Twin flame or obsessive disorder?
Have you looked in to the twin flame phenomenon? I’ve studied a lot of the groups that talk about this stuff- It seems like it could be a form of brainwashing a person does on themselves where they attach a spiritual significance to a connection and become fixated to the point that every symbol and sign feels related to a person. I think it is like a mental health problem like extreme limerence where someone gets totally stuck or fixated energetically. If you look at these forums with people some of them can’t get past relationships for years and can become suicidal. They call the person who ghosted them (or ended the connection) the “runner” and believe it is just a temporary form of separation that has to happen so both of them can ascend and evolve to their destined higher state of spirituality and consciousness.
Anybody have experience with this stuff? Curious. (For a “friend” ) 😏
Anybody have experience with this stuff? Curious. (For a “friend” ) 😏