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Do you know what is the main goal of human life?

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i don't know
The main goal of human life is to become a fully developed human being
The goal of human life is to live conventionally with blind faith.
The goal of human life is to gain God's grace by following religious beliefs.
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Do you know?
A new DHARMA (not religion) has emerged in India for real human development and world peace!

A mighty high tide of pure spirituality is rushing forth to dispel the darkness of all ignorance and bring about human liberation.

The true Dharma of human has emerged in India to free people from blind faith and religious deception, exploitation and oppression, and to show the way to attain the best human life, through true self development or mind development yoga.

What exactly is Dharma? Dharma is a great system of living and the right way to reach the ultimate goal of human life. By adopting and practicing the art of living man can live well and gain sufficient (mind and consciousness) development, that is the proper Dharma for man. Becoming a fully developed human being is the main goal of human life. It is not the aim of human life to run after something false or imaginary in the name of religion.

In this dire crisis of the Juncture of the era, an epoch-making Dharma called MahaDharma has emerged to bring about human liberation and real human development as per the need of the times.

A true Dharma free from superstition, blind-faith and corruption, for True spiritual awakening and consciousness development based on rational spiritual doctrine of the greatest sage Maharishi MahaManas with the aim of real human development and world peace.

This Dharma is not like conventional religion and so-called dharma. Practicing self-(mind) development yoga is the core of this Dharma. This Dharma can be practiced without leaving the traditional religion.

If you want to know in detail, please do a Google search: MahaDharma, MahaManan and Maharshi MahaManas


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Carazaa · F
The first sign of the end of the world and Jesus coming is deception who is God. Only Jesus is God, no one else, no new age enlightenment, no MahaDharma, no Buddah, Allah, or any other deception,
Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. Matthew 24:5

The highest goal in life is to love and honor Jesus who died for the worlds sins, and treat our neighbor the way we want to be treated.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever believes on him will not perish but have everlasting life"
MahaDharma · 70-79, M
'Dharma' is an Indian word. Many people are not familiar with this word. So for the convenience of understanding it is sometimes called religion. In fact it is not a religion. It is actually the great yoga of self-development. Gradually I will say many more things that will help your body and mind to heal and develop. So stay with us and keep developing. thank you
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
The main goal of anything, including the whole universe to the very smallest particle, is:

MahaDharma · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer Thank you for your feedback. 'Change' is the right word. But in the case of humans, that change has to happen in order to progress towards the goal of development.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@MahaDharma it has to happen no matter what. If ANYTHING does not change it ceases to exist. Everything is in motion therefore changes.
MahaDharma · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer Wishing you a happy change
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
sorry bro i ain't reading that

good for you or

sorry that happened
Axeroberts · 56-60, M
The main goal is to experience as much as we can
Lostpoet · M
It's to reach nirvana
MahaDharma · 70-79, M
@Lostpoet Thank you for your feedback. Nirvana is still far away. This journey will come to an end only when full consciousness is attained. We are now in the middle of the path in the development of consciousness. The goal now is to become a fully developed human being. Then step by step higher consciousness will be attained.
Lostpoet · M
@MahaDharma I think nirvana is when we realize that everything is energy. People are energy just like the waves on the beach or the wind over the valley and energy doesn't die it just changes form.
MahaDharma · 70-79, M
@Lostpoet The word nirvana is used in a particular sense by a particular religion. We don't want to say anything about it. But based on what you said, man will be able to understand everything only when he has enough knowledge and consciousness. thank you
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Yes! The main goal of human life is….

To wonder what the main goal of human life is…. 😏
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
The goal of my life is to love and serve my SW Mistress 🥰 and do whatever I can to make Her happy.
GlitterEater · 36-40, F
chibs · 61-69, M
Replicate your genes... that's why they made you.

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