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How do I know if people genuinely like me or are they just being polite?

So I guess this is a mini update to a previous post and I really started trying to talk to more people, which I'd say is a big achievement for me as a person with terrible terrible social skills.

However I can't help but wonder if the people I talk to enjoy my company or think that I am breaching into their territory. I try to initiate conversations about interests if they like the same things I do, what schools have they been to before, or even just asking questions about whatever work we have at the moment. I try to talk to them online too, but I feel a bit wrong for doing it when the other person does not even initiate. But sometimes I feel like I come across as coming on too strong. Maybe it's the lack of communications skills but I think I ask questions as if I were interviewing them which puts them on the spot. I'd really like to hangout with them more but I'm afraid of putting them in an uncomfortable situation by even suggesting of being there. It's not like they invite me to hangout with them either. I usually just ask to join for lunch sometimes and they'd say yes.

I don't think I remember if they ask questions about casual things outside of school like I do. I do not know if its that we are not close enough or that I simply am not really clicking with them. I don't even know if they like my company or if they just don't mind it.

What are your thoughts? Some advice would be very nice too, thanks
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Chops · 18-21, F
@allygator18 Maybe they do, but i dont think they like me enough to want to include me in anything
Move to a planet with no employees serving in jobs.
Chops · 18-21, F
@Roundandroundwego oh what a dream
Usually people will come out and tell you what they think of you. If not by words, by actions. Only wussies do not tell you the truth… I guess cause they are scared. Lol dunno 🤷‍♀️

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