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I need to go for a walk I don't want to be at home right now.

I'm trying to cook food, I'm already tense and upset for not having any alone time today. My partner called off work and i was looking forward to some time to myself so seeing his car still around irritated me because I've been starving for me time.

He came into the kitchen and was hovering while I cooked and kept trying to insert his input. I can't stand backseat cooks. I'm already tense, work was irritating and I snapped and asked him if he wanted to cook and tried to hand him the spatula. He said he was good and I told him to sit down in the front room and leave me to it then. He accused me of being grumpy due to needing a fix. I told him I'm grumpy because I worked this morning came home to relax and he called off and sat on his butt all day. Here I am trying to cook something to eat for us and have some sliver of me time and he came to stomp over it.

I'm not even hungry anymore I'm just going to take a walk.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I can relate, my spouse works 100% remote so unless he's gone to the gym [where he's always trying to convince me to come with] I virtually have no alone time. If I stay home from the gym, our kid always does to.
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@Starcrossed I don't know how you do it. I'm barely doing it.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Crimsondrops he follows me through the house too. When I'm in a room alone, he wants to know what I'm doing in there. It's maddening.
I thought gay guys were supposed to be always happy because they didn't have to deal with women.

Okay. I'd recommend taking up ax throwing. It's not hard to set up in the back yard.

Either he will leave you alone, or he will join you, but either way you are burning off aggressive energy.
Have you and he discussed your need for alone time?

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