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A genuine quetion

I am not like bashing anyone for this or anything like that, I am really just curious. Not trying to offend anyone either

If you go to Church and of course the whole bible thing, and as we all know that Satan is a fallen angel, so how come we prey for God but we don't prey for Satan to get better? Like not worship him but prey that he gets better and all of that. I mean I understand once a fallen angel, always a fallen angel but still, if you have faith in God. Maybe can be hopeful that Satan will I don't know, get better?

I mean I know it's a really stupid thing, since he is the ruler of Hell but still, this isn't me being satanism because I am a Christian myself, just something that came to mind.
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MassiveMelancholyNerd · 18-21, F
@jshm2 I like this reply, it makes a lot more sense now

I do understand your question and I think it's a perfectly valid and intelligent thing to ask.

The answer is that angels already underwent their trial and their judgment has come. Humans are next.

Praying for Satan would be like if you went into a courtroom and started defending the case that was before yours.
Very complicated but at the beginning Satan is depicted has being a snake but the description given it could be a worm crawling on its belly eating dirt for the rest of its life plus it was in an apple tree but in ancient times people did worship the snake as a God. So, I guess you can say they prayed to Satan and not for Satan and people pray to God not for God, but you do make a good point. I guess when we pray to God for a better world, we are praying for Satan to get better. 🙂
Pasunny · 26-30, F
Good points
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DocSavage · M
Satan is not the same as Lucifer.
Lucifer, was originally a story about the planet Venus, ( the Morning Star ) which is bright in the early day, but sinks into the horizon as the sun ( god) rises . Adapted for religion, as the Devil challenging god’s power, and being cast into the pit.
Satan first appears as an agent of god, who punishes the wicked. Not a former angle.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@DocSavage The Bible I read (three times) had differing depictions of Satan. In Job, he was a divine agent in good standing, but in other books, he was a fallen angel.
redredred · M
If religions didn’t have inherent dichotomies, they wouldn’t be able to claim they have a corner on the good side.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Because it's all part of the story and not enough people have gotten around to supporting a different one. Call yourself Satan's son and get enough people to follow you and you could create a religion around praying for Satan's salvation.
@Allelse They do have those religions. People want to tend on calling them cults to identify them but the truth to the matter is all religions are cults. Heck all governments are cults. 🙂
MassiveMelancholyNerd · 18-21, F
@Allelse Cant tell if your offend or being genuine -.-
Allelse · 36-40, M
@MassiveMelancholyNerd I'm answering the question.
Penny · 46-50, F
well, some of us do lol. but that would not vibe with the general attitude of some of the more condemning Christian types lol. they that are just brainwashed to believe that Satan bad. if such an entity even exists. and they leave it at that. and satan and lucifer arent necessarily the same. it depends on what you read. i mean, its possible but who really knows you know ? lol. and besides. if satan is teh ruler of hell, and God can condemn people to hell, then he has a job right? doesnt necessarily make him wholly evil??
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I started pulling that thread, well over a decade ago. It's a long one, and it gets weirder. Like, if God is omniscient, why didn't he know Satan would rebel? Did God intentionally design Satan to rebel? For what purpose?
Pasunny · 26-30, F
@LordShadowfire to punish bad people
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@Pasunny But he knew how they would turn out, didn't he? Or doesn't he know everything? Why would he punish anybody for being how he made them?
morrgin · F
@LordShadowfire i often wondered that myself
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