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Spirituality: I feel it is needed now more than ever.

Before I write my post, I wanted to tell you guys what 'Spirituality' and what the term 'Spiritual' means to me.

In my opinion, spirituality comes from our cognitive function, intuition. Our intuition is the bridge to all things spiritual. Intuition is what gives us hunches about people, places, things and also sometimes gives us images in our mind's eye, feelings and "ah-ha!" moments of clarity and answers out of nowhere.

I believe this is the foundation of spirituality and that many confuse morality with spirituality. I believe it is absolutely possible to be spiritual and yet, not moral.

To be spiritual [in my opinion] means to believe you can see behind the viel of most, if not all things in life...and that your perspective of life is interpreted by what you divine via your intuition. (God, Your Higher Self, The Universe, or whatever you believe it is that leads and guides you onto the right path.)

Some people are very spiritual, meaning they believe they can see behind the viel and choose this characteristic and perspective they have for good. Meanwhile, you have another set of people who are spiritual but choose to use what they see, know and more to manipulate others and for things that most of us would deem evil.

Why Spirituality Is Important

In my opinion, it is spirituality that is totally important because it often promotes a dialogue between our conscious minds and the collective unconscious. Usually, when we are on a spiritual journey, we end up thinking about what's beyond our everyday lives and about what truly matters. We become more concerned with gaining the truth, no matter what source it comes from - in every area of life...even in areas that are hidden to the majority of society. (Such as other dimensions and things.)

Spirituality has the potential to make us less materialistic and we realize that all of us will head to the grave, what we've put our energy into will be the only thing we can take with us - consciousness. God energy.

God energy [in my own words] is the essence of life. It is what keeps the Universe and everything within it running. It is the fuel behind different dimensions. Yet, it is not God as in one big man sitting and waiting to judge. It is genderless. It is consciousness. It is the essence of life itself.

To me, whether someone uses spirituality for good or bad, (according to us because we each have different opinions on what is good or bad) the one thing spirituality does do, is unite us on seeking truths, for whatever reasons or motives we may have.

Truth in every form, first and foremost is what's most important to me.

The Internet Age Reaches Its Peak

At this point, the age of the internet and AI has reached its peak, which is why I feel we need spirituality more than ever. Humanity is losing itself to technology and becoming less naturally human, which to inherently spiritual.

More and more people are becoming less of who the Universe birthed them as, [meaning natural thoughts and feelings] and instead are acting against their own nature for views, clicks, 15 minutes of fame and so forth.

Spirituality is about being totally human and in touch with your emotions and thoughts, in balance with each other. Yet, the internet age is encouraging everybody to be apathetic and used to bullying strangers for entertainment that society is the furthest from natural it's ever been. My prediction and fear is that this will get worse and worse until humanity destroys itself.

This is why I want everybody reading this and anyone who would hear my messages to know - that if my message resonates with you...get back into meditation. Do chakra balances. Connect with your 3rd eye and crown chakras and especially make sure those are good.

This is the message 'God' has for me as well. I have gotten so far away from who I authentically am and always have been because I've been using my phone to put my energy into nonsensical things that have nothing to do with being a human being. All for a quick laugh.

Yet, here I sit...remembering.. Remembering how much spirituality used to keep me on track, keep my relationships in perspective and it was always something I could lean on when the world around me seemed chaotic.

A few groups I had been in were destroyed and there is more sensory of certain kinds of information from back when I first started joining spiritual communities in the 2000s. We are not allowed to openly discuss certain topics anymore and evidence of certain things have been wasted away.

Yet, it still shouldn't stop me and shouldn't have stopped me from staying in touch with this part of me. This is the part of me that helps me naturally get a good rest at night instead of using prescription medications. (I am not speaking for or against, I personally just want to limit my intake as much as I can.)

No matter what the world is doing around us, taking time to go within and keeping our spirituality very close to our hearts is important, especially now. A time has never been more important than it is in this very moment.

Major changes are coming between 2025-2027. This is only my intuitive prediction and it is important, if this message resonates with you to make peace within yourself at least once a week. re-evaluate where you're directing your energy and to put more energy into setting time aside for nature, your chakras, yourself, and anything else inside of your spirituality. 💜

Nobody's perfect so always be gentle with yourself. You are human so allow yourself to feel and give yourself grace. But always stay in touch with your intuition,...your spirituality. It will show you things. <3
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Interesting. I don't bang on about spirituality but I do try to look beyond the everyday to find a connection with the deeper part of the universe whatever that is. I try to do some kind of personal meditation on that every day.
rredcrush · 31-35, FNew
@OldBrit Whatever resonates and works for you is most important. 💜
Ferric67 · M
I couldn't agree with you more

As a matter of fact, the radio show that I was just listening to as I was driving to work talked about this.
The show is called Coast to Coast
rredcrush · 31-35, FNew
@Ferric67 Ill see if I can get that radio station.. it sounds familiar. 💜
Ferric67 · M
@rredcrush it goes off air right before 5 am eastern time
It keeps me company as I drive 30 miles to work in the morning
wintersecret · 41-45, M
Life is beautiful to live.
Thats the best way to see through during tough times
rredcrush · 31-35, FNew
@wintersecret I agree, it's helped me personally through the toughest of times. 💜✨
wintersecret · 41-45, M
@rredcrush thats the way of life
I think the best of life is the future cannot be know.n So I strive to live in the present.
DarkXtecy · 36-40, M
Why does this feel like a copy and paste from a blog post....🤔

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