I gave up on magical explanations. Wishing power instead of natural laws? Shut down the logical side of the brain so that God can dwell in the creative side? Not for me!
@SheElf not everyone preaches that though. I came across one Pastor who combined the Bible with science and /or logic during his sermons. It was interesting how he connected both every time
@Omarion21 That kind of connecting always involves faulty reasoning such as an oversight in considering other (better) possibilities- or misinterpreting/false portraying scientific advances.
Is there a creator? Most likely. But it's not what is taught in Sunday school. There is no religion that I know of that satisfies my internal beliefs. How could there be. There would be no idols, creed's, icons, tablets, saints, devil's, prophets, or chosen people. The words in religious texts are interesting to ponder but you have to filter out a lot of myths, legends, and falsehoods. Is there a hereafter? Is reincarnation real? Are we any more deserving of eternal life than a dog?
I grew up with a religion but came to my senses somewhere in my teens. What boggles me is that grown up adults can’t see the flaws that were so obvious to me once I got older. Either must be really brainwashed or don’t have enough intelligence to analyse stuff
I gave up on religion at the age of 9 after my 12 year old brother was fondled by a pastor of a church. religion is a crutch people use to hold themselves up with. that is all.
Yes I did. My father was a full time preacher in an evangelical church. Evangelicals are otherwise known as "Happy Clappies". 🙂 I had to study the bible daily, go to church and watch my father work his sheep up into a frenzy with a message of love combined with the fear of eternal damnation. The reason I am now anti religion is basically because it strikes me as limiting, divisive and elitist. It's also interesting to note that the previous Apartheid government in S.Africa used religion as a tool to help justify their policies. I prefer spirituality which I view as inclusive of all. Religion has been used as a tool for doing evil things for far too long. Also....after doing a bit of research about things like the origin of the bible, it's similarity to many older religions and myths led me to a conclusion. The bible is unoriginal, plagiarized and mistranslated. I could rant all day about this but I'll finish off with tragicomedy because it amuses me. Imagine the man in the photo to be African American.
I became a Christian when I was 17 when God spoke to me in a very real and amazing way. I have received so many blessings over the years, God has been soooo good to me!! I'll never give up my faith, why would I want to?
I abandoned Evangelical atheism years ago. It is a really nasty group think religion that is little more than a thought control cult. Can't think different or you are excommunicated.