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7 Traits of a Godly Man According to the Bible. Qualities that attract God's blessing

Piety is like a deep breath for our soul, like wings that lift us to the heights of spiritual understanding and intimacy with God. It is not just a set of religious practices, but a state of mind and heart that leads us to an authentic relationship with the Divine source. In the life of every believer there is a desire to deepen the relationship with God and develop piety. The path of piety is the key to a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and achieving a true relationship with God. In today's video, we'll look at the seven characteristics of a godly person that are integral to an authentic relationship with God. By understanding these characteristics, we can set out on a path of imitating these patterns in order to please God more and more.


Number one, honesty. Honesty is an inherent quality of a godly man. In the Book of Proverbs we read: "He who walks honestly walks in safety, and he who is perverse in his ways will be revealed." This wise biblical phrase reminds us that honesty leads us to a safe and trustworthy life. Honesty is like a shining light that it illuminates our paths and protects us from the winding paths that can lead us astray.

It is through honesty, choosing the straight and ethical path, that we build lasting relationships, both with God and with those around us. Being honest is not always easy. be tempted to take shortcuts, hide the truth, or engage in dishonest practices that promise quick gains, but a devout person, aware of his faithfulness to God, chooses honesty even in the face of difficulties and temptations, knowing that the consequences of dishonesty can be severe and lead to loss of trust, relationships, and inner peace
Number Two, Truthfulness Truthfulness is like the spark that lights up our
relationships and leads us along paths of honesty. In the book of Proverbs we read: "A lying mouth is detestable to the Lord, but he delights in those who tell the truth." This biblical passage shows us how important truthfulness is in our spiritual life. God, being the foundation truth of, delights in people who confess and act on the truth. Truthfulness not only builds trust in our relationships with others, but above all it is an expression of our faithfulness to God. It is a testimony of our integrity, which is revealed both in words and actions.

This is often a challenge because in life we ​​are tempted to lie, distort facts or manipulate. However, a godly person realizes that truthfulness is an essential part of spiritual maturity. Through truthfulness, we discover our true identity and participate in building God's kingdom on earth.
Number three, humility. Humility is like a blessed tree that roots our hearts in wisdom and harmony. The book of proverbs says: “Pride follows shame; but with the humble there is wisdom." This biblical passage reveals to us how important humility is in our spiritual life. Pride leads to destruction, but humility brings wisdom that leads us on the path of true growth and understanding. A godly person realizes that humility is an attitude that opens us up to God's teachings and helps us take our true place in relationship with God.
Being humble means recognizing that we are not the center of the universe and that our dependence on God is essential. The humble man realizes his limitations and his dependence on God's grace. He accepts his weaknesses and remorse, seeking wisdom and spiritual growth. Humility is also the key to harmonious relationships with other people. Through humility we learn respect and understanding. A humble man does not strive to exalt himself above others, but to build bridges of understanding and mutual care. May our humility help us grow in wisdom, opening us to God's teachings and the voice of His Holy Spirit.

Number four, responsibility. Responsibility is the force that drives us to act and accept the consequences of our actions. In the letter to the Galatians we read: "Each one will bear his own burden." This biblical passage shows how important it is to be responsible for your actions and decisions. A godly person understands that he cannot escape his responsibility and the consequences of his choices. He realizes that he will bear the brunt of his conduct, both with God and with men. As an example of responsibility, we can turn to the story of Zacchaeus, described in the Gospel according to Saint Luke. Zacchaeus, was a publican, led a dishonest life, hurting other people. However, when he met Jesus, he felt remorse and decided to make amends for his mistakes. He promised to repay those he had hurt and showed a willingness to repair the damage for which he was responsible.

Responsibility is not only accepting the consequences of mistakes, but also taking appropriate action to right the wrongs we have caused to others. A godly person is aware of his influence on others and acts in a way that brings about goodness and justice. Let our responsibility lead us to repair the wrongs we have done and to take actions that bring good to our fellow human beings.
Number Five, Self Control. Self-control is like a strong fortress that enables us to control our desires and choose the right path. As the Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians: "Walk by the spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. " A godly person understands that he has the power to choose and the ability to control his desires and urges. Self-control does not mean suppressing our desires, but managing them harmoniously and in accordance with spiritual values. We are people who experience a variety of desires and temptations every day.

Self-control allows us to look at them from the perspective of faith and reason, so that we are not their slaves. With self-control, we can make informed decisions and choose a path that is consistent with our spiritual values ​​and love for God. Let self-control be our beacon, reminding us that we have the power to choose and the ability to control our desires. Let our self-control guide us to balance our lives, to choose worthwhile goals, and to direct our actions in accordance with God's will.

Number six, Forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the most difficult but necessary qualities of a godly person. Yet this is what God is calling us to. Let us recall it
Let us recall the words of Jesus Christ, from the Gospel according to Saint Matthew: "For if you forgive people their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive people, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions. " This biblical passage shows how important forgiveness is in our spiritual life. A godly person understands that forgiveness is an integral part of our faith and relationship with God.

Forgiveness allows us to release the burden of resentment, hatred, and pain, opening the door to healing and reconciliation. Forgiveness is an act of will in which we choose to let go of resentment and choose the path of mercy and reconciliation. It is a process that requires strength and courage, but brings liberation and renewal for both us and those we forgive. An example of forgiveness is Jesus' attitude on the cross when he said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Jesus taught us about the power and value of forgiveness, even in the face of the greatest injustice. Let our hearts be ready to forgive others, regardless of how great their harm was. May our forgiveness open the way to reconciliation and renewal of relationships, both with God and with our neighbors. May our forgiveness contribute to building love and peace, which are the foundation of our piety and authentic relationship with God
Number Seven, Love. Love is a force that permeates every aspect of our lives. It is the universal language of the heart that transcends language, culture and social barriers. Love is a gift from God Himself, which is revealed in relationships, actions and attitudes. It is the deepest expression of our spirituality and authentic connection to the divine source of love. Love has the power to heal and transform. When we love others, we open ourselves to their needs, their joys and their suffering. Love allows us to grow in empathy and compassion, giving us the ability to act for others. Through love, we can be rays of light that dispel darkness and bring hope where there is none.

However, love is not only a positive feeling, but also a challenge. Love requires us to be willing to forgive, be kind and support others even in difficult times. Sometimes love requires sacrifice and commitment. It is an attitude that raises us above our own needs and focuses on the good of others. In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.†This biblical passage shows how important love is in our spiritual life. A godly person understands that love is the foundation of our faith and relationship with God. Love is not just a feeling, but also an attitude that manifests itself in our relationships with other people.
Jesus taught us that love should not be limited to those who love us, but should include even our enemies. In the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, Jesus says: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." It is a challenge that calls us to go beyond our comfortable limits and practice love without limits. In the life of Jesus we see the perfect example of love. His life, teaching and sacrifice of the cross are the greatest expression of God's love for us. Love is also inseparable from our faith and hope.

As the Apostle Paul wrote in the first letter to the Corinthians: "Now faith, hope and love abide, these three, and the greatest of these is love." Love is the highest expression of our piety and genuine intimacy
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I strongly agree with these seven virtues but i don't believe in the god of the bible for reasons that are beyond the scope of this post and I am not here to debate atheism, simply to point out that people of various fates or ideology can agree with these virtues. it reminds me of Immanuel Kant , he said that people act morally for three reasons: either to be seen acting morally (for some sort of reward or status), or out of fear of autority (fear of punishment) or they act morally because they actually believe in acting this way regardless of rewards or punishments. even someone who believes in God should consider that avoiding sin in order to please God is not bad but doing it because you actualy want to has more value. for example one man wants to steal but doesn't do it because someone (or god) is watching compared to someone who doesn't steal because he knows it will cause emotional pain to someone or deprive someone of enjoying it, who can be said to be the better man ?
masterofyou · 70-79, M
You're post is almost as long as the Bible, but i enjoyed it .... I have some of the good traits, but I do have a very naughty side as well.....
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Okay, your first two traits are actually one. Not that I disagree with either of them. Third one is good, too.

Actually, none of those are bad. I just question why you need an invisible friend to tell you they're good.

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