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True Scientists Recognize The Source Of Science


Of Coarse, the true source of science is the one true God. Some believe otherwise even though the evidence doesn't give testimony to their belief. These debates, if you can call them debates, are meant to find out what's right and not who's right. Who's right are for arguments which I've learned to steer from since they're senseless, worthless, and never really get at the Truth of what is right. I'm here to present of what God says about science and other human affairs and to set the facts straight. The opposing team, however, has yet to provide any kind of support for what they think is true; some try to get into those senseless arguments that I've pointed out earlier. Whatever their reason is, we'll never know. Enjoy the video.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
yet to provide any kind of support for what they think is true

and what is that?

Aren't you asking me to provide evidential support for what I think is not true?

Gosh, we're going to be here for a very long time.

There are pink unicorns living in an ice-cave in the Mojave Desert... I think that's not true.

There is an elephant hiding in a left-luggage locker at Waterloo Station in London... I think that's not true.

(let me know when I get to the end of the list, OK?)
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@jshm2 so... what is he asking? Incidentally... what assertions?
Convivial · 26-30, F
And that's why Galileo was forced to recant on his sun centric theory ....
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Earth happens to be there one in a trillion planets by luck or shall I say probability. The atmosphere of Earth is also a probability / By luck. How lucky are we people = 1/hunderd trillionth and yet our luck is outshining everything.

Looks like lucknis also biased to give Earth a fully developed living system out of so many. On top of that, many asteroids come and go, They kept striking the moon but the same luck of Atheists saves us from asteroid attacks. Otherwise it was so easy for any other planet getting disintegrated by its volcanoes and fall towards the Earth. But somehow That luck does not want to impact Earth.

In short, Atheists know nothing and they will just keep claiming Earth as a combination of probabilities going so strong. This makes Atheists a good comic character.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@JimboSaturn I don't get the 13 trillion times thing
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@DanielsASJ I figure of speech to mean a lot.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@DanielsASJ There are an estimated 2 trillion galaxies. The Milky Way galaxy alone has 100 to 200 billion stars. Astronomers are finding that many stars have planets revolving around them, and some are located at the right distance from the star to support liquid water. Astronomers have tried to estimate the probability of life in the universe beyond Earth (the Drake Equation is a well-known example) and it appears likely that we are not alone.

I love your erroneous and misinformed asteroid example. Small asteroids hit the earth every day, contributing to the 15,000 tons of extraterrestrial material that ends up on earth every year. Large ones hit much less frequently, but they do occur, including the one(s) that hit about 66 million years ago and ended the Cretaceous Period.

We know Mars had liquid water on the surface and an atmosphere that allowed it to persist for millions of years. Liquid water still exists on Mars deep beneath the surface. We haven't found life there yet, but it would not be surprising at all if we did.
@GodSpeed63 begins
True Scientists ...

Land sakes!! I think I smell a 'No True Scotsman' fallacy coming down the pike🤣😂😝🤣😂

newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Incidentally... I have previously pointed out to you that John Lennox is not a scientist... he's a mere camp-follower
tenente · 100+, M
hey guys, how's it going?

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