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Was the manger made of stone? [Spirituality & Religion]

We think of the manger being wooden, but in the Holy Land they are often made of stone. Just imagine if this was the case and Jesus was laid in strips of cloth on stone. An amazing picture of 33 or so years later when His body was lying in the stone tomb wearing grave clothes, just before the ressurection.
Christmas and Easter are SO closely linked. It's good to remember at Christmas that He came as a sacrifice to die for us
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CopperCicada · M Best Comment
In the Orthodox traditions, the whole Nativity is depicted in stone and baby Jesus is wrapped like the dead-- to represent this very connection between the birth and death of Christ.

TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@CopperCicada Yes I can see, thanks so much for sharing!

That is very interesting. I had never thought about that, but back then as you mentioned, a manger was really a water trough carved from stone. However I think as a mother back then, I would think that she would lay the baby on some soft hay, but I guess we'll never know. But thank you for this article. It's something to think about.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace yes I'm sure it was lined with hay!!
It really 'is' the only dharma that makes any sense at all. All over the world people shed blood for the remission of sins. There had to be a 'once and for all' and Christ was 'it'.
"Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world."
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@puck61 exactly
SweetMae · 70-79, F
@puck61 The greatest gift of all.
@SweetMae John Birch, John Deere, John 3:16! ( I'm not being 100% serious. The Almighty transcends all that foolishness. I was just tossing that in there in a mildly self deprecating way.)
faithhopelovealways · 56-60, F
Thank you for sharing...Jesus is our most precious gift at Christmas and Easter!!❤❤
SweetMae · 70-79, F
That is very possible. Wood was a valuable commodity in that area.
Mguinm · 51-55, F
Wow that's interesting coaralation. Strips of cloth on stone after birth and then death!
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@Mguinm What's "coaralation"? What's "aralation" to start off with?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
That isn't the manger he lay in at the nativity scene.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@TheWildEcho I wasn't in it myself, I just watched it.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@NankerPhelge I was the inn keeper
@TheWildEcho I was Mary. It was wonderful to imagine, while kneeling there. It felt blessed and I could feel the Holy Spirit.
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@SW-User Oh yeah! There are more people in slavery today than ever before! We are making great progress. 20% of the world lives like royalty, the other 80% plays football in minefields on empty stomachs if they're lucky.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@SW-User If you mean your own green name tag, that has no bearing on it.
@SW-User Redeemer of Israel? You're young. You will see a mountain split in half in Israel. Hopefully you will not swallow your tongue.
NewBecky · 51-55, F
That's an AWESOME image!!! Thank you! Praise God because the deeper you look the more you find!
nedkelly · 61-69, M
looks like a drinking troth for the donkey
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@nedkelly would do both?
Do you really believe all that BS ?
@TheWildEcho Hmmmm,I find that so odd.
No medical intervention, no science ?
And isn't everything part of God's plan ( as you people say) your disease included, but yet you pray to change the outcome. That's kind of rude towards your imaginary god.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Underconstruction if God was imaginary I wouldn't pray to him
Adstar · 56-60, M
@Underconstruction God gives us the option of praying for healing if that is our desire.. So therefore there is no disrespect towards God in praying for things God has given us permission to pray for..
kentex35 · 100+, M
Do you believe Jesus descended into Hell to free the cursed souls he came to die for? Just wondering.
kentex35 · 100+, M
@Carazaa I thought that limbo thing was a little cruel. God has had his vengeance but it is fairly swift, well maybe not for those that did in the flood of Noah's time. But Sodom and Gomorrah , the Passover were a one night thing
But we I understood it when ask and Eve fell God places a curse on all those coming from her. Even though they were to young to sin they were cursed and limbo I guess was an invention to show that good food have some mercy
Limbo wasn't he'll it was a place their soul existed until redemption aka the sacrifice of Jesus. That was the sin that was forgiven. I think so the other no no's still had to be repented or atoned for and some were greater than others.
The Roman Catholic version of the Apostles Creed says... And He was crucified and died. He defended into Hell. And on the third day he arose again and ascended into heaven... It's just that one line in the prayer that seems to be unique to the Roman Catholic.
I'm not surprised the church has gotten rid of the limbo thing. It's just that there's no reasonable explanation since we know how God favored children throughout the old and new treatment except during the flood I guess.
But still the babies grew up and were cursed I guess until the salvation.
The sacraments are a way to reaffirm ones faith with the church's blessing. A rite but a required event if possible. Those that are never taught the Word are not bound by it. Ignorance of the law in this case is forgiven or never a penalty. As I understand it. Makes sense of one doesn't know he's suppose know it can't count against him. Like most faiths the Roman Catholic believe theirs to be the true faith but never was I taught that it was required to get into heaven.
A just man causes the devil more affliction than a million blind followers.
K. Gibran . I think that is basically the truth. Rituals and rites aren't automatic get it of Hell free they are just something the RC church requires. There are 7 sacraments one of which is not required at all unless you want to be a priest. I think. The others, baptism, confession, first communion confirmation matrimony(also not necessary if you choose not to get married) and last rites us not necessary , there are to many cases one can die it get killed before a priest could could administer the sacrament and like godparents someone can stand up or speak for you. I'm surprised I remember that much. I am a fallen away RC. I don't go to mass it practice the sacraments in the church. Are you still reading if so thank you for listening to my faded memory idea of how it goes. What you said is just as true imo.
Adstar · 56-60, M
I thought that limbo thing was a little cruel. God has had his vengeance but it is fairly swift, well maybe not for those that did in the flood of Noah's time. But Sodom and Gomorrah , the Passover were a one night thing
But we I understood it when ask and Eve fell God places a curse on all those coming from her. Even though they were to young to sin they were cursed and limbo I guess was an invention to show that good food have some mercy

The doctrine of limbo was created out of thin air as a result of the catholic doctrines of the necessity of water baptism to be saved.. And the catholic version of the doctrine of original sin. Where babies are born guilty of the sin of Adam and Eve.. The Biblical version is that all humans are born cursed with the inheritance of original sin but that little ones have a time of innocence where they do not sin and therefore do not need the Atonement of the LORD Jesus..

Once you have the doctrine that babies are born guilty and salvation is only available to babies who are water baptized then you have to create something up like Limbo to answer devastated parents who have had an infant die before they had the chance to baptist them..

As for me i was born into a catholic family but once i read the Bible for myself i renounced the catholic religion and became a Christian..
Carazaa · F
@kentex35 Thank you for sharing.

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