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Why do you fail to accept the theory of evolution? [Spirituality & Religion]

Do you understand it and still reject it? That i don't have much of a problem with.
But there are WAY too many creationists who say things like "evolution is just a theory!" and " if we evolved from apes, why are there still apes?!"

In short, their rejection comes from a place of ignorance.
I would love to clarify any issues with evolution you might have
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Still preaching your religion I see. Bwahahahahahaha What a goof.

Materialism/evolution states:
In the beginning was nothing.
And nothing happened to nothing for a very long time
Until suddenly for no reason whatsoever
nothing exploded and became everything
Still later bits of everything again for no reason at all
got together and formed dinosaurs.
@newjaninev2: Oh yeah! You 🤣seem to be a real master of simplicity! 🤣
If you want to be a nasty little person,
@MetalGreymon: Then enjoy yourself. Somehow the villains don't see their villainy and the monsters don't see that they are monsters.
Let my closing statement be
Religious atheists really suck.
I just hope that those of you playing the 'smug game' here, aren't like those two little bully pricks that used the system to offend as many people as they possibly could out of pure religious devotion to atheism.
Good night.
MetalGreymon · 36-40, M

Very compelling. Thanks for you input.😒
the fact that things have similarities shows the work of one
work evolve
one thing flow into another
one idea change into another
I refuse to believe that everything from one cell organisms to intelligence and intricate thought out systems(on earth and in the heavens) come from something less than awesome
if you say evolution
I say ok yes
but it's all in Awesome hands
it is his work
it's not all perchance
good q Celine
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@JustImagine: As you haven't been following, allow me to briefly summarise.

1. The unsupported claim that some or other magical entity is in any way involved in evolution remains just that... an unsupported claim.

2. Furthermore, the claim itself is unnecessary.

3. Accordingly, we can dispense with it.
You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink it.
Is it a failure to not accept a theory?
I understand the theory and I believe most people understand the theory they either reject it, embrace it, or say they do not know. just said twice it was a theory and then condemned people who say the same thing?
How is it ignorant when they say it is a theory but not ignorant when you do?
So why not answer the why are there still apes one?
I am not saying it is the best question in the world to ask, but you set that up for rejection and then said you'd clarify any questions?
Can you clarify all questions and is that not a bit arrogant?
Just saying something is ignorant because they do not agree does not necessarily make it ignorant...unless you are saying everyone who does not believe in evolution is ignorant and that seems a bit narrow minded.
@newjaninev2: That is not what she has written and if you cannot defend what you have written what is the point?
This ends like all things end in an endless debate where no minds are changed and everyone is at each other's throats.
People do not have to accept any theory they do not wish, that is their right.
Since this theory cannot be reproduced in a laboratory...then theory is the right word, but again not going to argue this all day we will never agree.If people want to think they won, they can it really is not that big of a deal to me, except for the fact that people will excuse language for their own group they will not tolerate in the opposing one.
I hope you have a great day.
I really do.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@justmerae: There's no need for an endless debate, and we can avoid any such thing simply by examining our use of the word 'theory'.

Science starts with observation. We look at the world, and we notice things. Many of these things seem to be related, and so we try to come up with an explanation as to how they’re related. This explanation is called a Theory… we can think of these as ‘Big T’ Theories, because they are based on demonstrable evidence and they have wide explanatory power. Scientists then test the Theory in order to prove that it is wrong. This is an important point, and it seems to constantly confuse non-scientists. Science doesn’t try to prove that a Theory is correct. Science tries to prove that the Theory is wrong, and the Theory is accepted only so long as we are unable to show that it is wrong.

Contrast this with our everyday ‘theories’ (my neighbour is probably cheating on her taxes… my friend is having an affair), which are simply vague hunches or convenient fictions - we can think of those as small-t theories. Usually we go looking for evidence to support these ‘theories’, and it is common for us to ignore evidence that contradicts them. It seems to me that it's these vague hunches or convenient fictions that people have in mind when they say that evolution is ‘just a theory’.

You’ll hear people say “Science has proven that this is true”. Only the advertisers say this. You’ll also hear “Science has not proven that this is true”. This shows a lack of awareness of how science works. Science has never proven that something is true, because science never tries to prove that anything is true. Science tries to disprove its own theories, and accepts those theories only so long as they can’t be disproved.

Some people claim that the Theory of Evolution is not a real theory because ‘it cannot be falsified’. This is a nonsense. So, what would falsify the Theory of Evolution? Well, if we opened up a stratum of the Earth’s crust that was laid down, say, 100 million years ago and found there the fossilised remains of a modern-day giraffe, then the Theory of Evolution would have a fatal problem. The same would apply if we found fossils out of place in the Earth’s strata. Every single fossil puts the Theory of Evolution at risk, and yet, despite the hundreds of millions of fossils on the record, the Theory still stands. We never see a ‘modern’ rabbit (as an example) suddenly appearing in fossils formed, say, 60 million years ago.

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is drawn from the evidence… and the evidence we continue to gather consistently fails to falsify it.
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InvaderNice · 26-30, M
I appreciate that you say understanding it whilst rejecting it is okay.

Personally I'm agnostic and I tend to lean toward christianity. I think that evolution never has happened and never will happen on a measurable level, but (here's where it gets confusing) I think it has had happened.

In other words, God created things with their evolutionary features, but skipped the evolution process. I hope that makes sense. It's like if I ask you to create a perfect boyfriend, you're not going to make him a fetus and wait for him to grow up; you're just gonna make him the age you want him to be.

And that's what God did. He made the Earth and its inhabitants already old and evolved upon creation.

Does that make sense?

Also, tell those people that we didn't come from apes lol. That's a myth.
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InvaderNice · 26-30, M
@Celine: Oh I see what you're saying. I didn't say I believe that; I said I think it. I'm fully aware of the possibility that God doesn't even exist.
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MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
You still talking about this shit.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Celine: You have no proof. Nothing to counter. I win.
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mykonos · 22-25, T
They don't realize that they can still follow their religion and believe in evolution at the same time.
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MikefromEP · 56-60, M
Apes are the back up plan when humans kill themselves off and the planet has time to repair the damage
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I see ape-like creatures on a daily basis.
ForeverOnMyGuard · 22-25, F
Actually human evolution was sped up by an alien race so that one day we would be an acceptable meal for to eat to gain strength in order to cover and destroy the planet and send it's seeds out into space to find another planet with a suitable species
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
@ForeverOnMyGuard: So that's why I have blue eyes :O
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tjo267 · 41-45, M
Gravity is a theory as well.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
@tjo267: if you believe that try jumping off a building
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lorne13 · 61-69, M
@Celine: ha!
lorne13 · 61-69, M
lately, accepting reality has gone out of fashion
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You're a neon sign! You're awesome though! I'll leave you alone. I just want you to be able to look inside yourself without cringing.
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