SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
4th through 7th grade I was the school scapegoat, so I got a lot of it. Name calling, embarrassing pranks, physical attacks, y'know the standard bully toolkit type stuff.
The worst was in 7th grade, after lunch we'd all just kinda stand around outside, like a recess without any playing. Three of them surrounded me and were taking little jabs at me. Nothing really bad as far as painful, but more humiliation slaps. I looked over at the teacher who was keeping an eye on us, and he was staring directly at me with a smirky smile. When he say I was looking, the bastard actually winked at me. It just confirmed to me that I wasn't they weren't interested in stopping it, and I snapped a bit. I managed to throw one punch at the kids who were surrounding me before the same teacher grabbed my arm and hauled me to the principal's office. I got in trouble, and nothing was said to or done to the three.
I was so glad when we moved from that town
The worst was in 7th grade, after lunch we'd all just kinda stand around outside, like a recess without any playing. Three of them surrounded me and were taking little jabs at me. Nothing really bad as far as painful, but more humiliation slaps. I looked over at the teacher who was keeping an eye on us, and he was staring directly at me with a smirky smile. When he say I was looking, the bastard actually winked at me. It just confirmed to me that I wasn't they weren't interested in stopping it, and I snapped a bit. I managed to throw one punch at the kids who were surrounding me before the same teacher grabbed my arm and hauled me to the principal's office. I got in trouble, and nothing was said to or done to the three.
I was so glad when we moved from that town
StevexStephie · 70-79
So sorry you went through that. I hope you have become stronger. May I offer a virtual hug?
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
@StevexStephie thanks
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
not so bad if we stick to school stuff, I had a kid hop on my back in a locker room once. probably the most personal space violating act
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
That’s not to bad @Jackaloftheazuresand
Numberz · F
I fell between the seats on the school bus and everyone jumped me.
StevexStephie · 70-79
@Numberz Kids can be so cruel!
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KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
@friendlyperson19 I feel your pain it can be hard being the target of so many people

I don’t remember being bullied
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
@SW-User that’s good
sciguy18 · M
Although I was always taller than most kids, I was also quite skinny. I remember being beaten up regularly in primary school.
That stopped once my weight started catching up with my height. Unfortunately, the verbal bullying never stopped - with some of the worst coming from girls.
That stopped once my weight started catching up with my height. Unfortunately, the verbal bullying never stopped - with some of the worst coming from girls.

One was back in Jr. High. Had male twins that would wait to harass me as I walked to school. They'd dish out verbal abuse and take swings at me with their bike lock chains.
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
That’s terrible @SW-User
SirenCalledLuce · F
I was small and stick thin at school. A girl called Julie used to bully me for it for about two terms.
Then one day I slapped the shit out of her.
Then one day I slapped the shit out of her.
KaraLuvz · 46-50, T
Yeah I was/ am stick thin as well which made me the recipient from both girls and boys@SirenCalledLuce
My mom and dad.. And some bitches online.. Gave me hell 🤐
SammyJo · 51-55, F
Oh, lots of bullying throughout my life! Your mum's a hooker and the kids taunt you over become a hooker yourself - because you think it's cool - and adults taunt you over your lifestyle choice...
I used to get upset - very upset - but I learned, over time, that they just keep mouthing the same old crap....and they, of course, were perfect.....and you realise all the time you've spent giving time, thought and oxygen to their crap....and then, at some point, your ears just don't hear those sounds...
...and you just live your life, freely...
I used to get upset - very upset - but I learned, over time, that they just keep mouthing the same old crap....and they, of course, were perfect.....and you realise all the time you've spent giving time, thought and oxygen to their crap....and then, at some point, your ears just don't hear those sounds...
...and you just live your life, freely...