deadteddy You were just being nice. That's a good quality to have, but keep a sharp eye out for people like that who might try to take advantage of it. Not that you need me to tell you. I'm sure you definitely do after that.
Maritocorneo · 56-60, M
I try not to talk to strangers.... but random people just come up to me and start talking! My family makes fun of me for it. I think I come across as safe and approachable or something. I can't go anywhere without some person striking up a conversation with me. LOL. I guess I could have worse problems.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@Maritocorneo That would make me insane. I don't mind it too much in places like the bar, but when I'm someplace where I'm just there to do my business and get out, it gives me anxiety.

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