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I Have Anxiety

I'm going through what feels like a panic attack... Here's something i wrote to ground myself..

I'm here for you, me. And we'll be here.. All the fragments of your brains...dancing to an unchoreographed song...never in sync with each other. You remain awake at night i know. I don't know if that's good or bad. But i acknowledge you. And yes it's difficult to breathe sometimes. And yes it may seem that your left hand is frozen from knuckle to arm from time to time. But that's okay. We're in this together and we'll sail. This journey has been survival and we'll get through this... Whatever this is. But also, remember that there are others like you. No matter how different and isolated you might feel. Find them from time to time. I know you're not used to having a co-passanger. There's never really one? Is there? But find them. They are your co travelers. They can sometimes makes things less difficult. I know the therapist asked me to have fun along the way. But right now it's time to back away and hold myself together. Put the shattering pieces at one place. It keeps happening. You can't change the past but you now know better than to abandon yourself. You now know better than to completely collapse into this feeling. It would only make you disintegrate further. You have to remain intact into one piece. That's how we function. I acknowledge that my arms feel like there's no blood in them. And i have difficulty breathing. But I'm observing this. I'm here for myself. I can take care of myself. Thank you for being there.
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Carazaa · F
Panic attacks happen because of previous stress and tightening of all the muscles. If you relax all your muscles and breathe whenever you are stressed or anxious during the week, you will never have another panic attack in the future! Try it.
Carazaa · F
@Tatsumi Exercise is great, and meditation. However whenever you are stressed during the week your muscles are tight, hence your body get confused signals, so just try this week to always relax whenever you are stressed and I think you will see a difference.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Carazaa I'll give it a try. Thanks. 😁 OP you too!
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Carazaa I meditate in the bathroom sometimes, I'll just take a break if things get too noisy and sit in the stall lol. Diet also plays a huge role, today I had 2 coffees and I was kind jittery lol, never again. I decided to quit.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
I understand the feeling.

I had anxiety attacks yesterday to the point where I was sweating nervously for a long time.

Good luck tho
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Meditation helps too (even just doing it for 20 minutes a day) and I can only suggest what has helped me but acceptance therapy has gone a long ways for me. There's multiple books on it, it's a lot harder to practice but you can get them to go away or at least minimize it to a certain point.

For me the after effects are always there but the two above have been the best deal for me.

I've also wanted to look into NLP but that's a bit more expensive to consider.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I feel ya dude. Fucking blows. Hope you don't have to deal with them anymore. ^_^
blasphemy666 · 31-35, F
@Tatsumi thank you

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