ineedadrink · 51-55, M
Remember, the answer is 42.
Trappedmermaidsoul · 26-30, F
@ineedadrink The meaning of life
This message was deleted by its author.
Whodunnit · M
It's a mistranslation anyway. I believe it's supposed to be 616
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Dear Reader,
I know you have some knowledge of the Mark of the Beast ( 666 ); but I was blown away at how much Satan's influence on this planet really is.
Rev 12:9
And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH
the WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
I want you to check out this vidieo that shows just how much our planet is under the influence
of Satan and the fallen angels, fast forward to 1:47. The site is:
The total vidieo is 8 hours long and after the 666 stuff, there is a lot of other great
info included. You don't have to watch all of it at a single sitting, which is what I did,
but I highly recommend that you watch the whole vidieo and use your GOD given
Higher Intelligence to discern the truth of it. I wouldn't steer you wrong!
If you enjoyed this vidieo and are interested in others; just click on Christopher's Corner and scroll down. If you scroll down all the way to the bottom and then click on 2 and scroll down,
I highly recommend that you watch the Karen Kingston vidieos that refer to the vax as a
bioweapon using nano-technology and little bots that change the mRNA into a digital
humanoid form.
Love, Light and Peace,
I know you have some knowledge of the Mark of the Beast ( 666 ); but I was blown away at how much Satan's influence on this planet really is.
Rev 12:9
And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH
the WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
I want you to check out this vidieo that shows just how much our planet is under the influence
of Satan and the fallen angels, fast forward to 1:47. The site is:
The total vidieo is 8 hours long and after the 666 stuff, there is a lot of other great
info included. You don't have to watch all of it at a single sitting, which is what I did,
but I highly recommend that you watch the whole vidieo and use your GOD given
Higher Intelligence to discern the truth of it. I wouldn't steer you wrong!
If you enjoyed this vidieo and are interested in others; just click on Christopher's Corner and scroll down. If you scroll down all the way to the bottom and then click on 2 and scroll down,
I highly recommend that you watch the Karen Kingston vidieos that refer to the vax as a
bioweapon using nano-technology and little bots that change the mRNA into a digital
humanoid form.
Love, Light and Peace,
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArcAngel Here we go with the empty threats.
Listen, you spam-happy virus lover. Take your tinfoil hat bullshit someplace where people are gullible enough to fall for it. Stop spamming it here. You've promoted that video more than 30 times in the last 24 hours in separate comments. What's worse is, you've lied about it and said you've only done it twice.
Listen, you spam-happy virus lover. Take your tinfoil hat bullshit someplace where people are gullible enough to fall for it. Stop spamming it here. You've promoted that video more than 30 times in the last 24 hours in separate comments. What's worse is, you've lied about it and said you've only done it twice.
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
This information is for God's people, NOT YOU!
I am tiered of speaking with you, you are boring.
This information is for God's people, NOT YOU!
I am tiered of speaking with you, you are boring.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArcAngel Said the spammer who can't even pay attention to the terms of service on the website he signed up for.
You agreed not to spam the site with your BS. Here you are doing it. Hence, your word is no good. Hence, you are a liar.
You agreed not to spam the site with your BS. Here you are doing it. Hence, your word is no good. Hence, you are a liar.
Synyster · 51-55, M
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty-six
For it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty-six
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scrood · 31-35
It's the word of God
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
666 refers to the physical plane. Satan has rule over the
physical plane because he was cast out of heaven.
physical plane because he was cast out of heaven.
NoGamesTolerated · F
@ArcAngel the Bible tells us 666 is the number of man
New King James Version
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666 (Revelation 13:18)
Satan certainly has rule over the earth to a high degree (Hence he is called the prince of this world) but God is ultimately and supremely in control. I will watch your video. 🙂
New King James Version
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666 (Revelation 13:18)
Satan certainly has rule over the earth to a high degree (Hence he is called the prince of this world) but God is ultimately and supremely in control. I will watch your video. 🙂
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
Trappedmermaidsoul · 26-30, F
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
I know you have some knowledge of the Mark of the Beast ( 666 ); but I was blown away at how much Satan's influence on this planet really is.
Rev 12:9
And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH
the WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
I want you to check out this vidieo that shows just how much our planet is under the influence
of Satan and the fallen angels, fast forward to 1:47. The site is:
The total vidieo is 8 hours long and after the 666 stuff, there is a lot of other great
info included. You don't have to watch all of it at a single sitting, which is what I did,
but I highly recommend that you watch the whole vidieo and use your GOD given
Higher Intelligence to discern the truth of it. I wouldn't steer you wrong!
If you enjoyed this vidieo and are interested in others; just click on Christopher's Corner and scroll down. If you scroll down all the way to the bottom and then click on 2 and scroll down,
I highly recommend that you watch the Karen Kingston vidieos that refer to the vax as a
bioweapon using nano-technology and little bots that change the mRNA into a digital
humanoid form.
Love, Light and Peace,
I know you have some knowledge of the Mark of the Beast ( 666 ); but I was blown away at how much Satan's influence on this planet really is.
Rev 12:9
And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH
the WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
I want you to check out this vidieo that shows just how much our planet is under the influence
of Satan and the fallen angels, fast forward to 1:47. The site is:
The total vidieo is 8 hours long and after the 666 stuff, there is a lot of other great
info included. You don't have to watch all of it at a single sitting, which is what I did,
but I highly recommend that you watch the whole vidieo and use your GOD given
Higher Intelligence to discern the truth of it. I wouldn't steer you wrong!
If you enjoyed this vidieo and are interested in others; just click on Christopher's Corner and scroll down. If you scroll down all the way to the bottom and then click on 2 and scroll down,
I highly recommend that you watch the Karen Kingston vidieos that refer to the vax as a
bioweapon using nano-technology and little bots that change the mRNA into a digital
humanoid form.
Love, Light and Peace,
Convivial · 26-30, F
For whatever reason someone said in the Bible 666 is the number of the beast... Don't know why... Numerology pending has an answer
NoGamesTolerated · F
@Convivial John the author of Revelation said it. It (6) is the number of man… and I dunno but 3 times…I’m thinking it’s indicative of the false trinity: Devil, Antichrist and his false prophet which imitates the holy Trinity.. Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
And there are many different isotopes of carbon, that's just picking one of the other ones.

It's a mistake. The true 'number of the beast' is 616, not 666..
Adstar · 56-60, M
666 is the number of the name of the end times Anti-christ known in the Bible as the Beast..
The number it'self is not evil.. The Bible never says the actual number is evil.. But the man will be evil and will do a lot of evil on earth when he comes to power..
The number it'self is not evil.. The Bible never says the actual number is evil.. But the man will be evil and will do a lot of evil on earth when he comes to power..
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Intriguing because a six-pointed star is a Jewish symbol which can well be figured as six six six! 🤣
And they complain about pentagrams and pentacles which had no basis on the number 666! 😈
And they complain about pentagrams and pentacles which had no basis on the number 666! 😈

MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
It's just religious symbolism, 6 is one short of 7 which is the divine number. If anyone could prove exactly what it means then it would be plastered all around the world because it's literally somewhat of a riddle in the bible.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Militant anti lifers
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
More Satanic child sex trafficing! At:
Watch the vidieo-Cages-Epic Human Trafficking Truth and pray for these people and
the children!
Love, Light and Peace,
Watch the vidieo-Cages-Epic Human Trafficking Truth and pray for these people and
the children!
Love, Light and Peace,
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArcAngel More spamming of bullshit at:
ArcAngel · 61-69, M
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@ArcAngel That's too bad, because I'm just getting started with your bullshit.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
Numerology is dumb to begin with, but the satanworsrshiping idiots use it, wich makes it automatically unworthy of recognition.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
The number of a man. 😆
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