Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Your dreams are often the subconscious in 'sleeping life' giving 'form' to the elements currently going on your in your 'waking life' conscious mind.
If your life is one big stress ball, the elements causing the tress are likely to take the form of things you hate. Or more likely, are fearful of.
Similarly if your dreams are all 'fluffy and nice' it's another part of your subconscious creating this feeling.
As to whether they have 'meaning' i suppose depends on your 'interpretation'.
If your life is one big stress ball, the elements causing the tress are likely to take the form of things you hate. Or more likely, are fearful of.
Similarly if your dreams are all 'fluffy and nice' it's another part of your subconscious creating this feeling.
As to whether they have 'meaning' i suppose depends on your 'interpretation'.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Picklebobble2 This is a very succinct and yet complete answer, thank you. Do you have any thoughts on why the brain might perform this function?
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@JustTooMuch Primarily ? Survival ! I'm sure it's probably connected to the idea that early man probably had dreams about ....escaping a wild animal or an exploding mountain !
And while the event itself may have been life-threatening, at least it was survivable !
So maybe your dreams, even the worst ones, are evidence that perhaps you've survived more than you realize !
And while the event itself may have been life-threatening, at least it was survivable !
So maybe your dreams, even the worst ones, are evidence that perhaps you've survived more than you realize !
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Picklebobble2 That's interesting. I'm not a neurologist but I can believe the idea that running circuitry from short term cortical memory helps to embed behaviours in deeper pathways. Making responses more instinctive. And as you say, if you've survived this long, keep doing what you're doing! Ha.
xixgun · M
I think dreams are your subconscious (which does not have speech, but reacts more in pictures), still trying to tackle the things which are preoccupying your conscious mind and make sense of them.
It will see bills as roaches. Then you tell your friends, "I had a dream my apartment was covered in roaches!"
It will see bills as roaches. Then you tell your friends, "I had a dream my apartment was covered in roaches!"
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@xixgun This seems very insightful. Do you think there are shared symbols in subconscious thought or that every individual builds their own language of pictures in this way?
xixgun · M
@JustTooMuch probably individualistic
All part of the brain processing info and dealing with things on a sub conscious level. Some dreams seem random. A lot of the time I can totally figure out why I've dreamt something though. Sometimes a dream can be a message though and I think you have to pay attention
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Notlost I think I would broadly agree. How best to unravel the messages though? And determine what is a message in the first place?
@JustTooMuch good question. Trial n error?
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Notlost Ah yes, the classic ha. Failure is the greatest teacher, it's been said :)
bowman81 · M
I think dreams are just evidence of our subconscious mind working out problems that are vexing us. Mine rarely make a lot of sense if I can remember them at all.
I do know that, often, problems that were so troubling when I tried to get to sleep, don't seem so insurmountable in the morning.
I do know that, often, problems that were so troubling when I tried to get to sleep, don't seem so insurmountable in the morning.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@bowman81 There's a saying in Russia. "Mornings are wiser than evenings" :)
bowman81 · M
@JustTooMuch Good saying.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Yes, that my mind is too concentrated on something
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Fungirlmmm Do you know a way to correct that problem?

No but I might dream about an alternate world concerning things I have been thinking about.
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JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@SW-User Ooh that's really interesting! If you're dreaming you don't count that as sleep?

Yes I do count dreams as sleep but dont mind if I dont have any dreams. @JustTooMuch
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@SW-User Got you. Thanks for responding :)
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Well, if you ever come across a toilet in your dreams, don't use it.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Thevy29 This right here. This is solid advice people.
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
Nah... Either just drank too much before bed or watched too many spoopy youtube videos before bed.... ┬┴┬┴┤-ᴥ-ʔ
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@bearinthehalfwayhouse That's interesting! I haven't heard people attribute odd dreams to alcohol before :)
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
@JustTooMuch Yeah well I mean........ It might not actually and that's just my stupid excuse since I can't really think of any.................. Besides, alcohol or not, food or not, etc. etc. I think the mind just does whatever the frick it wants!! ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ🔪
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@bearinthehalfwayhouse This strikes me as very true indeed ha.
PiecingBabyFaceTogether · 31-35, M
They don't. They're just random stuff scattered in our unconscious minds they don't mean anything however it's interesting to look for dream meaning but I'll never take them seriously because that's just not smart imo.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether I think it gets interesting when you ask what makes up that random stuff. What Jung called "the shadow".
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Last night I dreamed I reached menopause because I was dripping wet all night. Best dream ever.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Keepitsimple That does sound nice. Any meaning associated with that for you?
StarLily · 51-55, F
Yes, some of them do.
StarLily · 51-55, F
@JustTooMuch I had a recurring dream that came true. I realized the dream was telling me the truth of what was to happen.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@StarLily I'm very interested to learn more about these experiences! Amazing. How long did you have this dream before the events occurred? How do you live differently now as a result?
StarLily · 51-55, F
@JustTooMuch I had the same dream about three times over the span of a couple of years. I now pay attention to my dreams and consider whether my subconscious is revealing something to me. I haven't had any recurring dreams since that experience.
faithfulhusband · C
Yeps.. For me
faithfulhusband · C
@JustTooMuch because it's my subconscious mind working while i sleep and when i wake up and try to remember my dreams, it resonates on what i usually deal with in my waking life.
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@faithfulhusband Ah this is a nice approach. You draw a kind of personal meaning, using your dreams as an aid for conscious introspective thought. Am I understanding you right?
faithfulhusband · C
@JustTooMuch yeah something like that. I mostly use it as my guidance on how to deam things
booboo · M
yeah, they remind me that i had pizza before bed :/
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@booboo Or do they predict that you'll have pizza before bed tomorrow? * spooky* ha
Therifleman · 31-35, M
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@Therifleman What makes a dream seem meaningful?
Therifleman · 31-35, M
@JustTooMuch certain events people
TexChik · F
I usually only have bad ones
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@TexChik I tend to be the same way. It takes me a little while in the morning to pick myself up from my dreams' impact.
TexChik · F
@JustTooMuch 27 years of ptsd night mares tends to make one calloused them

Yes. Death
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@SW-User That was my next question. That must feel, very strange. Has it changed your outlook or beliefs at all? Having that experience.

More like it reinforced my beliefs @JustTooMuch
JustTooMuch · 31-35, M
@SW-User I'd love to speak with you more about what they are and where they arose in your life, if you ever feel like it. Thanks so much for replying :)