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Is it worth having faith, will my world ever change

So looking at the date and is 7/12/2020 and wow its been a long year and still its not over oh my god will my life ever change. I have worked very hard the past 2 years to change my life my families life but everything Ive done i dont know if i will ever see that work ... i just sit day in day out waiting for some sort of movement but then nothing and i look at God straight in his eyes and say really god why are you still keeping me like this i have been waiting so long for you and you feel like you never will come. Im so tired but with everything in my power i hold on . Seriously im so tired but i put my handa together everyday and ask god pls bring the love of my life please help with everything with my life and day i cry in my soul for help and nothing comes and i question myself and my faith and really question my life. Everyone seems to get help from god but i fins when it comes to me its a problem and its unnerving me but still i sit and wait and im so frustrated and angry but i just keep it in and hold my faith. But i really do feel like ending it all. Just do a prayer to end the whole universe everything in it the sun moon stars. I dont even have the words anymore to express what it is Im going through.
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HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M Best Comment
Suck it up
Queenk3 · 31-35, F
@HannibalMontanimal sometimes just need to hear that

SharingIsCaringSB · 26-30, F
It is worth having faith. Just be patient. God’s timing is perfect. Trust in Him. He wants what is best for all of us. He does not want anyone to suffer. After all, we are His creations.
Ynotisay · M
@SharingIsCaringSB Then why do so many suffer? Why have so many pastors and religious people died from Covid? Why?
Queenk3 · 31-35, F
@Ynotisay Seriously thats what am asking why so much suffering if there is a God.
Ynotisay · M
@Queenk3 Well, as an atheist, I can say why suffering exists. And that it exists with or without gods. Just like joy, kindness and morality. But that's on the individual to discover. And when they do, they usually see that there's a lot strength that comes from it. I can't tell you what you to to believe. I can say that there's options. You run you. Good luck.
gregloa · 61-69, M
It could always be worse. If you want answers, look to his Word and if you’re really sincere his Word will give you answers. But you have to be 100%. God can’t be fooled and he isn’t a hypocrite so don’t be one yourself. Then if you’re ready to deny yourself you have to obey the gospel and Jesus’s commands to share in his inheritance. Then God will look into your heart and according to what he sees he will call you into Jesus Christ Church
Ynotisay · M
So god is a like a magician with a magic wand? Maybe you can start to look at where the answers are REALLY found. Yourself.
Sazzio · 36-40, M
Two years!? Lady, try 8 years of hardship. THEN life will give u something.
Queenk3 · 31-35, F
@Sazzio oh its not only been 2 years its been a very long time almost 15/16years its just the last 2 years the truth hit me bang smack.
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M
I feel your pain

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