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Were Dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark?

Were dinosaurs on Noah’s ark? In Genesis, we read that man’s wickedness had become so great that God sent a global flood in judgment, but he saved Noah and his family aboard the ark. Also on that ark were two of every kind of land animal (seven pairs of some)—but does that include what we today call dinosaurs?

Yes, absolutely! You see, dinosaurs are land animals, and all land animals were to go “two by two” onto Noah’s ark (the clean ones in pairs of seven). Because of evolutionary thinking, many Christians struggle to picture dinosaurs interacting with humans, let alone boarding Noah’s ark! But the Bible teaches that all the land animals were created on day six of creation week, and that would include those first called dinosaurs in 1841. So, yes, dinosaurs and man lived together. In fact, the reason we even have dinosaur fossils today is because of the global flood which buried billions of creatures, including dinosaurs, thus forming fossils.

But how did the dinosaurs fit on the ark? Well, to answer this question, you need to understand two things:

The size of the ark. Noah’s ark wasn’t the overloaded “bathtub ark” that so many of us picture because of the illustrations we’ve seen in children’s literature over the years. No, the ark was a massive ship—510 feet long, 51 feet high, and 85 feet wide (it’s really an awe-inspiring experience to see our life-size Ark reconstruction in person at the Ark Encounter).

The size of dinosaurs. Now, some dinosaurs did grow to enormous sizes (more on them in a moment), but the vast majority were much smaller, with the average dinosaur growing to about the size of a bison (buffalo). So most dinosaurs wouldn’t have had any more trouble entering and living on the ark than a large horse would!

But what about the really big ones? Well, keep in mind that no dinosaur starts out that big! Even the largest dinosaur kinds, like the sauropods, hatched from relatively small eggs (the largest egg is only a little larger than a football). It’s not likely God sent Noah the oldest, biggest dinosaurs. He probably sent juveniles who would take up less space, eat less, produce less waste, and live longer to reproduce after the flood.

Yes, the 50–70 dinosaur kinds (not species, kinds—at about the level of family) had no trouble fitting onto Noah’s ark and being cared for by Noah and his family for the yearlong voyage. Then, after the flood, they entered the brand-new world and lived and reproduced for a time before gradually dying out, likely for the same reasons creatures go extinct today (human over-hunting, habitat loss, climate changes, etc.).

Dinosaurs aren’t a big mystery when we start with the history in God’s Word.

by Ken Ham on April 19, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog
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LadyGrace · 70-79 Best Comment
The cleverest creationists don't deny the historicity of dinosaurs; they simply argue that they were alive at the start of the Flood. (What happened to the dinosaurs after the waters receded is another story.) but as you mentioned, at that time, God sent dinosaurs of lesser size, about the size of a Buffalo. Or who knows, he may have just taken eggs and only two, at that. So it is not unreasonable to say that Noah had small dinosaurs in the ark. The closest examples of dinosaur-like creatures in that day, are translated in most Bibles as “serpent,” “dragon,” “Leviathan,” “Behemoth,” and “sea monster” (Job 3:8, Job 40:15-24, Isaiah 27:1, Ezekiel 29:3, etc.).

This article is from The Washington Post:

Did dinosaurs exist during Noah's ark?
This article has been updated to clarify that the Ark Encounter says dinosaurs were saved by Noah's ark from the flood described in Genesis. In fact, dinosaurs died out 66 million years ago. Folks who identify as “creation scientists” have no problem with the notion that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth.

DocSavage · M
510 feet long, 51 feet high, and 85 feet wide (it’s really an awe-inspiring experience to see our life-size Ark reconstruction in person at the Ark Encounter
DocSavage · M
How exactly do you work this ?
You put up articles and quotes from Ken Ham. Are we to assume, you are simply showing us more of his stupidity, or are you implying that you believe that there were in fact dinosaurs on Noah’s ark, and you believe Kenny is giving your belief credibility?
If that is the case, you failed miserably.
In case you haven’t noticed, Kenny’s boat don’t float. Neither could Noah’s.
Ham had to install a modern ventilation system in the thing, just to let people in, let alone dinosaurs and other animals. He had to re-enforce the whole thing with steel to keep it from falling down.
Even if Noah could fit only half the animals inside, they would be dead in a few days. And not even god’s word could save them.
Dayman343 · M
Yeah and 2 penguins travelled all the way from Antarctica to the middle east so they could get on board 🙄
Dayman343 · M
@GodSpeed63 You're not making any sense but besides, there isn't any research to do. The logistics of it all makes absolutely no sense.
@GodSpeed63 advises
Do some research man.
I did some research. The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years before the biblical date of Noah's birth.
@Dayman343 🐧🐧
Richard65 · M
"Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.'

I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.'"
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Wikipaedia is your friend, and will help you to find reality

Wyoming was an American wooden six-masted schooner built in 1909.

With a length of 140 metres (450 ft) from jib-boom tip to spanker boom tip, Wyoming was the largest known wooden ship ever built.

Because of her extreme length and wood construction, Wyoming tended to flex in heavy seas, which would cause the long planks to twist and buckle, thereby allowing sea water to intrude into the hold. Wyoming had to use pumps to keep her hold relatively free of water. In March 1924, she foundered in heavy seas and sank with the loss of all hands.


...and that was without having all 10 million species on board! 😂

(and remember that all the saltwater fish species needed to be aboard)
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago.

You and Ken Ham know that, right?
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Everyone knows dinosaurs are fictional .
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Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
@Diotrephes name me a list of native American deities:
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
name me a list of native American deities:
This will get you started =
List of Native American deities


Native American Gods and Goddesses: Deities from Different Cultures

Central And South American Mythology
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The Noah story simply illustrates the First Commandment (Exodus 34:11-16). Noah is the only main character in the Bible who did exactly as he was told to do without whining about it, although he was clueless as to how to do it.

In case you missed it, whch you did, all of the nations that existed when Adam & Eve were in the Garden of Eden existed without interruption during and after Noah's flood. The flood story is nothng more than a war story.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
That's not true!
Can you give an example on one single person besides Noah and his kids and their descendants that lived after the flood?

Read the fairytale and comprehend what you read.

The location of the Garden of Eden is described in Genesis 2:11-14.

Read that passage and think about it. Cities and empires existed at the time Adam & Eve were running around naked.

In Genesis chapters 7-9 the God character flaps his jaws with Noah and his sons. In Gensis chapter 8 the flood (the war) subsided. Noah sends out a raven (a metaphor for military action) Supposedly there were no hostilities but there was no real peace. He sent out dove (a peace symbol) but there was still fighting going on. A short time later he sent out the dove (the peace envoy) and the dove returned with an olive branch (a symbol of peace). After that there was peace once again in the area.

Genesis chapters 10 & 11 tell who were the daddies and sons. And, if you pay attention you will see that some of the places they went to existed before the flood (the war) and survived without getting flooded (invaded).
Carazaa · F
@Diotrephes I have no idea what you have read, but. Adam and Eve did not live in cities. They were farmers, and had many kids and their kids had many kids. After the flood, God tells us all of Noahs grandkids and great grandkids that came from his 3 kids. 10 chapters from Adam to when Noah exiting the arc with his 3 kids and their wives. The entire world have 3 ancestors. It is very clear and very short chapters.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
I have no idea what you have read, but. Adam and Eve did not live in cities. They were farmers, and had many kids and their kids had many kids. After the flood, God tells us all of Noahs grandkids and great grandkids that came from his 3 kids. 10 chapters from Adam to when Noah exiting the arc with his 3 kids and their wives. The entire world have 3 ancestors. It is very clear and very short chapters.

I suggest you get a pen and lot of paper and read the fairytale very carefully and summarize every few verses in your own words. When you finish read what you wrote and see if you will have the same opinion you have now. Chances are you will be amazed.

BTW, all kinds of people lived in the Garden of Eden. You are just fixated on Adam & Eve because you have never read the fairytale.
Unicorns are mentioned many times. Unlike dinosaurs, zero evidence.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Unicorns are mentioned many times. Unlike dinosaurs, zero evidence.

You didn't read Job, did you? Read Job 40:15-24 actually read all these verses: (Job 3:8, Job 40:15-24, Isaiah 27:1, Ezekiel 29:3, etc.). The name, dinosaur was not used to describe the terrible lizards until the 19th century but the Word of God still describes them.
Paladin · 61-69, M
Thanks, I needed the laugh.
He had a tough breeding program

Kstrong · 56-60, F
Of course! You gonna take large ones or gonna take youths?
They had to feed the lions something

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