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Do you have a Faith? [Spirituality & Religion]

Did you always have it? Do you have it of your own volition, or was it thrust upon you?
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I have faith in the Lord, my God. I do not have a faith as in the term of religion.
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TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Emosaur butthurt???

Valentine · M
@GodSpeed63 Thank you. I understand now.
Yes, I have it. All people have a measure of faith. The question is, do they exercise their faith? I do.
Valentine · M
@LadyGrace 🤗
@Valentine 🤗
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
Yes I have faith in God, I became be a Christian aged 17, God spoke to me very clearly during a youth service and I gave my life to God! Best decision I ever made!
I was taught. Than I explore it for myself. I have a faith and I believe in God.
CM440 · 56-60, C
My faith is a part of my life and total being. I have believed my entire life. My parents did not thrust it upon me but presented our religion as an explanation for life I was educated and given an opportunity to follow as they had. The same has been applied to my children.
Valentine · M
@CM440 🤗
I believe in love

And bacon
Valentine · M
@SW-User 😊
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Every human has faith insofar as we all believe what we believe. The atheist has as much faith as a devout Christian or muslim or follower of any religion.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Valentine The mistake is the idea the 'faith' equals a belief in a god. This is absolutely not true. Faith is what you believe. If you believe there is no god then that is every bit as much a statement of faith as some guy on the street corner proclaiming the immanent return of Jesus Christ. Neither of them have any proof it is simply what they believe. I am a Christian. Everywhere I look I see evidence of design. I look at anything from the placement of the planets in their orbits to the complexity of a single cell and see that as a former process design engineer that what I see must be the product of design. However an atheist can look at the same evidence and come to exactly the opposite conclusion. The evidence I saw led me to become a Christian. The same evidence to an atheist is not counted as evidence and so they remain in their faith known as atheism. I have had a number of very intelligent and very well educated people who became Christian because they didn't have enough faith in the atheist mythology to remain an atheist.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Valentine athiests have faith that there is no God..
Valentine · M
@hippyjoe1955 Thank you.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Doomflower · 41-45, M
I have faith in myself and in my ability to make the world around me a better place.
Valentine · M
@Doomflower Thank you.
Pfuzylogic · M
Faith can’t be forced on someone.
God doesn’t operate that way.
Sazzio · 36-40, M
@Pfuzylogic I agree! If it IS thrusted that individual will break away once they start thinking or they're over 18 etc. Speaking from what I seen around me, from childhood to today, compel yer faith on sum1 it'll NEVER last on them.
Pfuzylogic · M
@Sazzio Faith is not a natural but a supernatural matter. It is received by God by believing on the ressurection of Jesus.
Who knows the diverse upbringing of minors that are imposed. If one felt their Faith was imposed by no choice by their guardians; I recommend revisiting their Faith later.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
My faith has always been a rocky road...but I try my best to keep it.
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Ian123 · 61-69, M
I’ve always believed, must get it from my parents
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 26-30, M
Yeah it is forced on me. I have to have it or be grounded from using SW. Threats also of burning for eternity work. Although I sometimes dream of cooking marshmallows while burning.
Valentine · M
Thank you to all those who contributed in a considered, non aggressive way, often sharing views very personal to you. I am grateful.

I am in two minds as to whether to delete certain aggressive posts. I think on balance I should leave them be.

Welcome any views.
Adstar · 56-60, M
I have faith in Jesus.. I first obtained faith in Jesus when i was 23.. I accepted Him as LORD and my Redeemer after reading the Bible..
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Adstar that's great!
Adstar · 56-60, M
@TheWildEcho It's Awesome 😊
I have faith that Wales will do the Grand Slam next season.If there is one.
Valentine · M
@TheSirfurryanimalWales 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😹😹😹😹🤪🤪🤪🤪

May the best team win. 🤗
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
I have faith in human beings. In my experience, I have met many more good people than bad.
Valentine · M
@pennynoodles Me too. 🤗
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
It was introduced to me... by someone here.
Valentine · M
@MarkPaul That’s nice.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I found my faith on my own. I was raised an atheist.
Valentine · M
@SweetMae I think this is the mark of true faith.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
I came to it by my own volition and logic
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And even worse I want to have faith but God dont seem to care about me
No and yes I was forced to go as a child and hated it. I will never go again that's for sure.
Valentine · M
@BlondilyOld I am sorry to hear this.
JBird · F
I used to have religious faith, yes, it was thrust upon me. When I realised life and logic doesn't work on faith, I started to live on my own.
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
Pretty much thrust on me, by my family isn't very religious so Im free to not care about anything that has something to do with it
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Faith? Faith in what?
Valentine · M
@AnonymousJSS Some define faith as:

The assent of the mind to the truth of a proposition or statement for which there is not complete evidence; belief in general

I posed the Q with capitalised F for Faith, which I think is accepted as being faith in a religion or spiritualism.

Faith in what? Faith in a religion or spiritualism.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
@Valentine Nope. No faith here. Waste of time.
Sazzio · 36-40, M
Yes, own volition.
Valentine · M
@Sazzio I think this the best route.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I was fortunate to be brought up in a christian family. Judging by my character I think I would end up christian either way, but who knows, maybe I'd never find out how important it is.
No I have prayed and God never answered me my life sucks I myself am a wreck and yet my prayers went unheard why have faith?
Valentine · M
@ExperienceDLT As a hesitant atheist myself, I have struggled to understand my hesitation. I have come to the conclusion that, in my case, my god lives inside me. And so does my devil. There are many benefits of praying. It inspires you to reflect deeply on the focus of your prayer, both at a conscious level, and also at a subconscious level. For many, including myself, I believe that whatever gave you the gift of life, can also help play a strong role in living that life well (your “god”?) and badly (your “devil”?). God is not a magic wand, it is a strength to live the life gifted to you in a good way. Perhaps try again. With lower expectations. It may help focus the strength within you.
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Allelse · 36-40, M
No. But if I was gonna be religious, it'd be for a HUGE breasted goddess who lives in the sky with a vagina that tastes like watermelon. Now that's something worth worshiping.
Valentine · M
@Allelse Lol. Dream on, I think.
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Valentine · M
@Stereoguy Thank you for sharing.

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