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Sometimes I think I’m a masochist

But like I don’t want to feel pain, but at the same time I do things that intentionally cause me pain, and I sort of… like it? I don’t know if I am actually a masochist or if I just feel like I deserve pain tho(sorry for all the vents, I know people go through so much worse and I’m selfish for even wanting to vent but there’s so much inside of me and nowhere to put it)
Thats... honestly a bit relatable in some way. I tend to be a bit careless about myself but the only reason why I'm careful is because i know my bsf will blow up if she found out I did something reckless. One time, I electrocuted myself while plugging in the microwave and when i told my bsf about it, she proceed to send me a 100 word long msg of telling me to be careful and calling me dumb at the same time... got a bit off track, srry.

Don't demean your own issues. Just because some poeple have it worse, thst doesn't mean your issues are any less important.

If you'd like someone to talk too, I TRY to be available when I can.

Anyways, take care
Byee ^^
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@Sometimesitsbetter2letsome1go just realized something, my bsf was more so telling me to be careful since she can't be up here to make sure I'm okay (she lives in Florida USA and i live in Ontario Canada). She didn't intend to seem mean or anything, she just cares about me alot

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