Dear psychics how Alabamian am I?
Poll - Total Votes: 15
20 percent the rest is Tennessean and Floridian DNA
80 percent Tennessean and 20 percent Alabamian
10 percent
5 percent the rest is Tennessean and Floridian and Georgian
15 percent, The police every breath you take is an Alabamian love song listen and embrace it
3 percent the rest is Tennessean and Mississippian and Georgian, North Carolinian
102 percent and 2 percent Tennessean that’s why you’re so beautiful and look good in your bikini
0.1 percent that’s from your mother’s side of the family
0.00000001 percent
None you are mostly Tennessean are you happy now?
20 percent mostly from Birmingham and Prattville and Gadsden, Orange beach and Pine level and Geneva
13 percent you inherit very smart genes from it. Your IQ is 666
1 percent contributes to your long hair and intelligence
None you are a Tennessean goddess that’s why you fart methane and swamp gas like the ancient gods
0% You are a Tennessean mountain and swamp goddess
0% I can smell swamp gas in your Tennessean stomach, you’re mostly Tennessean
Only 10 percent mostly from Baldwin and Jefferson County and Madison and Chilton
0% but you do have some DNA from the Florida Panhandle
0 percent
Only 2 percent
Only 2 percent, your mother is more Alabamian, classic rock and yacht rock are part of her family
20 percent the reason you like Toto Africa and love lion king, and you're smart
100 percent 0.1 percent Tennessean
40 percent
10 percent they lived in the mountains somewhere in Scottsboro and Gurley
You're Tennessean, good news
10 percent which makes you and your siblings intelligent
No you don’t fart hydrogen like the Alabamian gods do, you’re a Tennessean
None, scientists are using Alabamian manure to power rockets with hydrogen gas, you’re a Tennessean
102% that's why you're so smart and made of stardust, stop playing dumb star goddess embrace thyself
12% Library loving and smart intelligent Alabamians that were building rockets and cars embrace it
5% that's what makes you intelligent like a rocket scientist made of stardust
You may vote on multiple answers.