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softheart1234 · 22-25, M
Who the hell this person ?

Adrift · 61-69, F
I knew someone who did this via text.
I knew who it was and called 911 and reported it.
That person got a vist from some 1st responders, a trip to ER, along with a nice vacay stay at the mental institution for a 48hr watch.
No more call, texts or threats.
GuyWithOpinions · 31-35, M
Suicide threat? Like they are going to commit suicide if you dont do something? They are lying and trying to manipulate you in a pathetic way. Ignore them.
Report them.

Suicide and Threat both things are offensive. It shows their weakness but wish to manipulate/infuence your actions. They maybe playing games with you. In any way they are not behaving in gentleman's way and don't deserve to be talked with.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Report then block.
theprofessor · 22-25, M
Just ignore him and blocked immediately.....nd don't be overthink about his msg....
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
Dare them say "Go ahead and do it you chicken! you won't do it because you're afraid!

Two things may happen one they may actually do it and they won't bother you again or two they may just not bother you again and go and bother someone else.
2brandon2 · 18-21, M
@Disgustedman my dad works in the ER and he had a kid who threatened to commit suicide while he was playing a video game online. Someone told him to go hang himself. So he did fortunately for him the extension cord that he used broke. My dad said he came in in critical condition, so I wouldn’t go telling anybody to go ahead and do it because they just might this kid was only 15.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Disgustedman Isn't that some kind of crime nowadays? I mean if there's the evidence you encouraged someone to commit suicide.
Disgustedman · 61-69, M
@CrazyMusicLover my post was more meant to in a humorous vein as I have heard of people challenging a person who was suicidal to actually do it this was rooftop negotiations and they backed off. Will I ever actually do that oh hell no I've got enough blood on my hands from other s*** I don't need that. But below is your answer.

Is it illegal to tell someone to kill themselves?

When you can be charged with “assisting a suicide” and which defense strategies can be used to fight these charges? Our Pittsburgh criminal defense attorneys explain.
First and foremost, it is important to understand that the prosecutor will have to establish any of these two elements by proof beyond a reasonable doubt in order charge you with promoting suicide in Pittsburgh or elsewhere in Pennsylvania:

You assisted someone else in committing suicide; or
You deliberately aided, advised, promoted, or encouraged someone else to end their life.
It often happens that innocent people are convicted of encouraging a suicide because of the text, voicemail, or email they had sent to the deceased prior to his or her suicide. Many people are also wrongly accused of this crime due to the use of witness statements as evidence against them.

But here’s what truly matters. In order to establish “intentional conduct,” a prosecutor will have to demonstrate evidence that you had conscious objective or purpose to aid, advise, promote, or encourage the victim to take his or her own life.

Thus, if you were (a) merely trying to tease the victim, (b) being sarcastic, (c) merely trying to hurt the victim in an emotional manner without wanting to cause them physical harm, or (d) merely discussing suicide, the prosecution should not be able to charge you with “aiding a suicide” as a crime.

It is true that if you were harassing the victim prior to his or her suicide, you may be charged with criminal harassment, but if you had no actual intent for the victim to act on your encouraging statements to commit suicide, you will most likely be able to escape “assisting a suicide” charges. That is, of course, if you are being represented by a Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer.
Bandit2398 · 51-55, M
Tell them to dial 911 if you’re not qualified to help them. Usually when people make a threat like this it’s for attention and are not really going to follow through That doesn’t mean they’re not in a lot of mental pain though.
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Tell them to F O
Hard to say...sometimes these people are being manipulative. Other times they are serious. If you are sure it's the manipulative variety, report them. If you know them, and they might be serious, urge them to get help.
Why would someone threat you for suicide? If it's some guy who loves you online then just be nice and say that you are boy. 🙂They won't die and won't even bother you again.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Meaning if you don't do what they want then they'll off themselves? Just report and block.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Close the FB account immediately. Nowadays those kind of Social medias are technological trap.
2brandon2 · 18-21, M
I would take them serious, ask them questions and try to notify the authorities and their town
Someone pulled that with me on here turned out to be for attention so I blocked them
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Report them on some helpline and make a big deal out of it, lol. That will teach them.
looping · 18-21
give them a place and a time and throw some hands (jk)
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Call them on their bluff? Lol
Tell them to buzz off
Lostpoet · M
Tell them don't do it
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Really · 80-89, M
@Gangstress Agreed on blocking - and report (click little flag in R. top corner of their post. If it's a DM I don't know how.)
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Report and block
Block and report em?
Thank you everyone for your support and your valuable advice 🙂
Wizardry · 46-50, M
Block them

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