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Christians and devotees of other religions need to clear out of this sub-forum.

SW has provided sub-forums dedicated for discussion on Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc..
Why hawk your wares here?

There are folks who don't belong to any religion and want this space for free reflection on spirituality.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
There is spirituality in the faiths you have mentioned. If you wanna post spiritual thoughts then by all means do it in this forum or any forum you wish.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@sree251 I absolutely get it. If SW included the definition of spirituality it would read something like this.....

spir·i·tu·al·i·ty ˌspir-i-chə-ˈwa-lə-tē

: something that in ecclesiastical law belongs to the church or to a cleric as such
: sensitivity or attachment to religious values
: the quality or state of being spiritual

Examples of spirituality in a Sentence
We studied Eastern traditions of spirituality.
the archbishop was opposed to the marriage, and the king needed the support of the spirituality if his rule was to be considered legitimate

direct definition from Merriman-Webster

This is SW. ANYONE can post ANYWHERE they wish. This concept is apparently not something you like and that's your valid belief. Gripe all you want but it isn't going to change because this site is not about catering to what we like or don't like. It's about sharing wherever one wants to.

Best to you
sree251 · 41-45, M
I absolutely get it. If SW included the definition of spirituality it would read something like this.....

This is what a dictionary has led you to believe: spirituality is essentially tied to religion. And you swallowed it like an obedient little girl. Ok, fine. I understand why you behave the way you do. Your behavior is dictated by your perception.

This is SW. ANYONE can post ANYWHERE they wish. This concept is apparently not something you like and that's your valid belief. Gripe all you want but it isn't going to change because this site is not about catering to what we like or don't like. It's about sharing wherever one wants to.

Yours is the attitude of US foreign policy for world order. Gripe all you want but it isn't going to change because this world is not about catering to what we like or don't like. It's about sharing wherever one wants to.

Rules-based order.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@sree251 You're just precious
SDavis · 56-60, F
In the Christian Bible it is written God is spirit and you must serve him in spirit and in truth.
sree251 · 41-45, M
And I have to add there is a difference in being conscious ( brain aware) / thinking and not being able to move. Being paralyzed and not being able to use your body means there is damage done within the body that stops IT from working in the manner in which it should.

That is the best example I can give on how the thought process initiates in the brain.

You believe that thought process initiated in the brain can move the body. If the body is damaged, thought process initiated in the brain cannot move it. Your reasoning (logic) is based on the belief that your body is a mechanical system controlled by the brain. This is the perception informed by the materialism of science.
sree251 · 41-45, M
And your sarcasm and asking me if I think humans are robots will end of conversation.

Why end the conversation? If I am wrong, then correct my perception of what you said? I am just following your point of view.
Dumbman · 36-40
@SDavis God help those who help themselves. That’s what I learnt in school.
Try reflection on Jesus… meet and know him! That’s what you need to reflect on
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@sree251 good for pink!
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Dumbman · 36-40
Then spirituality becomes a religion which can’t tolerate other religions.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Don’t you want spiritually to reach masses. Means there is something wrong with it.

The only things I want to reach masses are food, clothing, and shelter. I don't think we should mess with people's minds.
Dumbman · 36-40
@sree251 There is enough resources on earth for everybody if everyone lives peacefully. But then war, politics etc. cause destruction, thus no food and clothing.
sree251 · 41-45, M
There is enough resources on earth for everybody if everyone lives peacefully. But then war, politics etc. cause destruction, thus no food and clothing.

We have always been killing each other despite the awareness of the consequences. And yet, whenever I meet someone, there is instant rapport.

There is something very strange about human nature. As you said, there is enough resources for everyone; and yet, there is endemic poverty in every society. It gets worse as we change and speed up the way we live technologically.

Human nature, flawed as it is, is becoming more inhuman with advancement in technology. The faster we live,the more mechanical we become, and the less spiritual.
Too bad!! What do you want to do, snuff us out?!
sree251 · 41-45, M
Too bad!! What do you want to do, snuff us out?!

But why do you have to do it in this sub-forum when you have the Christianity sub-forum to reflect and discuss Jesus to your heart's content?
@sree251 Because we can! You can leave any time you like. JS
jehova · 31-35, M
Im anti organized religion. Wrote my own theres a freedom from religion subgroup. Try to ignore the religious types.
jehova · 31-35, M
Correction its a disliking religion subgroup
jehova · 31-35, M
@sree251 no i mistyped therez an im religious (liking religion) subgroup too. No i dont i see mens clubs as unnecessary just as much as womens groups. If we need community humanity ought to be enough.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@jehova Do you regard humanity as a group of individual human beings?
jehova · 31-35, M
@sree251 generally
Because there's nothing spiritual about Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc?
sree251 · 41-45, M
Because there's nothing spiritual about Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc?

Of course, there is but those spiritual matters have contexts pertaining to their respective theologies. This sub-forum facilitates non-religious spirituality. You have sub-forums dedicated to spirituality of specific religions. If you are a Christian, is there any reason why you won't discuss spirituality with other Christians in your church? There is no place for me to discuss non-religious spirituality with other people sharing the same interest if you keep jamming the airwaves with quotes from the Christian Bible.
@sree251 I'm sure it does facilitate non-religious spirituality, but I don't see anywhere it says it only non-religious spirituality. Now if this sub-forum was "Spiritual, Not Religious" you'd have a case to make. And I hope that one does get created, because I'd like to see one sentence spoken about "spiritual, not religious" that demonstrates the existence of such a thing.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I'm sure it does facilitate non-religious spirituality, but I don't see anywhere it says it only non-religious spirituality.

Look, there is no sign in the restaurant telling you not to spit in my soup. You are civilized and acculturated in polite society. You know what is considerate. There is a Christian here calling me a hater for requesting her to clear out so others can discuss spirituality without religion here.

Now if this sub-forum was "Spiritual, Not Religious" you'd have a case to make. And I hope that one does get created, because I'd like to see one sentence spoken about "spiritual, not religious" that demonstrates the existence of such a thing.

You are saying that we all need to be told, guided, and controlled. Do we need rules backed by a death sentence also?

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