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Why do you love or hate the Bible? [Spirituality & Religion]

I personally hate the Bible, because if God wants us to repent our sins, and ask for forgiveness, then why did he kill all the sinners in the great flood?
You're damned if you do, and damned if you don't. 🤷‍♀️
What do you hate (or love) the most about the Bible?
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CC67219 · 46-50, F
Grace wasn't available in the day of the great flood. He also gave them multiple chances to repent and the opportunity to get on the boat, they chose not to.

God gives us the opportunity to repent, its not a requirement but a choice. If we chose Grace, our lives are preserved against what we deserve, if not, judgement for what we've done, or not done.

Love that its clear and will go deeper.
PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
@CC67219 Thanks for explaining that! I didn't actually read the real story in the Bible, and instead read it out of a children's Bible that left those parts out.
CC67219 · 46-50, F
@PavlovsPuppy before the flood, the earth was only watered by mist. It had never rained before that day.

Hence the rainbow, His promise to never send a flood like that again.
@CC67219 Next time, fire.;
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I dislike anything that isn't clearly defined. Because it's 'meaning' is open to 'interpretation'. And subsequent abuse from those who think they know what it means over everybody else.

Not just The Bible, same for any holy book.
PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
@Picklebobble2 I definitely agree with that.
I like that part where it orders the believers to give me beer and strong liquor...think it's proverbs 31:6
PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
@SW-User That's cool 😎
Is there a part about cheesecakes and ice cream sundaes? 🤤
Katiatavrovich · 31-35, F
Love is the most important thing there I think
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Katiatavrovich love is good!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Neither hate not love... It's full of rules that may have been applicable to reset dwelling tribes but no longer apply.. And it's full of contradictions...
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@ozgirl512 DUZ tehYz sayZ MuCHz aboUTz LeZbOZ In de BibLez of waYZ ITz JuSTz THz GaYZ?
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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@ISpeakTheTruth you don't think with all the smiting going on in the old testament, that it's evil free?
PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
It's a very boring story book.
PavlovsPuppy · 100+, F
@GoldenWorm 🤣 That it is.
I never read the whole thing through, to tell the truth. The furthest I got was children's Bible stories!
saintsong · 41-45, F
Looking back If I knew the word and put it into practice I would have never became schizophrenic I would have never broke the first two commandments instead I played with tarot cards and started hearing voices which told me that love was wrong! Until I couldn’t resist no longer and if I was a Good Samaritan I would have never been blind to the undercover decoy who triggered the chase into idolatry which is a sin! I might have known all of this had I read and understood and obeyed the bible, I would have never fallen! And sold my soul! But luckily even then Jesus saw my need and redeemed my soul and died in my place and gave me His life which is a perfume fragrance that gets caught up in my thoughts that guides me in the Holy Spirit! Then I was born again as a living sacrifice to live righteously before the Lord That is when God started inspiring movies called the worlds about my life. when I faced my worlds I started hearing Heavenly Angels sing! Because I followed the map(the bible) To a T
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
You don't have a very deep understanding of the Bible or its message. Someone wants to give you the Gift beyond human understanding and you are not willing to accept it?
I love the bible and believe it is the greatest collection of writings ever written. As far as fundamentalism is concerned, I am a heretic because I believe it contains the Words of God, but I don't agree that it is the "inerrant word of God". There are things that I personally believe should not be taken literally, and there are discrepancies. If it was the "inerrant Word of God" then there would not be the discrepancies and contradictions that are there. Solomon's horse stables and stuff like that...... It still contains the Words of the King, though, and it is as close to perfect as ink put to paper will ever be.
I'm neutral.
@SW-User whoa...
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GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
@ISpeakTheTruth meh, you should wake up to understand how you are imposing our personal choices unfairly on everyone else.
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GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
@ISpeakTheTruth the "you will be punished " is a shirty imposition.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
People use the Bible totally wrong. It’s a bunch of stories told by People!! It is a Life for Dummies book. A guide that you can’t take everything literally
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Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@Pianist1234 um... the Bible is a lot more then just Jesus... it isn’t authorized by Jesus... it didn’t exist in Jesus’ time.
the Bible is neutral for me. i only encounter it at hotels. tried to read it once. it's mostly genealogy in the first few chapters, as i remember.
Billybob2 · 26-30, M
Some people don't believe that flood story, the Bible was said to be created by a bunch of people who chose what should and shouldn't be in it, not by God himself.
I’m indifferent. I wasn’t dropped on mah head as a baby.

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I like it. It is a mess! lol
Wiseacre · F
I dont love or hate the bible!
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
I think it has some value as a means to teach young people very black and white moral rules about theft, murder, the bad sins.

But otherwise it's been pretty destructive. I was a teenager when I started to see all the flaws in it, like how everyone on earth who was alive outside of Israel in the old testament went straight to hell because they'd never heard of God, as they were born in the wrong place. Sucks to be them!
JBird · F
For the same reasons, I hate Bible too
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