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Just a ranty vent

I feel like I'm annoying If I rant, I'm not allowed to have problems really, people say I can and they'll care and listen but then they block me or tell me to stop if I actually do vent, you can't even have problems in the real world without others dragging you down it seriously sucks I have all these problems I wanna share with you yet you don't wanna hear em... don't lie to me if that's how your gonna be
Venting is the first step towards starting to resolve your problems with help of others. Some people just feel better because someone else is able to relate to them after they share their problems. And then they move ahead with a new confidence in themselves.

These problem/issues, that doesn't need a out of your mental box solution. You just need a good state of mind. In such cases just venting can help you.

Some people can't get over few of their problem by themselves or just by venting/sharing, due to the nature or the complexity of problem for them. There is a saying,
"If a problem is created at a particular level of mental understanding, it needs a higher level of mental understanding to solve it."
In that case you really need advise of others. Otherwise you can just feel better for a while, but will not be able to root out the problem completely.

If you feel that you are facing second type of problems, please feel free to DM me.


Best Wishes & Take Care :)
Dimao · 13-15, CNew
@ABCDEF7 oh ok I dunno what I put my age for on here as
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@Dimao Yes, they have restrictions on profile view for new minor accounts.
Yuvxnaaa33 · 13-15, FNew
That's not true. Age, gender doesn't have anything to do with problems. Everyone has problems and that okay, if your friends doesn't listen to you venting, you can come to me. You might think that I'm lying and that I will be like others. I won't be like others, I will listen to you, support you and give you advice if you need. I'm not here to judge you, laugh at you or ruin your life, I'm here to help you and make you feel better. You're not annoying when you vent, it's good to talk about problems because bottling it all up won't do any good. ❤️
Dimao · 13-15, CNew
@Yuvxnaaa33 I know, thanks for listening

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