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Are there parts of you which are off bounds to other people?

Such as your true opinions , beliefs and aims in life. Are they secret or do you speak your mind ?
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ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
I pretty much speak my mind, with reservations on ..certain topics and with certain types of people.
I am not out to hurt another to prove a point or express my opinions.
I've learned to keep delicate information to myself. With all the unresolved traumas and ready reactions people carry with them, it's too risky to show my true colors. I'm tired of people's judgments of me. And then, their sharing those judgments with their like-minded friends. Negativity is contagious.
Repete · 70-79, M
i usually speak my mind I don’t try to guess at what others are thinking. I don’t have many if any secrets that I try to hide but I also don’t go broadcasting random things for the whole world to know.
meJess · F
When I figure out what I believe and what I intend to do I’ll be happy to share 😊
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@jamieyahoo] 🤔 very few indeed as i like too be open and honest about myself but have taboos
Jungleman · M
nope, i'm open upfront and honest now, but i have been sly in the past.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
everything but my penis

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