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Being ignored

Sat with family and everyone was looking at something on someone’s phone and laughing and I asked to see it and was ignored
I was laughing with everyone but I didn’t know what that were laughing at
I asked again and got ignored again
I asked again then realised it just wasn’t going to happen.
So now Iv gone quiet
And I feel left out and wish I wasn’t even here.
Because if now I feel stupid for thinking I was part of the group

And even though ov gone a bit quiet
I don’t want them to ask me what’s up and cause a fuss
Because then they will just make me feel worse
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So sorry honey. Maybe leave and go someplace where you could mingle with people in a restaurant or something and strike up a conversation and be happy. Maybe you could really make a good friend there. ❤️🤗
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
If you're not enjoying being there, leave.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I might get up and go for a walk and if they did ask me what was the problem I would tell them.
If they try to make me feel bad I'd leave

I don't know if you're like me and you talk so low people can't hear you,but I have that problem ;so I have to be careful judging the situations.
AnotherUniverse · 41-45, M
That’s rough. Thank you for sharing! I get ignored all the time. it’s good to know I’m not alone.
Felina · F
That’s truly awful 😞 I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. Walk away lovely just walk away because you’re free to do so
Enonnianoj · F
I got too ignored and know how that feels. I want to disappear when that happens.
The people I related to by blood other than my kids aren't my family
candycane · 36-40, F

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