SageWanderer · 70-79, M
Depressed that I can no longer do the things I like but too overwhelmed to dwell on it.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@SageWanderer I'm sorry to hear that. Sometimes we have to just cover our heads and run when the storm is too strong.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
@MySpiritEvolves I wish that running were an option.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@SageWanderer That was more metaphorically speaking "When it rains it pours". Only you know what actions would bring you closer to where you want to be.
Sending you love, and don't forget there is always a light in the darkness somewhere. ☯️
Sending you love, and don't forget there is always a light in the darkness somewhere. ☯️
Jungleman · M
not depressed but just thought i'd point out, it's *affect* not *effect*.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@Jungleman OMG thank you!! I need to get it together with those two words LOL
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Once I get in my mind to actually do something nothing really stops me.
The problem is to get into that state of mind and that takes motivation on a serious level.
When you have no motivation to change, you simply don't want change.
With no one in your life to motivate, there will be no change.
So when I say I have no kids, no wife, no family, or even no real life friends, then I also am saying I have no motivation to change.
Some would say that I am therefore depressed all the time. That also isn't true, because I do live a passable life if not even at the same level as the majority of people where I currently live.
Yet this society I fully understand really doesn't care about me as a person.
Please don't say you care. It's meaningless just by the fact your not here. Nor is anyone else that caring.
This lack of motivation/depression though does take a good part of my life. Around 40%.
I say all this because I suspect many on this site also suffer from such lack of motivation or depression. That is the reason why they are even here at all.
Few actually really care about those that are depressed.
The problem is to get into that state of mind and that takes motivation on a serious level.
When you have no motivation to change, you simply don't want change.
With no one in your life to motivate, there will be no change.
So when I say I have no kids, no wife, no family, or even no real life friends, then I also am saying I have no motivation to change.
Some would say that I am therefore depressed all the time. That also isn't true, because I do live a passable life if not even at the same level as the majority of people where I currently live.
Yet this society I fully understand really doesn't care about me as a person.
Please don't say you care. It's meaningless just by the fact your not here. Nor is anyone else that caring.
This lack of motivation/depression though does take a good part of my life. Around 40%.
I say all this because I suspect many on this site also suffer from such lack of motivation or depression. That is the reason why they are even here at all.
Few actually really care about those that are depressed.
AnOldFriend · 61-69, M
I'm unhappy I got drunk and was a bit rude to a couple people here yesterday, but I'm not beating myself up over it. I'm just trying to be a better person today.
I got fired for high blood pressure and a hernia, and that caused me to sink into a really deep depression. I found a family doctor who guided me in the right directions and with their help got disability for the high blood pressure, but I believe having depression helped speed up the process.
I took anti depressant meds for two years, but off them now and feel fine.
I got fired for high blood pressure and a hernia, and that caused me to sink into a really deep depression. I found a family doctor who guided me in the right directions and with their help got disability for the high blood pressure, but I believe having depression helped speed up the process.
I took anti depressant meds for two years, but off them now and feel fine.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@AnOldFriend I'm sorry you are going through that. Times will get better keep focusing on the light you will see it more and more.

Overall I am doing well but there are some days where I feel really low and seriously wonder about the purpose of living. So far I can manage to pull myself through that dark state of mind, fortunately.
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@SW-User Thats great! Its a skill you are building there, keep at it you got this 🥰
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
The longer I do nothing the worse it gets
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@caPnAhab Do you have an idea of what you would like to do to help it?
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@MySpiritEvolves more school, driver's license, etc.
Any sort of ambition for anything fulfilling would probably help
Any sort of ambition for anything fulfilling would probably help
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
@caPnAhab That really would be great! Taking a step forward helps diminish the intimidation of pain like this.
Yes it does, it makes it hard for me to function sometimes
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I'm starting to get the hang of it because I'm use to it. More like 80
Smileforall · 36-40, M
Yes but may we talk?