Yes I did. My father was a full time preacher in an evangelical church. Evangelicals are otherwise known as "Happy Clappies". 🙂 I had to study the bible daily, go to church and watch my father work his sheep up into a frenzy with a message of love combined with the fear of eternal damnation. The reason I am now anti religion is basically because it strikes me as limiting, divisive and elitist. It's also interesting to note that the previous Apartheid government in S.Africa used religion as a tool to help justify their policies. I prefer spirituality which I view as inclusive of all. Religion has been used as a tool for doing evil things for far too long. Also....after doing a bit of research about things like the origin of the bible, it's similarity to many older religions and myths led me to a conclusion. The bible is unoriginal, plagiarized and mistranslated. I could rant all day about this but I'll finish off with tragicomedy because it amuses me. Imagine the man in the photo to be African American.