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fun4us2b · M
Democrats need to directly call out and ask the right questions of their rivals:
Dem: So you don't approve of Abortion under any circumstances
Rep: No
Dem: I understand you have a 14 yo Daughter (etc)?
Rep: Yes
Dem: If God forbid she was raped and became pregnant, how would you feel about forcing her to have the baby of a criminal?
Rep - uh, uh....
There's no absolutes - it's a personal and situational decision - the only place I agree is that late term abortions should not happen unless life threatening.
Dem: So you don't approve of Abortion under any circumstances
Rep: No
Dem: I understand you have a 14 yo Daughter (etc)?
Rep: Yes
Dem: If God forbid she was raped and became pregnant, how would you feel about forcing her to have the baby of a criminal?
Rep - uh, uh....
There's no absolutes - it's a personal and situational decision - the only place I agree is that late term abortions should not happen unless life threatening.
checkoutanytime · M
@fun4us2b abortion is not illegal in any state. The only change is no more late term abortions, that get sent to disgusting science projects. Any pregnant woman knows shes in a place to have the child or not immediately, not months down the road of life.
bijouxbroussard · F
It’s pretty straightforward to me. You don’t get a say about any other medical procedures for total strangers. And it’s no "moral" position if all you’re contributing to the person’s well-being is an opinion. The so-called "pro-life" don’t adopt or foster in any higher numbers than anyone else.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@bijouxbroussard very well put
TrashCat · M
I debated writing a comment here. I hate abortion. I hate talking about it and I hate the politics of it. As a man and a gay man at that, I honestly feel that I do not have a say in this, but I do have a say as a voter when it comes down to legislation and laws. This is solely a woman's issue and no one has the right to tell them what to do with their own bodies. Unfortunately the people pushing this so called "Pro Life" agenda are religious zealots who are not only anti-abortion, they are also anti-LGBTQ and politicians use both these issues for votes.
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Rutterman · 46-50, M
My solution to this is to not discuss the issue publicly, or at least be very selective about who I discuss it with. I formed my views on the matter a long time ago and really don't have a lot of interest in what most people have to say about it.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@Rutterman Wise I suppose but it is broader than abortion people do it with race, sexuality, religion (just about anything that is personal) then use it for a war when really they don't care about any of the things they fighting for or against which means everyone just has to shut up to not end up with enemies.
latinbutterfly · F
@Rutterman Yeah. I only discuss it with those who I am close with and trust the most.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I never discuss some subjects here as it changes no one's mind that is made up on the subject.
I know what, I know and nobody will change my mind, if that makes them hate me, so be it.
I cannot be untrue to myself whomever that upsets.
I know what, I know and nobody will change my mind, if that makes them hate me, so be it.
I cannot be untrue to myself whomever that upsets.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
The abortion topic is the worst and the proliférs are viscous toward anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
bijouxbroussard · F
@Jenny1234 Neither have I. The pro-choice don’t care which choice the woman makes as long as she’s the one making it. I used to volunteer at PP and saw grown men yelling and spitting at girls and women coming to the clinic. Two of us would go out and escort them past that madness. And the protesters had no idea that some were coming in for affordable prenatal care, which that clinic offered. But it was none of their business, either way.
Yeah. Mandatory abortions for all women.
Problem solved.
Problem solved.
@SW-User what's mabdatory? 🤔
@SW-User Happy?
@SW-User very ☺️
It’s not complicated. You either support forced birthing or you don’t,
Freedom or authoritarian
Freedom or authoritarian
Henal · 26-30, F
Some people aren’t capable of having a mature debate without lashing out and resorting to personal attacks. Most of the time, it’s best to stay out of it. You can have your opinions, but only discuss them with those who are level-headed.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
It's because people don't actually care they just want to be heard and have to feel like they are right.. it's like picking a football team to some people, I support this so therefore the other team is the enemy.
Slade · 56-60, M
If people would limit their trysts to those like Paul Pelosi, this would never be an issue!
Slade · 56-60, M
LLB, that was a joke. Diversion from the darkness of the thread
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Slade sometimes a "joke" is really in poor taste!
Slade · 56-60, M
@samueltyler2 I'm sure your every evaluation said exactly that
Just think of the babies and their little hearts, bodies and futures
Iwillwait · M
Keep your thoughts to yourself and avoid all the hoopla.
WatchThis · 41-45, M
All off of America is in two camps right now and the other camp is wrong. I just keep reminding myself Idiocracy is a documentary from the future. Free thinkers have no place today. We’re just supposed to report to our camp and regurgitate the same lines everyone else is saying. I just stay out of it and let everyone hate each other
deadgerbil · 26-30
It's a very charged topic that has heavy implications. Very hard to talk about it without jumping into a lion's den
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Stand on what you believe. We’re not here to change public opinion, just live with our convictions!!
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
You can’t sit on the fence and go back and forth with this issue
Wiseacre · F
Don’t let it drive u crazy...avoid the topic!
Rilyn · 31-35, F
I avoid talking about it. No use whatsoever.
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Its a very hard issue which is hard for some people to be rational. Its very devisive. Some people have had an abortion so they can no longer be objective. Some people are highly moral and feel that abortion is murder. If you saw government sanctioned murder of babies wouldn't you be passionate?
Others see it as a womens rights issues where gov is trying to police the bodies of women. It all depends on how you view life and death. So many viewpoints.
Others see it as a womens rights issues where gov is trying to police the bodies of women. It all depends on how you view life and death. So many viewpoints.
latinbutterfly · F
@REMsleep I'm honestly torn because there are some pretty good points on both sides.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Life goes on.
empanadas · 31-35, M
That's politics in general nowdays.
latinbutterfly · F
@empanadas No kidding. These last 6 years have been pretty intense with MAGA, abortion, BLM, and COVID conspiracy theories.
empanadas · 31-35, M
@latinbutterfly yeah I tend to avoid those topics. They became tools to divide people instead of actually getting the problem solved.