That's exactly the thing to do. Make your own religion based on what you've learnt. Most people do this without realising anyhow
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writhe · 26-30, F
@Qwerty14 I used the word kamikaze metaphorically, you sure have heard of suicide bombers nowadays who've attempted terrorist attacks because they were indoctrinated to believe that they should kill anyone who doesn't follow their own religion. If these people didn't have religion as an excuse, would they still do it?
Rambler · 61-69, M
Exploring and following your own path...good for you
PhoenixPhail · M
One would HAVE to be open-minded to do what you do.
It's what I do, as well, in addition to having my own ideas and concepts regarding spirituality.
It's what I do, as well, in addition to having my own ideas and concepts regarding spirituality.
Do you meditate