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Miracles God has done for me.


"“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Josh 1:7

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Miracle 1[b]

To demonstrate how God has blessed me when I tithe: Here is a story for you. I was young and my husband left me and moved in with a girl down the street. I had two small kids and I cried out to God what can I do to be blessed.
And he showed me the verse in Malachi to tithe, so I gave 10% of my $400 I was making a month at the time. My rent was $550 so I did it on faith because I was going to be super short on rent.
Then a day or so before my rent was due, a lady knocked on my door and said. "I have a gift for you, $22.000 because you gave me a few rides last year to a nursing home." She said "My friend died and he gave me his money in his will, but I don't need it, because I am a millionaire." I could pay my rent. Praise God. He saved me as a little child and I believed in Jesus as Gods Son, but I never knew how important it is to give to God and put him first in everything.

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the LORD Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10

Miracle 2
Another answered prayer was when I was late for work when I was young and drove very fast 80 miles an hour onto a 5 lane freeway packed of cars and had to slam on my brakes because the traffic came to a stop. I couldn't get into the next lane because there was a big truck there so I went spinning around 3 times and yelled "Please don't make me hit anyone God" and my car stopped miraculously exactly parallel less than an inch from the cement divider. The whole freeway stopped for me. I still can't figure how my car didn't hit anyone

Miracle 3 Another miracle was when I worked an hr from my home and wanted to find a job in my profession closer to home. I called my previous supervisor where I had done an internship to ask if he knew anyone hiring! I quit a year before working part time for him because I needed s full time job and none was available. He told me his friend was hiring and called him. His friend called me and said he wanted to interview me because I came with the highest recommendations. I interviewed and he offered me the job. I declined it because I couldn’t pay my bills on the salary he offered. He needed Spanish fluent speakers. But because he had no employees at the time and a lot of work he was willing to hire me even though I wasn’t fluent. But the county couldn’t increase the starting salary so I continued working in my other job for another 2 months. What my boss said when I called back was just miraculous. I called him after a few months to ask if the job was still avsilable. He said yes and no one had called all those months at all so the job was still available and I accepted it. The day after I accepted the job my boss told me that he had so many Spanish speakers call and then he had a full office staff for the company! God held that job for me! I was amazed!

Miracle 4
Another miracle is when I was working for a company and the boss had a problem with me. He had asked me to do something I thought was unethical and I refused, and he asked me to leave. I called a man who had asked me to work with his company on a contract basis a year ago, but he said absolutely, but he had to wait for a go ahead from the landlord to give me an office there. So I tithed on the money I had left that I got from severance pay from my last job and went home to just pray and wait and read my Bible. Well I waited and read for 10 hrs a day for a few months, not applying anywhere else because God told me in my heart not to worry. So he finally called and I moved in to the new office and worked with this company. After a month I had $20 in my account and my rent was due. I told the secretary that I couldn't pay my rent at 5 pm probably, but she said its only 10 am, and the rent is not due until 5 pm so don't worry because we had all prayed at the staff meeting. So I went back in my office. At 3 pm a man called and said that he wanted an appointment. I gave him one at 4 pm, and at 4:50 pm he contracted me to work for him and he gave me a few thousand dollars and I could pay my rent at 5pm. That year God increased my pay from $3000 to over $8000 a month. For some its not much but for me it was a lot!

Miracle 5
Another miracle is when I was in Grad school and was diagnosed with leukemia. I quit school and went back home to just pray, rest, and eat better. I never saw a doctor for a year I just prayed and rested and ate better! I went back a year later and the doctor said that I was healthy!

Miracle 6
Another miracle was when I prayed that my Mom would have peace when she died and then a white dove came to my window a minute later and landed on the grass; and then another one came to my window and flew over my house. She died in peace a couple of days later. I asked all my neighbors if they have ever seen white doves here in this town. They have lived here for 70 years and they said. No never. It was a sign from God he answered my prayer. I also prayed my sister would reach her before she died I knew God would keep her alive until she got there. My sister got to her side and held her hand and a minute later she died! The light shined through the window in her room when she took her last breath.

Miracle 7
When my father was in the hospital sick dying I prayed that he would be alive for me to visit him. I had to work 2 weeks before I could leave. Other family members were there until I got there but he was unconscious the whole time. I new that God would keep him alive until I got there. When I walked in his hospital room he woke up. I held his hand for many days and as we talked and prayed and he said that he believed in God. And then he died! God kept him alive so we could have that time together!

Miracle 8.
Another miracle is when this Corona virus happened. I didn't know if I would lose my job or go broke, so I trusted in the Lord and gave double tithing to show God Im trusting you. I made double ever since. It's amazing how God takes care of us.

Miracle 9.
Another miracle is when God says he takes care of our kids, he means it. I can't believe my daughter never got Corona virus when her husband has it, and they sleep together. He took the long test and it is valid.
There are so many things that happen in my life everyday and I will add more miracles to this post as I remember them and as I see how God takes care of me daily. It's a miracle after miracle.

Miracle 10
Another miracle happened this week. I wasn't getting payed because there was a problem with the company I work with. I tithed anyway even though I couldn't pay my bills and told God that I would just trust his word and test him as he has asked us to do to give a 10th of our income to him so I gave to missions and a christian church. About 5 minutes after I wrote a check the phone rang, and a lady said that she has a company that needs some help and could I help them. God came through again. He proves himself every day when we trust in him!

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Carazaa · F
@Sharon very funny!
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Carazaa · F
@Stereoguy Thank you!!

Entwistle · 56-60, M
Be delusional.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@newjaninev2 In a purely materialist world (no Designer) those 'natural processes' are accidental. They would not be universally fixed as you seem to assume. According to materialism Uranus and Neptune should not be there. According to gravitation laws the Voyager space craft should not be where they are either. According to the fossil record complex animals with fully functioning eyes appear way too soon. According to evolution each mutation is just another accident. Natural selection is based on a whole bunch of very very very fortuitous accidents. What's the difference between a human being and an amoeba? Nothing really. The human just had a few accidents the amoeba didn't. What a stupid theory you subscribe to. Even its own 'evidence' doesn't support it.
Carazaa · F
@hippyjoe1955 Thank you God Bless you!🌷
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@Carazaa I hope God, our father, no else can, will also bless him with with some basic understanding of Science and Logic, at least the mínimum enough to avoid making his frequent empty diatribes.
That will be not only a moderate blessing for him, but also a big one for the rest of us at SW.
I´ll be grateful with that miraculous grace.
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
If your God is as good as you (religious people) say he is, you wouldn’t need to even ask this, as he’d be answering every single prayer he’s got since the beginning of time- and we’d all know that by now, especially the religious people.
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Emosaur But the logic goes, if god commits murder it isn't murder because it's holy righteousness.
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JBird · F

Then a day or so before my rent was due, a lady knocked on my door and said. "I have a gift for you, $22.000 because you gave me a few rides last year to a nursing home." She said "My friend died and he gave me his money in his will, but I don't need it, because I am a millionaire." I could pay my rent. Praise God. He has promised "my own, will never beg for bread!"

She was a millionaire, she doesn't care for 22 dollars. I would have done the same. It's not a miracle.

Another answered prayer was when I was late for work when I was young and drove very fast 80 miles an hour onto a 5 lane freeway packed of cars and had to slam on my brakes because the traffic came to a stop. I couldn't get into the next lane because there was a big truck there so I and went spinning around 3 times and yelled "Please don't make me hit anyone God" and my car stopped miraculously exactly parallel less than an inch from the cement divider. The whole freeway stopped for me. I still can't figure how my car didn't hit anyone!
That's called physics. Your car is bound to stop after spinning.

Another miracle is when I was in Grad school and was diagnosed with leukemia. I quit school and went back home to just pray rest and eat better. I went back a year later and He said that I was healthy.
This is a lie. How do you know it's leukaemia without going to hospital? Please know there might be doctors in the site and will catch you lying.

Another prayer was when I prayed that my Mom would have peace and then a white dove came to my window and then landed on the grass; and then another one came to my window and flew over my house. It was a sign from God he answered my prayer.
What? 😂😂😂😂😂 Wft? Doves are supposed to fly around buildings and it's common to see them. I see a lot of doves in my apartment because they fricking made a nest in my exhaust fan and I don't even pray. 😂
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Carazaa So you feel nothing for the children? Then you are as guilty as the ones that hurt them.
Carazaa · F
@kodiac I have a business and I am working and I take phone calls as they come. I am sorry I have t read any of the replies since my last reply. But I am going to stop exanging and responding to rude people and have a nice day! I wish you the best!
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Carazaa Thank you i was afraid my head was going to explode anyway🤯To me thousands of kids being abused is rude but you don't agree.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
God seems to be deaf to the prayers of the 1000s of men women and kids who starve to death every day. Imagine having the power to help millions and choosing not to use it.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Sharon The Roman Empire when it turned Christian went all crazy genocidal.
Carazaa · F
@CopperCicada I don't know much about Armenia, but God explains that a country who's God is the Lord WILL be blessed. And after a people are blessed if they forget where the blessings come from then he will allow their enemies to take them over.

So my guess is that what happened is that they forgot about their God and God gave them over to their enemies, Russia.
Carazaa · F
@Sharon The Roman Empire was never Christian, but Catholic. Not all Catholics are. Christians.
I wonder why it is that some people get so many miracles and some people get none.
I wonder why it is that god gives little miraculous signs but never heals an amputee...
Carazaa · F
praise God! The greatest love story ever told!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
What if you're thanking the wrong god?

Amen, sister.
@GodSpeed63 Do you read and follow every word of the bible?
Budwick · 70-79, M
Step #1 - Believe in The One God, the Creator of the Universe.
Step # 2 - Honor God in what think, do and say.
Step #3 - Take responsibility to speak to our Heavenly Father on a regular basis - in prayer. [Remember how awkward things can be when to connect with an old acquaintance you have spoken to in a long time? You don't want to let that happen in your relationship with God.]

Our Father, God is a loving God. He loves His children. And, like human fathers will always do whats best for His children.
Iwillwait · M
@Carazaay reply I remived was for the post above from Budwick, somehow it was placed below historian fallacy.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Carazaa I have no clue what you're talking about this post is from last year
Carazaa · F
@kodiac people comment!
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Invent him and pretend
Carazaa · F
@MasterLee Ok so seriously answer this!
1. How does your god deal with sin? Murderers, rapists, and thiefs who rob you!
3. How does your god tell you to deal with your enemies who hurt you!
4. Does he take your punishment on his shoulders and was tortured for your sins?
5. Does he answer your prayers?
6. What's his values? To feel happy or to tell you the truth so you will mature
7. Why are there problems in the world? Whydoes he not help the poor and why does he not fix famines and all the worlds problems?

Jesus explains all this in the Bible what does your god say?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Carazaa I have no god or need for one.

Your point?
Carazaa · F
@MasterLee You asked how can I deny sctulu? So I don't know about any actuality God can you please answer all my questions regarding sctulu to educate me? I have read and studied most religions in college but not this one!🙂
saintsong · 41-45, F
This is truly beautiful you have great faith! My husband makes the money in our household and I don’t or rarely do. But once I had $400 and God called me to tithe with the promise to open up the floodgates of heaven! So I gave God exactly 10% then I went to the hospital and found $20.00 on the ground in the parking lot! Then my kitty got sick and I needed money to take her to the vet to get her looked at and some medicine and $300.00 was released to me for her it was exactly what we needed for her! Then I told my husband that we needed new queen size fitted sheets for our bed because the ones on the bed were tearing so we went to Walmart and parked our van out into the open then I opened the door and hopped out and low and behold right there at my feet was a brand new in open package of deep pocket queen size fitted sheet! And nobody around! I couldn’t believe it that was the sole reason why I went to Walmart that day and there it was at my feet in an empty parking lot! It was like a miracle! God gave me way more than I gave Him!
Carazaa · F
@saintsong thank you for sharing!🤗
There seems to still be senseless violence and exploitation of people, in particular innocents, like children-- so I guess no. My prayers are not answered.
Carazaa · F
I was saying we need to care for hurting people as well as pray! It is societies sins that causes diseases, abuse, poverty, and eventually death! It is my fault, and your fault, and all of ours! If we pray and follow Jesus then God will bless us , God also promises that he will answer our prayers regarding our own children.
@Carazaa It's my fault and all of our faults that kids are molested and disappeared?
Carazaa · F
@CopperCicada Yes We are all the cause of sin! It started in the garden of Eden when humanity was banned from God and this world was cursed! We all sin so it continues, but we can talk to God but we must be saved first! And only then does he hear our prayers and he will come to our aid, and our kids aid!
Yep! I watch the news so I can pray for people and I give and volunteer too. We can all help!

God has not promised that he will hear prayers of the ungodly! You must be born again!
VSonMe · 56-60, M
I'm in talks with the Christian god and we have a sticking point about my having to go to church every Sunday. This is a bit inconvenient as that's my golf day so I've asked if an Amazon gift card will work instead. I can buy them out of the $100 million I'm expecting. I'm hopeful he might go for that especially as I've pointed out that the competition in the god business is quite fierce. Frankly, it's a buyer's market right now.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@VSonMe 🤣
Pfuzylogic · M
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Pfuzylogic I love the Addams Family 👍
redredred · M
First, invent a god...
Tminus6453 · M
Nah, nothin for me, but i hear he likes to answer professional athletes prayers when they win a championship
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@Tminus6453 now I haven't monitored the situation too closely but is he on Caster Semenya's side because that would prove he has a great sense of humour, or...

Carazaa · F
@Tminus6453 They probably have Godly Mothers and Fathers Who pray for them!
Iwillwait · M
These are all incredible testimonies. Thank you for sharing. GOD IS GOOD!
Iwillwait · M
@Carazaa You are so very welcome. Thank you for sharing.
Iwillwait · M
@Carazaa Church Prepare , are the words I am hearing/seeing more often. Guard your heart, I think you're a good soul spreading good seed.
Carazaa · F
@Iwillwait Thank you! Guard your heart! Don’t fall away! We are in the end times! 🕊️
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
He shared this with me recently: real faith is knowing God can perform miracles and trusting He'll do what's right. He's answered my prayers many times but according to His wisdom and not mine. Praise God, I'm living in the country again after so many years living in the city. But, I'm living in an apartment complex and I'm okay with His decision.
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 God will give you that, and more I am sure!🌷
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
God will give you that, and more I am sure!

Thank you for your encouraging words. I'm sure He'll give you your heart's desires as long as you delight yourself in Him.
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 Yes I believe so too! I had a little miracle happen this morning again. God is good to me. I choose to put all my eggs in the God basket!
VSonMe · 56-60, M
Which god are you talking about? There are hundreds of them to choose from. I've put out a request for quotation from all of them to see which one gives me the best deal.

The Muslim god is definitely in the running with his promise of 72 virgins. Not a done deal yet though. I've made a counter offer for 32 virgins, 40 slags and another 20 gently used women. Waiting to hear back on this. The Christian god has barely tried and will have to do a lot better. I have asked for a $100 million lottery win in return for dropping my objection to the harp players in heaven so we'll see if he can deliver.

Lots more offers from other gods to consider too so it might take a while to narrow it down to the finalists.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Carazaa The punishment of Crucifixion is a horrible one but 1,000s were also killed by that horrible torture device. Times were brutal but it seems like an insult to honor one so much as to build a religion when several people died from being oppressed. Why don't I honor one of them? Or one of the many "peasants" brutally murdered for stealing food for their family so they don't starve to death, that seems to make more sense.
Carazaa · F
@SatanBurgerJesus was the only innocent one, and He chose to be tortured for you and for me because otherwise we would be tortured because its like gravity from a high fall we will die for sure! If God was not just we would not have to die but he is a just God! No sin in heaven at all.
VSonMe · 56-60, M
@Carazaa Let's agree to disagree on how much of a sacrifice God made when he decided to die in order to forgive us. I think it was no sacrifice at all and just showing off.

What's more interesting is how you define sin. I don't consider myself a "sinner." I am not a bad person and I refuse to debase myself.
Carazaa · F
Here is the post of some miracles God has done in my life.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 That's your town. You can't extrapolate that to the rest of the world. Notice I didn't say that you were wrong, I just pointed out that you can't extrapolate your results. Just as @Sharon shouldn't extrapolate hers. A sample of n=1 is not, I repeat NOT, representative.
Sharon · F
@Bushranger I'd like to know how empty churches equate to a ghost town. All the churches in my area are going out of business but the place is quite lively otherwise.
@GodSpeed63 Really?
All the churches in my town are filled up
Give us a photo of the inside of every one of those filled churches.
Oh by the way, do you read and follow every word of the bible?
JonathanC · 61-69, M
Fictitious beings cannot hear or answer prayers.
God hears our prayers, but the answer is usually “no.”
Carazaa · F
@LeopoldBloom I pray about everything and God answers! I watch the news so I know what to pray for!
@Carazaa God grants 100% of your prayers?
Carazaa · F
@LeopoldBloom Yes but some take a little while!
akindheart · 61-69, F
THAT is an amazing story. i believe God answers prayers for everyone.
Carazaa · F
@akindheart God bless you!
Carazaa · F
@akindheart he is just trolling and harassing me all day so I blocked him
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Carazaa me too!
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I pray. God always answers our prayers. Sometimes He says yes and sometimes He says no. At other times He says wait.
This message was deleted by its author.
Pfuzylogic · M
Prayer and work. If you want your prayers to be answered, then you need to do things that will help and lead you to your goal. You have to help yourself before God helps you.
That isn’t Faith.
Clarity is very important with others to understand Faith.
I have an understanding of Faith.
It is dependent on the work of Jesus not the faithful.
ThisDame · 22-25, F
@Pfuzylogic Now that you've mentioned it, I realized it was stupid of me to say that and I'm deeply sorry...
Carazaa · F
@Pfuzylogic That's right faith is the key! Jesus said to the apostles when they asked why can't we cast out demons and Jesus said "You of little faith"
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Miracles are an act of God and not mankind. God does what He wants to do.
Carazaa · F
I am trying to respond and write an encouraging reply to your first post in Private messaging but wasn't able to. Loved the post and want to say something regarding that. And Im trying to open my posts for commenting and recently they changed how you do that and Im not able to open this post either. I wrote the web designers so hopefully they can help me open this post.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
It helps if you believe in the Easter Bunny
Sharon · F
@JoeyFoxx Very true. I believe in the Easter Bunny and He brings me Easter Eggs. I know people who don't believe in Him, they don't get Easter Eggs. Proof the Easter Bunny is real.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M

TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
I have no idea. I've been told that all of our prayers are always answered, but that sometimes the answer is no, or not right now. I've also been told that our prayers are always answered in the way that is best for us, even if things end in disaster. I struggle with this. I really do.
saintsong · 41-45, F
Best answer this is what I’ve been told as well@TeresaRudolph71
Carazaa · F
Here is my post on miracles some of Gods miracles for me!
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I don't, but why does your god?

Have you ever hated anybody?

Prove it.

He already did.

Hmm, no, pretty sure you mean "spared".


Did your god know about the outcome of his creation?

Sure He did which is why He sent His only Son Jesus to save us from ourselves.
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@GodSpeed63 Do you read and follow every word of the bible?
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
Caraza, with complete Independence of my other debate, I´ll answer your original post.

Yes, I pray.
Never needed something too epic for talking and be heard by our loving Dad.
Yes, He use to answer most of them.
And He surely haves better reasons than mines for the ones He don´t.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
All the time, of course once I realised how to get it to work better the hit ratio went up from less than 1% to 100%, it's how you pray that counts. Don't ask for anything just do as you please and ask forgiveness, works every time.
Reverend · M
@Carazaa will do. Either make your points correct or expect criticism. I did nothing to you.
Carazaa · F
@Reverend I like to be around people who are uplifting and encouraging! God says if there is anything good focus on that! Good night!
Reverend · M
@Carazaa goodnight!
Pfuzylogic · M
There are innumerable times, hundreds, thousands of prayers.
The first most important time delivered me from my Father when I turned 12.
Carazaa · F
@Pfuzylogic Ok Great! God bless you!
Peaches · F
Yes, 😌I have had a few answered. Some never where. 😞I don't think we were meant to know, or maybe just not at this time.🌎️
Carazaa · F
@Peaches Yes I agree with you there!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Carazaa the chemicals if life are unstable. They attain the status you need and a few seconds later become unusable. All the chemicals in all the right proportion at exactly the right time. Dumping all the chemicals in a pot and stirring doesn't work. Each chemical has to be added at exactly the right moment. Evolution doesn't work.
Carazaa · F

I believe you, and I just can't logically understand how order can come from chaos. It just isn't possible. Any logical brain can understands that order has to come from a maker, not chaos. There has to be a creator! A watch could never make itself, or a train, or a cell. Nope, not possible! Also it is soooo beautiful🌸.

God created everything sooo beautiful🌷! And He created time in perfect order, perfect years, months, weeks, and days. And divided time in two. Before Christ and after Christ!🌤️ And gave us such a wonderful world, A beautiful meadow, gorgeous ocean, and mountains, and such yummy food, such enjoyable company, and intimate moments, and beautiful lovemaking, and gorgeous sunrises, and sunsets. God is so good! Boy have we messed it up with our hate, greed, and complaining and blaming when we have ourselves to blame!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Carazaa So very very true. The only plausible explanation for evolutionists existence is a desire to be against the Creator. Rejecting the concept of a Creator doesn't make anyone more intellectual. It doesn't make them a better scientist. It doesn't make them wiser. In fact the exact opposite occurs. Sadly they become bigger fools that deny what is evident before them. They hold on to a theory that collapses under its own weight. They have to lie and cheat to make their idea even seem logical to themselves. The only thing they have to lose by accepting that things were created and not the result of a bunch of accidents is their own blind stupidity. Nothing else changes. The universe just makes more sense and you don't need to lie to yourself when you see obvious design.
Carazaa · F
@hippyjoe1955 Absolutely thank you🌷
eyeno · M
God is good and always on time. God bless
Carazaa · F
@eyeno Thank you! God is good all the time even when we think he forgot us!
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
The way I see it is regardless of personification and form, whether "god" exists or not or whether we have the power to create given or not, we have the ability to create through action and thought.

So we must answer our own wishes through the power of our own or given creation. Most of the stories in the bible were about people learning to do things for themselves with the narrative of creation itself teaching them this through life circumstances.
So it's annalogous to learning from life and creating the life you want through our ability to do so.

Thus you have "god" or creation in you, so we create what we will.
Carazaa · F
@Ryannnnnn God is all about faith. We are flawed but if we have faith He will do miracles for us!
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Carazaa We can see the presence and actions of God daily but we choose to ascribe them to different natural events because the concept of a God who will also judge our behaviors is frightening to people, including some who are making their banal comments about his non-existence here.

Safer to believe in nothing than take the responsibility of believing in something.
Carazaa · F
@Ryannnnnn Most people of faith in the Bible, and me included do nothing at all. We just have faith and God does ALL the work. I can take no credit!
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Carazza after reading your miracles, what im after getting from it , is that your one special kind lady.
Do you know a miracle that happened in my life . I went through serious harassment non stop for 12 years were i live and i always questioned when or my due a nervous breakdown, and the opposite is after happening , my spirit is never as being alive as it was never before . I went through so much and all humans were i live i wouldn't go to them cause the harassment was so severe and i knew they couldn't reach me so i decided to turn to a person who went through so much more to me and still believed in God and that was Christ . He changed my whole life .
Lets say what happened to me , if it happened to another person , they would of committing suicide cause the pain was so severe . And i tell you another one i never went in a dark place in my mind , not once , and up to this day i can't explain it .
And the people that harassed me , ive no hatred towards them , not one bit , and that was going on 12 years .
I looked at the movie ' The passion of Christ " and that summed up what Love is all about .
Carazaa · F
@riseofthemachine Aww thank you for reading my post on miracles. And you are special too I can tell. I am praying the harassment has stopped. God promises "I will never leave you nor forsake you," so he has your back. I am so happy you have turned to Christ! I will keep you in my prayers and you will be safe!
Yess....all the time...
Carazaa · F
@Experienced33 Yeah? Can you share please?
@Carazaa Nawwww, just keep communicating..
Carazaa · F
@Experienced33 that's wonderful!
Believing and doing good is gold. 🤗😎
Carazaa · F
@littlepuppywantanewlife Thank you! 🤗 💖 📯
@Carazaa Always welcome and merry Christmas. ☺️😎
Sarabee · 41-45
The first time was when I was 13 and he sent me the kindest man🙃❤️🎁🌹
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Sarabee oh?
Elegy · 46-50
Believe harder, obviously.
Carazaa · F
@Elegy Faith does move mountains!
Carazaa · F
Here are some of God's miracles in my life!
Sarabee · 41-45
Several one for my daughter🤔
Carazaa · F
Here is the post above!@HeteroDox
Carazaa · F
Here is my miracle post
JBird · F

I believe you have to be born again, and put God first in money and time.

I can introduce you many born agains who put themselves for God and still suffers. I can introduce many born again pastor who claim to put God first but grabs money from foolish followers, rape their daughters and make businesses
Carazaa · F
Nope, not true!🤗
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Make the prayer
Carazaa · F
@UserNameSW Ok What does that mean?
Carazaa · F
Here are some of Gods miracles!
sacrifice a hippy.
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout Oh, come on, hippyjoe isn't that bad.
This message was deleted by its author.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Be humble in mind and spirit, and then ask...and accept that sometimes the answer you will get from Him is "No".

However much I despise Islam, I must admit that in my experience Moslems understand this far better than Christians or Jews.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Sarabee Thank you for sharing your first hand experience of Moslems in the land of Mecca and Medina...after all, what do I know about it, having only been here three years and now speaking Arabic, compared to your vast knowledge and experience?
Carazaa · F
@Abrienda I think she lives in India a country who has been impacted but I could be wrong! I respect all experiences!
Carazaa · F
@Sarabee What country do you live?

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