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Starmaiden · 56-60, F
God is Love...personified.
Starmaiden · 56-60, F
@PleasurePunch Start with yourself. You gotta lead if you want followers.
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PleasurePunch · 100+
@Starmaiden no how bout YOU

Of course God is a person. He even has a personality. We talk to Him, not some animal. He was born in the flesh that makes him a person and just because he died and resurrected from the dead, doesn't make him less of a person. He showed the disciples that it was He who had risen from the dead. He even showed himself for a few days before he ascended into heaven to go back to His Father in Heaven after his mission was accomplished here on earth.

He asked Thomas to see the nail prints in his hands and feet and later he ascended into heaven in his new spiritual body just as we do, when we die. He was showing us what happens to us upon death, that we live on in our new spiritual body. Will we stop being a person just because we die? No! Jesus promised that we would be resurrected just as he was. Our spirit lives on.

The personhood of all three persons of the Godhead is affirmed in the Bible. God the Father has a mind (Isaiah 55:8–9), will (1 Thessalonians 5:18;Ephesians 5:15–17), and emotions (Psalm 103:13). Jesus, the Son of God, has a mind (Luke 2:52), will (Luke 22:42), and emotions (John 11:35). The Holy Spirit also has a mind (Romans 8:27), will (Romans 8:5), and emotions (Ephesians 4:30). He is love personified. And when we receive His Holy Spirit, we too, share the the same Spirit of love.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together to accomplish God's purposes and plans (Hebrews 9:14). Not only is God a person, He exists as three persons in One.
Alyosha · 31-35, M
God is a person, yes.
WillieT · 61-69, M
I think of God as the infinite and eternal creator and caretaker of the multiverse, but people do prefer to think of Him in a manner they can relate to.
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
I believe God is a Living Being but not a person
4meAndyou · F
Jesus taught us that God the Father is a Spirit. He also taught us that He, Jesus, existed before the foundation of the world. Jesus became human, but He, as part of God, always existed. Therefore Jesus is and was both Spirit and Person.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Thank you.

Is your dog's name Anubis, by any chance...? 🤔

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Sometimes I don't believe in him and sometimes I do. But it's not that important to me. I just try to do my best.
Carazaa · F
❤️ Yes He visited us!
This video explains it completely to those who choose to not think for themselves ☺️
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As close as I can express my own opinion, the ultimate source, itself ineffable, expresses itself as persons.
There need not be a giant invisible man in the sky for us to experience love
God is whatever you want Her Him It to be
PleasurePunch · 100+
probably not but my dog is!
Renaci · 36-40
Yeah he was once a person. In the old testament he would walk around, meet people, fight them, then kick them in the nuts when he was losing. So yeah he was a person. And immoral one.
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val70 · 51-55
@Emosaur Sorry, I don't understand the question. Are you alluding back to the discussion of the holocaust again? In short, people with faith are different to you. Like people with dark skin aren't called white. Everyone agrees on that because we need to stay civil living in a society where there are both rights and duties for everyone. I defended my country as a soldier, so yes, I can shoot a gun and know when to do that. I've been trained. But I'm off to sleep now. Have a good one!
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