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For christians [Spirituality & Religion]

According to (John14:6) The way to Heaven is only through Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ is Himself the way to Heaven. He does not merely show the way; He is the way. Salvation is only in the person of Jesus Christ.

Now imagine you grow up in a country where christianity is not the dominant religion and you’ve never heard of it. You go your entire life living according to your cultures customs and practices. You eventually die and you find yourself going to hell because of you followed the “wrong religion”

Another example, christianity is once again not the dominant religion but you are familiar with some of its teachings but you still follow the dominant religion because of you agree with it’s teachings and the various miracles you witness. You eventually die and go to hell because you followed the “wrong religion”

Hell has been described as a place of eternal damnation and torment. Emphasis on Eternal. And I reiterate, you were BORN in the wrong religion and you’re going to hell for it. Explain to me exactly how that is an appropriate punishment for believing in the wrong god?
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Your concerns seem valid! However nothing much can be done. It seems even God can't help it as the rules were written without his knowledge.

[image/video deleted]
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
How many people does God ignore in your mind?

He doesn't ignore anybody.

Statistically there are more people on the planet who don't believe or know of Jesus.

Fire your statistician.

Do you believe God punishes all of them?

There were some people in the world, when Christ walked the earth, who didn't receive Him with open arms. God grants people their hearts' desire, whether they want to be with Him or not.

People don't understand that when mankind separated itself from God, it became dead and had no clue of who God is. Jesus came into the world to reconcile mankind to God so that it could live once more. In short, without the Spirit of God living in us, we're dead.

And for those who do follow Jesus but are not good people... Are they getting in? Or do you at least accept that being good has something to do with it?

No one is good but God alone. When Christ comes into our hearts and lives, God declares us good and we become the people He created us to be from the very beginning. Anyone can say the sinners prayer and not open their hearts to Him. These do not receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Therefore they become the hypocrites. Those who receive Christ as Lord and Savior into their hearts are the true believers in Christ. I hope I've answered your questions.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@GodSpeed63 RIGHT ON!!! 🙌
@LadyGrace Does Godspeeds answers reflect your own opinion?
LadyGrace · 70-79
No one goes to hell for "being in the wrong religion". Religion has nothing to do with it. It is sin that brings condemnation and separation from God in heaven, to all.... UNTIL one's sins are forgiven...then, we are united with God the Father, in fellowship and good standing, and fit for heaven.
@LadyGrace There may not be right or wrong religion. Every religion including Christianity may be different means to achieve the same destination. It is just that people follow different belief system.
So I agree with you that following different religion has nothing to do with going to hell. We should be following the right path and doing good things in life. Being sinful means we are doing bad things in life. Then it is fair that we don't deserve good ending. While no one are perfect we should strive to do good things in life. This will create positivity inside us, the world around us and the people who follow us.
I very much agree with you that its not the religion but the sin that separates us from God. Beautifully said!
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
When I was a Christian, I didn't believe that. If you read more of the bible in context, it tells you that salvation belongs to God, individuals aren't meant to judge on these matters, and the spirit of God blows where it chooses. That leads me to believe there would be some leniency.

As a mere mortal it was none of my business to judge on such matters.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard 🤗🤗
LadyGrace · 70-79
I'll share with you, as I did with with another below. Religion is man-made philosophy and has nothing to do with salvation. Religion didn't die on the cross for our sins...Jesus did. That makes it personal.

God's Word tells us that before the Lord returns, all will have heard the gospel of Christ and given the chance to decide whom they shall serve. Yet it is NOT because they did not serve Christ, that people go to hell. Hell was NOT made for man. And Christ came NOT to condemn the world, but to SAVE IT. Save it from what? The condemnation and penalty that SIN brings to man. NOT GOD. The ONLY thing that keeps people from heaven, is SIN, because unconfessed sin, keeps people separated from Christ. Until they repent. And then they are fit for heaven, as sin is erased and there is no more condemnation that sin had placed on them. There's not a single soul that has to miss heaven. The remedy has been provided in the person of Jesus Christ, whom God the Father, Himself, approved as the only way of an accepted means of salvation.
John was written by Jesus's followers and is not a direct qoute. I don't trust sycophants.
@canusernamebemyusername This actually made me LOL 😊
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
There is no Religion in Christ. Religion separates from God because people tend to focus only religion teachings based on man's own consciousness to guide individuals.

Jesus/God is a personal relationship that carries within Him/her for eternity. Being a good person when it comes to religion and trying to do Good works to earn their way to Heaven is a slap to Jesus Face, who he died on the Cross for our sins because Jesus is the only Sinless and the Lamb of God.
Peterthe1 · 36-40, M
@FreestyleArt Hope you have a happy new year 2021.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Peterthe1 I second that!!
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@Peterthe1 I will thanks Brother
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
There is no right religion except the one found in James 1:27. We're here to point the way to salvation though Jesus Christ which is why we are all over the world bring that good news. Some here the good news and reject it, others do not. It's God's plan for every nation to hear the good news before Jesus comes back. What He does with those who passed on without hearing the gospel and a chance to have salvation, I cannot say. It's His decision and His alone.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Good response.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Yep. I don’t believe in that statement as a truth regarding eternity. But in order for a tribe to survive it must stand United. . There is truth in that it makes sense to have a community that follows the same rules. Religion was a form of education for ones community. And it is confusing to mix or have too many rules and practices It is no different than saying if you are in Rome, do as the romans— it’s a sign of respect but some people use it for judgement. It has been taught so long and works in the sense that it covers a “multitude” of issues. I do not think our ancient ancestors could express these thoughts as Plato or Buddha could. Plato was profound; whereas the world back the revolved around and objects and rudimentary matters of survival. Simple rules, simple words- religeiin is a short cut to philosophical matters. Religion uses simplistic language and parables in a manner that allows people to get the main idea, so they could understand and remember without having to write it down. (According to one of my religeiin teachers)That era was less enlightened, very basic living and lifestyles. The Christian truths, are simple versions that allow for enlightenment for those who seek truth. But an honest perso can find truth in ANY religeiin if he or she is looking for truth. So do not worry about hell, but seek to join a community that is living and is attempting to practice the true meaning of Christianity which is based on the New Testament. And, use common sense. I hope I do not offend.
texts in the Bible must be read and interpreted with consideration of who wrote it and the time and place where it was written bc giving it literal meaning leads to erroneous interpretation. it must be read with other parts of the scripture as well, because what it tries to convey cannot be found in a single verse only
@Dewms It's meant to be "the word of god". One wonders why this all powerful "almighty god" thing couldn't make itself clear in simple language anyone could understand.
Where to start... John 14 is more about how Jesus is doing the work of God and thus his way is God's way. You can't see or hear God they could see Jesus and through him they could learn God's way.

If you never know of God you are fine as long as you follow a path of righteousness. It is more difficult without the teachings but not impossible.

As for Hell, that's a whole other can of worms. Just know, a lot of people have the Hell idea all wrong. It's not actually fire and brimstone. The eternal fire and damnation place is Gehenna which was a literal place outside Jerusalem. Not the afterlife.
Every religion follows certain concepts. And not surprisingly each of them describe God in different forms. Like wise Christians may believe that salvation is possible only through Jesus. As the title of this post says, that first paragraph may only be applicable for Christians.
In places where Christianity is not the dominant religion, there may be concept about God and good practices and destiny. People can follow that.I don't think they should blindly follow john 14:6
@GodSpeed63 You are right! Just now I spotted a comment to this post by @LadyGrace. She had beautifully explained this concept. Its the sin that separates us from God not the religion. Depending on the geographical location they belong different people follow different religion. And different religions may lead to the same destination. And all religions educate us to reduce the amount of sin that we do and do good things in life.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User But we don't follow Christ blindly. We know in whom we believe, and why. Jesus said not all paths lead to God and heaven. If that were true, everyone would be saved. I always say, you can't get to New York by traveling South. There would have been no need for Jesus as mediator between God and man, of man could save himself. Jesus said in his word, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the father but by me alone. It is up to the people whether they want to believe that or not. But it has nothing to do with one's religion or where they attend church. it has everything to do about their relationship with Christ. he did not leave us to guess how to have salvation and eternal life in heaven. That means any from around the world, has access to Salvation through Jesus christ. Those that accept him may not even attend church, so that's not what it's all about. Plus there are those in church who pretend to be followers of christ, that will not make it to heaven. So God does not look at where we attend church or even our Good deeds. Good deeds Jesus said mean nothing, as one cannot work their way to heaven by doing good or even being good. Because our goodness does not meet God's standard for salvation. Jesus knew we could not save ourselves and for that purpose he came. That we might be saved by grace through faith. Grace is unearned favor from god. that means it is a gift from god, just for the asking. He turns no one away. He looks at our heart and he says our sins need to be forgiven so that our fellowship with our father in heaven can be restored. God loves everyone. Not just Christians or Methodists or Lutherans or Catholics or any of those. He loves everyone the same and offers all the same way of salvation.
@LadyGrace I agree. You believe and you follow Christ. Christ is a symbol of God for Christians and he guides his followers through the right path. I agree with you, we have access to God from any location of the world. god is in our mind and not in any particular physical location.
But considering this original post I see the author is asking how people other than Christians can achieve salvation and he was quoting some lines from James(14:6). This is what I consider as blindly following. For people from other faiths, they all have a feeling of God. For them the symbol of God may not be Jesus Christ. So it is better to follow that particular faith rather than following one faith and look for salvation in John(14:6). As far as people like you are consider I have deep respect. You follow Jesus because you believe in your faith. Others also should do the same thing by being firm in their faiths.
Over all we may perceive God in different names but most importantly whatever the name may be there is a power or force within each of us and we can realize that power only if our mind is pure.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]

Greatest spiritual rip off ever!
@Harriet03 You should know that this meme has been debunked a billion times over. Most of the things listed aren't part of each deity's story and they all have far less in common with Jesus that stuff they have in common.
You should know that this meme has been debunked a billion times over.
@NortiusMaximus Well the biggest proponent of this misinformation was Peter Joseph from Zeitgeist and he actually retracted the entire segment in his doco claiming how most of the info isn't accurate. Like even the first point "Horus born of a virgin"... Nope Horus was born of Isis and Osiris. And it just gets even less accurate from there.

I know most of the mythology quite well so I'll tell you who these deities are more like: Horus is most like Apollo. They even parallel in the sense that they're both sons of the king and queen of the gods. Both have the sun as a symbol and both and very violent sisters. Mithra is a lot like Horus and Apollo as well, also a sun god, but the myth behind him is very similar to that of Prometheus. He gives first man light so they can thrive. Krishna shares more parallels with Oedipus or Moses. Prophecy of a boy who will grow up to kill his uncle so the mother sends him away to not be killed. Ultimately he comes back and topples a kingdom in the process, killing hundreds. Dionysus was the most hedonistic deity in Greek mythology. A lot like Bacchus. So unless you think getting drunk and having mass orgies in the woods falls in line with Jesus... You're barking up the wrong tree there.

Now as for birthdays or days of worship... Mithra's is the middle of July. Krishna's is usually end of August. Dionysus' is at the start of spring. I don't think Horus ever had one.
Carazaa · F
You are forgetting that God saves us. We don't save ourselves, he pursues us and comes into our hearts. And God says no one is without excuse because the "firmaments" declares his glory!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
This is why God has us sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world so that the world through Him might be saved. It's not up to us to decide who goes to hell and who doesn't, that God's judgement. Read Matthew 23 and see how God feels about man made organized religion.
Penny · 46-50, F
hell only exists for us if it exists in our minds. why would someone go to hell if they had no conception of it? salvation is not necessarily from hell. hell is more of a symbolic place mentally and i suppose everyone can go there, but as far as non christians going to a christian hell because they didnt know of it sounds pretty unlikely. i think we partly do create our own reality with our thoughts.
LadyGrace · 70-79
hell only exists for us if it exists in our minds.

If that was true then Jesus wouldn't have had to die on the cross, to save us from the consequences of our sins. Nor would He have warned us of it. If God said there's a hell, and even describes it in detail, then there's a hell. God is incapable of lying. Yet Satan would have us believe differently, since he wants us to join him there.
Penny · 46-50, F
According to (John14:6) The way to Heaven is only through Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ is Himself the way to Heaven. He does not merely show the way; He is the way. Salvation is only in the person of Jesus Christ.

I actually agree with this, but then I also think perhaps not everyone needs or seeks salvation. If they do though then yes, that is the way.
LadyGrace · 70-79
According to (John14:6) The way to Heaven is only through Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ is Himself the way to Heaven. He does not merely show the way; He is the way. Salvation is only in the person of Jesus Christ.

I actually agree with this, but then I also think perhaps not everyone needs or seeks salvation. If they do though then yes, that is the way.

Your two paragraphs contradict each other. As first you say the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ and then lastly, you say you think perhaps not everyone needs salvation. According to God's own Word, except a person be saved, they shall not see the Kingdom of Heaven. John 3:16 and 17 makes that very clear.
helenS · 36-40, F
You eventually die and you find yourself going to hell because of you followed the “wrong religion”
At least the Catholic church does not say that this individual will necessarily go to hell. She rather says nobody knows what will happen to that person. That's left to God.
kodiac · 22-25, M
No one answered the question
@kodiac I did...
That’s one reason I’m not a believer anymore. These are the teachings of human beings, passed down by other human beings. And human beings make mistakes.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Rejection of the Message of Jesus and the Atonement Jesus secured for ones salvation will see one entering the eternal lake of fire..

So if a person hears / reads the Gospel message of Jesus and they reject His message and gift of salvation then they have rejected that which would have saved them from the eternal lake of fire..
Ladyred · 46-50, F one has the right to judge you...
TakenDown232 · 46-50, M
God has different measures for man good and bad work. You may believe Jesus is the Son of God but you still don't earn the Heaven. Others who don't have freedom to know about Christianity and Jesus can earn go to Heaven if they did good work as life allow them.
OggggO · 36-40, M
Luke 12:47-48 covers that. If you do the wrong thing in genuine ignorance, you get leniency, although the specifics are still unclear.

I also believe Matthew 25:34-40 covers those who do the right thing, even if they have never heard of Christianity, although that's slightly more ambiguous.
Frank52 · 70-79, M
As well as the verses mentioned by others, Paul writing to the Romans speaks of those who have never heard about God having truth (the Law) written on their consciences. Taking one verse of the Bible and using it to bash believers is as daft as believers doing the same thing to 'shame' those who do not share their faith.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Frank52 This is true, however, a true believer will not 'shame' those who do not share their faith. That's awful.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
What a load of crap.
That is why religion is so hypocritical
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
That is why religion is so hypocritical

Which is why Jesus gave it to them with both barrels in Matthew 23.

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