I hate my job, i hate who ive become at my job
I hate working where I do. I can tell im not good at what im doing,when i try to do better, i gte treayed kike an idiot for it. I hate the way i am being spoken too,its eating me up inside. I feel stupod for styaing at that job, i feel like all my collegues think im stupid. I make mistakes at work and every week i am spoken to like im an idiot for not grasping simple tasks and instructuons. My collegues are doing well for themseleves, even the intern is doing better than me, and good for them, i just wish i could fond what im good at. I hate that I have no talent in my field. I have to stay for 12 months, i have 6 left, i feel like quitting earlier. I dont want to continue to feel anxious every damn week about what ive done wrong. I dont know why i cant have 1 week where i just do well. Just one at least.