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Witchy Woman.

I cannot say that I'm particularly religious or for that matter spiritual, or does having a deep love for nature come into this? My friend says it does. She is a witch, a 'green witch' who connects completely with nature. She has a knowledge of herbalism and believes we all have a need to preserve nature for medicine to heal. I do find her life fascinating.

Her 'spell work' involves the use of crystals, herbs and essential oils and nature..
She told me that spells manifest and put out positivity into the universe and are unique to each person, it's all about intention.

So now when I stir my coffee, I think about getting rid of any negativity from my day. I don't really know if it works or not, but now I'm in the habit of doing it, I have to say it does have at least a positive effect on me.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
She sounds well intentioned.

Coffee itself kind is a herbal potion when you think about it.🤔
Ceitidh · 41-45, F
@Matt85 Well, it's definitely something I can't live without - especially first thing in the morning!
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@Ceitidh Same 😄
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I call myself a solitary wiccan. Yet it's far older version than most practice Wicca. Actually it's the European Celtic version of wicca that few even know about, dating back to 400 BCE.

Yes, nature plays heavily into this version, yet all positive simply isn't a part of it.

Nature has reason to be cruel. And your seeing it now with climate change.

Balance is key in everything.
Ceitidh · 41-45, F
@DeWayfarer Is Wicca viewed as a religion as opposed to witchcraft?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Ceitidh very much a religion. Druids believe in witchcraft as well as Santería and many others.
Today, Wicca is considered a form of modern witchcraft, and the focus on magic and spells. I knew someone that was into that. If one wants to get to heaven, the Bible speaks against it and that, makes it a serious matter, because we need to prepare our souls for the afterlife. Our souls never die and it would be sad to miss heaven.
@Ceitidh You're a very good friend to accept her just as she is and that's the way it should be for everyone. She's lucky to have you as a friend.

I remember and you brought this to mind, that when I asked the Lord to save me, I didn't have to be any special way or do anything special in order for him to love me or save me. He met me right where I was and accepted me just as I was, and that was really great.
@Ceitidh I believe you. ❤️
@Ceitidh I see you are new here! Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here and find lots of good friends. I'd like to be one if that's okay
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
I don't believe in the supernatural but I can relate to witches because they find meaning and beauty in nature. For me, the cycles of nature are what bring meaning into my life. I like nature because it's real and close to me; I can observe the leaves sprouting on the trees and I can feel the cold north wind in the fall. These forces have a real affect on my life and are tangible. How I love it!
Ceitidh · 41-45, F
@JimboSaturn Yes, it's wonderful being part of nature. I don't believe people do this as much as they should, just a simple walk in the park can make a difference to your own being. Especially to the mind, it's so calming.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Ceitidh I'm privileged enough to have a lot of nature around me. Yes, of course studies have shown the beneficial aspects of being in nature. I kinda have my own calendar as well. I view winter solstice as a more logical new year and the local rythms of nature are ways I measure the year.
This is called selective thinking. Everyone one does this, highlight the positives and ignore the negatives. The knowledge of plants for healing had to be the result of endless trial and error.

If you were marooned on a lush Pacific island, could you tell which foliage is a poison? Definitely, there are a lot more plants that are harmful than beneficial.

Crystals are not sources of energy that specialize in different body functions. Pseudoscience isn’t part of education.
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Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
Chimpanzees have been viewed using herbs for healing wounds,
Quite fascinating
As humans must have done so for millions of years.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@Fentonisfree Yes I saw that a couple of weeks ago.
My witchy ways are what keep me ostracized, but also keep me sane.

To me magic and science are the same. Supernatural is still natural. Religion scares me off with the rules and naming things evil. So I walk my path alone.
Lostpoet · M
The mind is very powerful if you believe in something it becomes real.
RedBaron · M
@Lostpoet Exactly. Trump believed so hard that the 2020 election was stolen, it became real for him and his supporters.
Lostpoet · M
@RedBaron Trump is Delusional.
RedBaron · M
@Lostpoet Of course. But his and his supporters illustrate the power of the mind to which you alluded.
RedBaron · M
What makes you think she’s a witch? Did she turn you into a newt? 🤣
Ceitidh · 41-45, F
I keep an open mind to all things. Until i can prove them wrong
in10RjFox · M
Is she a psychic?
Ceitidh · 41-45, F
@in10RjFox No, not as far as I know. She has never mentioned it.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Ceitidh · 41-45, F
@badminton I love this one!
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@Ceitidh One for all the witches.
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Ceitidh · 41-45, F
@Bang5luts I completely agree with this.
The only difference between a spell and a prayer is the deity theyre said to.

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