Did The Birds Actually Got Shed Of Their Dinosaur Skins

Are dinosaurs birds? Most evolutionists would say yes, and they confidently write textbooks, script science programs, and produce toys that feature dinosaurs with feathers and classify dinosaurs alongside birds. But, as AiG researchers have demonstrated, there are huge differences between birds and dinosaurs, and the so-called “feathered dinosaurs” are either dinosaurs with filaments (which are not feathers) or just birds that are labeled dinosaurs.
And it’s not just our scientists who believe this. Others, including experts in the field, argue that “feathered dinos” were just “secondarily flightless birds.” A recent article from the intelligent-design site Evolution News shares about one specific, very well-preserved bird fossil that challenges evolutionary assumptions about dinosaur-to-bird evolution. The article explains,
But this generated a problem: the new dinosaur appeared to be nested deeply in the tree of feathered dinosaurs, so that its reduced plumage cannot be a primitive state but has to be a secondary reduction from a more complete set of feathers. Furthermore, the bone structures of the shoulder articulation showed that the animal was not capable of flapping its arms or wings. This is even more perplexing, as this case of reduced flight adaptations predates the famous missing link Archaeopteryx. Consequently, the press release to the new study . . . announced that this fossil “challenges bird evolution theory” and suggested “that the origin of flight was much more complex than previously thought.”
In other words, that fossil is yet another “out-of-order” fossil in the evolutionary worldview (although evolutionists have unsuccessfully tried to explain it away). It doesn’t match with the evolutionary timeline of when certain features are thought to have evolved. But instead of questioning the evolutionary presuppositions, they’ll just modify the story . . . again.
I remember when Bill Nye, “the science guy,” told me that one out-of-place fossil would prove evolution was wrong. Well, such fossils are routinely found, but all that happens is that the evolutionary story is adjusted to fit the new evidence. And besides, I gave an example of an out-of-place fossil to Bill Nye, and he ignored it.
Dinosaurs were not birds. They were created on day six of creation week; birds were created on day five. I encourage you to learn more about the topic by checking out this video from our recent dinosaur conference:
by Ken Ham on November 25, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog
Why would God create such an insignificant process like evolution to change dinosaurs into birds? He created Birds before He created dinosaurs.