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I Have Anxiety

I'm new here, I am here because I have reached a breaking point, I had paramedics come to my house on Thursday night and spent the night in A&E getting blood tests done and having an ECG etc, long story short I was positive that I was dying from a heart attack or something but they gave me the all clear and sent me home early Friday morning but since then I have been dizzy, nauseous and have had shortness of breath that no matter what I do won't go away and it's been two days straight and it hasn't let up or gone away but I was told I was okay and that my heart and lungs were fine, I can deal with the nausea etc but the shortness of breath is gonna make me go over the edge, I don't know where to turn I feel like I am going mad and that something is seriously wrong with me, last night I was up until 3am or 4am with an awful taste in my mouth making me feel sick to my stomach and it wouldn't go away it's a little better right now because I have gum in my mouth and that helps the nausea too but that I could deal with, the pain I could deal with that now that I have the all clear but if my shortness of breath was anxiety wouldn't it have gone down or let up by now it gets worse at night and I am not looking forward to another night of trying to keep myself calm because this is getting too much, I don't know what to do, if anyone has ever experienced this or has any advice I'm open to anything at this point because this is just too much!
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You could try a natural based supplement like Natrol to see if it helps with your anxiety? I am sorry to hear of your problems. Welcome to SW and good luck.
It's a supplement that one takes everyday in capsule form. For more info please search the name "Natrol" and you will find it. When I lost my father some years ago I took Natrol for about 3 weeks and it seemed to help.
HarleysGirl02 · 26-30, F
@allsfinebime2 I'll definitely give that a go thank you so much for telling me about it!
@HarleysGirl02 You're very welcome. ☺
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
did they mention a panic attack?
did they give you any meds for it?
HarleysGirl02 · 26-30, F
@Newandimproved Me too, people don't always understand how hard anxiety can be to deal with but my mum is coming over on Monday so perhaps she can call someone and help me get something sorted, I do have Diazepam 5mg as a last resort, I was prescribed it a year ago when I was travelling to Ireland but I didn't use all of it but like I said it's a last resort for me as it did have pretty mean withdrawal symptoms
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
@HarleysGirl02 yeah, be careful with that stuff, it works but it is easy to abuse it - and if you do use it - DONT drink - it can be lethal.

in my case the doctor game me an antidepressant - it didn't work as well as the anti anxiety at first - but in time it help immensely with the anxiety as well

hugging you long distance - that's scary stuff to deal with

oh, will exercise help? walking, jogging, etc?
HarleysGirl02 · 26-30, F
I will try to do some exercise on the exercise bike and see if that helps, I don't drink alcohol or anything because I am afraid of getting sick etc so if I take the Diazepam it wouldn't be with alcohol but I'd want a GP to give the okay before I take anything I haven't been instructed to take, I am too scared to take painkillers something doctors have told me I can take to deal with the pain I feel, gonna try drinking green tea as I think that is supposed to be relaxing
YoMomma ·
Idk maybe you have a weird flu bug .. Ive been getting dizzy lately too idk why . Its weird

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