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God's design? [Spirituality & Religion]

They even look similar
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saintsong · 41-45, F Best Comment
I love this Brilliant post you really opened my eyes to Gods creation!

God's design? No. Mathematics are being applied, sure. More surface area in clusters means better oxygenated blood and more contacts for sunlight.
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@MysteryWanting God didn't need mathematics to make a tree.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@MysteryWanting lol I just love how concisely these two sentences just dismantle the entire argument.
Superficial similarities.
Carazaa · F
These Godly wonderful countries have been good to its citizens, and the people have been blessed! But when we have everything ( most Swedish families that I know own and all my relatives have a house in the city and a beach house with ocean view, and a sail boat, full paid retirement, no medical bills except $ 20 copay if they have to be hospitalized, and free colleges! )

So now they don’t need God they feel so now starts trouble, people are flooding into the country and changing the country! Crime is going up and old people are robbed blind walking to the bank every day! However they learned from their bible lessons in school and from the kings speeches that we turn the other cheek so that’s what they do!
No one is complaining but trust you me it’s not the country I grew up in! But there are Christians who are trying to get people back to God, and this pandemic has helped! 🙏
@Carazaa And why are they letting so many foreigners into the country? For the same reason we here in the U.S. have always let foreigners in - to do the difficult, low-paying jobs that the people who are here already don't want to do. Japan is an interesting case because they're extremely racist and don't like to let people into the country who aren't Japanese. It will be interesting to see how they maintain their standard of living with their low birth rate. Young people, of course, also traditionally perform the lowest-paying jobs.
@GodSpeed63 Prove that Matthew 23 is not just a load of tendentious nonsense. It's basically just a list of complaints against the competitors of the early church.
BlueVeins · 22-25

Nice goin', God. 😑
Sharon · F
He's a made up idol that can't do anything.
You're thinking about your made up idol again - that thing you call "yahweh".
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You're thinking about your made up idol again - that thing you call "yahweh".

That's your made up idol. I don't have a made up idol.
Sharon · F
I don't have a made up idol.
Yes you do, you keep banging on about it. You call it "yahweh". Remember now?
I don't have any made up idols.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I love all the scientific logical minds
I can't wait until the day when the bow and admit they were fools

My daughters spine was eat up with a bone disease that is rare in kids
She endured lots of painful tests ,MRI's and Xrays
it was discovered when my oldest daughter got mad at her and knocked her down and kicked her in the leg ,and her leg broke
Doctors said it was a sprain at first and had her walking on it
it wasn't getting better
Her school bus driver back into a ditch throwing her into the floor of the bus ,,she said her back was hurt
When they Xrayed her they seen she had problems with her spine ,,they also took Xrays of the leg and found it was broken
Soon she was in a wheel chair ,,they found she had sever osteoporosis and degenerative disc disease ,,they made her a body brace
Now some jerks on here have asked why and I told them as it was told to me
They feared her spine could break and compromise her lungs
So the brace was to hold the weight of her torso up
She was in the chair for 4 yrs ,,from 8-12
So called prophets told her Mom she would never walk again
but she would preach from a chair
She crawled to the alter every time her Mom took her to the church
her Mom was in Church every Sunday and at prayer meeting every Thursday night
One service she crawled down ,,she ran back ,,and she has been walking every since
I got custody of her in 1995 ,,and I had to take her to a check up
She was in a program that paid all of her medical bills ,,but they got to use any information they gathered about her for research ..
I wait over an hour and start to worry
so I ask the nurse whats taking so long ,,she says they have my daughter in the MRI ,,most of the time to scan just a certain section takes an hour
When she comes out 2 doctors come with her ,and 1 is crying
1 is trying to say it had to be a mess up ,,this is impossible
the other saying MRI's don't lie ,its a miracle
Her leg was healed ,,and her spine shown no signs she ever had a disease
Their words "It looks as if she has grown a new spine "
They only had her on calcium pills that she threw away ,she called them horse pills
But EVERY non believer has to ask me
"Why don't you give credit where credit is due ,it wasn't God ,it was medical science
Medical science didn't heal me of drug and alcohol addiction instantly ,with no withdraw ,,and 25 yrs later I have had no more desire to drink or use drugs that I don't have a prescription for

She inherited the disease from me ,,my spine is shot ,and God has not healed me like that ,,but He does enable me to walk
I have had 3 visions ,,2 have come to pass just as I saw them
(one I had a man interpret it and he didn't get everything right
so some of it I learned the hard way ,,I did exactly what I was warned not to do
So all these "God is not real jerks ,,so sure of their beliefs in science ,,trying to prove I am a liar ..MY Faith has been increased
my family has seen the hand of God at work over and over again
I could care less if they believe me
I share the story for those who believe and are beaten up by ignorant people
Who think they are wiser then God
They don't get it ,,some of us just know what we know
and nothing they can do or say is going to change that
They are wrong ,,but thats on them ,,God wanted me to know ,He is real
@Success the ease of which your trolled is also showing
@SW-User she blocked me lol
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@SW-User She can block me too ,I won't be offended
I didn't try to mock her lack of belief or try to convert her
I posted to someone else I cry over them ,,I travail
Religion tried to scare the crap out of people "Burn forever and ever in hell"..the wages of sin is death ,a full end ,even satan will be destroyed
The last days will have to be shortened so the very elect make it
If Christ didn't end it ,they wouldn't make it
It will be the time that separates the wheat from the chaff
Playing church and being religious won't save you
Christ is the ark ,,and the flood will be fire
Everyone has to die once ,and then the judgement
His are called up to meet Him in the air ,the rest get to sleep another 1000 yrs ,satan is bound in chains of darkness (the grave ) like the angels that mingled with Adams daughters ,,then they wake up to their judgement
They try to overthrow the Holy City that comes down with God the Father
and He destroys them all

I am not trying to change anyone beliefs ,this is what He's shown me
Believe it or not !!!
I am not attacking anyone ,nor trying to scare anyone
I have a lady telling me I need to chill and win them with honey
They are running out of time ,,they need to hear the truth for a change
soon God is going to give those who won't hear the truth over to believe lies and they won't be able to change ,,God will send them strong delusions
The false Messiah ,he will win the Jews who still look for their messiah
they deny Christ ,,its all there if you are born again and have discernment to understand it ,,a carnal mind sure can't
He asks "How will they know ,unless someone tells them " they sure won't study so on "that Day " they are not ashamed

When they pray the rocks fall on them and kill them ,they know there is not escape ,,and the Church's they flock to are on fire
They will know I told them in Love ,,I wasn't trying to scare anyone
I warned them ,,so they might look ,be saved ,and try to share with others they love before its to late for them
When the people are ripping their pastors apart asking
"Why didn't you tell us " ..I pray I am already dead ,buried in Christ
taking my dirt nap ,,but if not ,,I know I will be just fine
and my family too ..I'll be glad when its over
Knowing most of them won't hear is killing me
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
No, not God's design.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I'm trying to help you stop making a fool of yourself.

Funny, Sharon, that's what I've been helping you to do.
Sharon · F
@GodSpeed63 You keep telling yourself that. It won't change the facts but it will provide some amusement.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You keep telling yourself that.

Whatever. 🙄
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I love this post. It's sad that the skeptics are blind to God's grand design.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@GodSpeed63 yes it's very sad!
rckt148 · 61-69, M
never thought of that before ,and thats neat
we live off of what they put out and they live off of what we put out
I have spent many hours laying under a shade tree ,marveling how all the leaves turn to the sun ,but never thought much more about it other then knowing they take in our carbon dioxide
Human beings love to try to find patterns and correlations and links between things because we feel better when things make sense. In this case it's math. Genetic algorithms running to optimize oxygen in the blood would arrive on a similar structure, but that doesn't make me God.
TexChik · F
Oh yes the Similarities throughout nature are astounding . Atoms and a solar system for example ... or the bronchial tree you pointed out . God does amazing work ! 😊
CantExplain · 61-69, M
This a terrific side by side comparison. Very cool!
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@CantExplain thanks!!
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CantExplain · 61-69, M
@TheWildEcho it just occurred to me that the tree root system would show the same pattern. God’s Design throughout Nature
TakingBackMidgaard · 31-35, M
Odin, Vili, and Ve conquered the giant Ymir and out of Ymir's flesh was fashioned the earth, And the mountains were made of his bones; The sky from the frost cold giant's skull, And the ocean out of his blood
TakingBackMidgaard · 31-35, M
@Carazaa Jesus is just Loki in another disguise. The end times are what the Vala have foreseen, what Odin had foreseen, Ragnarök draws near.

You can either die on your knees loving your Jesus (Loki) or you can join the shield wall and fight.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Sharon @TakingBackMidgaard
most highly educated people are not Christians now.

I seriously doubt that, Sharon, you're not highly educated. You've demonstrated that.
Sharon · F
@GodSpeed63 LOL! Not as well as you repeatedly demonstrate your ignorance.
Ooh, I LOVE IT!!!! The Tree of Life, Jesus, who gives US life! Great post!!!
This was always one of my favorite of yours. But boy, you posted this quite some time ago. I miss you... , seeing you here, and your lovely, interesting posts. Quite a lot.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace thanks, I'm still here just not on as much!
Mguinm · 51-55, F
This is wonderful thank you.
This is one I shall still never forget. I just love this post, it is just perfect.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
More like two billion years of trial and error/AKA evolution. The God part of it is the fact that in reality there's nothing there but concentrated energy. Maybe that's love?
My favorite. 🙏❤🤗
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace thanks, it certainly caused some good debate!
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
Hopefully one day humanity will realise we rely on each other to live.
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
@Carazaa yeh I can’t accept that. My understanding from God is that Jesus is no different than only that he was more aware of his undeniable relationship with God. He is still a man and any miracle, as they’ve been called, you or me are no less capable than Jesus at creating them. Difference as I said is we are less aware of our connection to God.
I know we wouldn’t agree on this but that’s our choice.
Carazaa · F
@JovialPlutonian Most people cant accept this and that’s the problem! Know your Bible!
kentex35 · 100+, M
@JovialPlutonian Right on.
1Dogma · F
He made the ecosystem really breathable,
a give and take process.
Carazaa · F
That is just amazing how God creates our lungs and trees!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Amen, brother, amen. That is so cool.
What an awesome post...demonstrating the Handiwork of an awesome Designer...God Almighty!
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace thanks
antoniotomato · 31-35, M
Similar, but not the same
revenant · F
🙂 really good !
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@revenant thanks for bringing an old post back to life!
revenant · F
@TheWildEcho we need it !
purplepen · 51-55, F
Wow! I love that.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
[image/video deleted]
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Harriet03 It's time to take your medication again, Harriet.
Peaches · F
Yes, we would die without our trees!💓🌲
CantExplain · 61-69, M
@TheWildEcho I find trolls have small minds filled only w/ cynicism and disdain; unable to see beauty and feel kindness
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@CantExplain I've just blocked this one!
CantExplain · 61-69, M
@Peaches and I would die spiritually...
purplepen · 51-55, F
I want some more trees. Maybe when I get away from the big city and the big crazy pandemic.
This is so awesome!! 🙏
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace thanks, I thought so too
Success · 26-30, F
It even better describes nature seeking new opportunities through diverging pathways. The trunk splits into branches according to what it seeks, and then into smaller and smaller branches: thus becoming more and more effective.
@Success no thanks. have no desire to be your guest.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Success Young lady ,I thought I was wise ,married at 16
running Coast Guard boats at 17 ,working on locomotives at 21
building mansions for the rich at 30 ,playing concerts
paid off 2 homes before I was 34 ,,that does not prove maturity
it proves I knew how to work ,,I lost 2 wives and 3 kids before I was 35
I was crippled for a year ,then I had surgery ,and bragged
"I don't need God ,,all I needed was the $20 grand to get a doctor to fix my back ,,and then I got a tiny spur in my right shoulder
doctors couldn't find it ,so I overheard one of them tell my wife
"He is addicted to narcotics ,he needs rehab " she left me over it
I was bad on drugs at the time ,,I needed to work ,,a wife 12 yrs younger then me ,,and I am spending thousands of dollars a month on drugs and alcohol
I needed to be numb to work ..but so that I didn't loose her ,I tried to quit
drugs is the reason my first wife left and took my kids ,,I couldn't quit
But in an instant I was healed ,,my kid was healed and I didn't know it at the time ,I hadn't seen her in 12 yrs ,,
But in 1995 ,,I won custody of my kids ,was awarded my disability and life turned around ,,I called myself serving God ,,but I wasn't
I was following traditions of men ,like so many I got religious ,not God
But 6 years ago ,,I actually you can say was spoken to by God
And He showed me I had not been serving Him ,I was still playing church
And that night I was born again ,,it means God actually came into me
The Holy Spirit ,,and I am not trying to scare you ,,how you live is up to you ,,I said what I had to say for /to a believer
I pity all who don't have a clue whats coming
Before the return of Christ ,laws will be passed forcing people to observe Sunday as the day of worship ,by law ,,the Pope is already pushing for it
You will see men like me killed or tossed into prison for saying
Gods holy day is the 7th day ,,not the first ,I will not comply
And after that ,,the pope will rule the world ,something bad will happen to cause that ,,all the leaders of the world will enforce his will
But shortly after ,,all hell is going to break loose
If you are still alive ,,remember ,,Rick told you this was coming

Now you can mock me all you want ,,I am used to it
I wasted the time to type this as a sign for you
when you see it coming to pass ,,,remember I told you
Success · 26-30, F
@rckt148 Weird.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
We humans can't recycle our glass jars but God recycles the entire earth's biosphere. Only foolish people say "there is no God".
kentex35 · 100+, M
@hippyjoe1955 I believe.
Maximusmax · M
And it's everywhere. Even comparing galaxies with embryos 👍
kentex35 · 100+, M
You know the story of Our Lady of Fatima? Pretty interesting especially the Revelations she told the children to relay to the Pope. In regards to ww1 & ww2. I'm just saying if you have nothing else to do and your phone in hand.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@kentex35 Yes I am acquainted with Fatima. I always found it interesting how the child was shown hell but not Heaven. St Paul talks about visions of heaven and I have had visions of heaven. Not sure why hell. Any ideas?
kentex35 · 100+, M
@hippyjoe1955 now that you asked no. I wonder my own damn self but as it were I'm sure She knew they were going to be with Her soon. Maybe just to tell people it existed and what it was like. I guess to clarify that if your bad you die when you die isn't true. For those that didn't believe an all loving God would allow an eternal torture chamber for the bad ones.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@kentex35 I think that is why I am a Christian and not a catholic. I only seek Jesus and His Gift for me. I don't use intermediaries such as Mary or angels or saints. I talk to my Father and Brother and they talk to me.
rjc36 · 61-69, M
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kentex35 · 100+, M
How ever it works out, there's really just one God we just address Him in different ways. And we made glorious stories of how it all got to where it is today. If everyone is right we'll all end up in the same heaven. Or just be another piece of rotting flesh in a hole or incinerator.i prefer the thought of eternal peace.
Freedude · 56-60, M
Intresting picture, interesting question.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Amen, brother, amen.
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Sassygirl42 thanks for that!
Sassygirl42 · 51-55, F
@TheWildEcho 🌈🌈🌈🌈
Carazaa · F

Mathew 24:23-25
At that time if anyone says to you, look here is the Messiah or there he is do not believe it. For false Messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if it was possible even the elect. See I have told you ahead of time.

31: When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him and he will separate the sheep from the goats.
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