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What’s your take on religion [Spirituality & Religion]

Don’t me a jerk about it and no rude comments or they will be deleted.

Looking for actual responses.
ColonelFlytrap · 70-79, M
I spent many years fighting against Christians, convinced I knew the truth and they were ignorant. I read the Bible to find the flaws and to use them to berate anyone who dared talk to me about faith.

I got into a very painful situation in life, a desperate corner with no escape. I found myself praying for salvation from the pain. I had a Bible with me, due to other circumstances. It feel open to the page that says "be still, and know that I am God". I asked myself "what if?" and dared to believe, even if only a little. It felt as if a blanket was wrapped around me, and the fear vanished. Very quickly, the issues which had overwhelmed me were resolved.

I can find no explanation for what happened in my life except for the direct intervention of a higher power.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@ColonelFlytrap Well alot of people turn to crazy beliefs when their lives turn to shit.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@ColonelFlytrap that was God speaking to you!
Jesus wants you to acknowledge Him as that “Higher Power”. Why not give credit, where credit is due, and to the right one? He said if we deny Him as our Savior, He will deny us, before His Father in heaven. @ColonelFlytrap
Religions fail us every time. I follow no one but Christ, for the simple reason, that my faith stems from him, not man. Christian just means follower of Christ, not some religion, which is as He meant it to be. Religion didn’t die on the cross to pay for our sins. Jesus did. It is not about religion. It is about a relationship with Jesus.

The determining factor of one's authentic faith relationship with God is not one's denomination, religious practice or performance in Christian disciplines, but rather the presence of the indwelling Spirit of Christ, upon confession of faith. As it is written, “if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. (Rom.8:9)
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace Amen to that.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Religion is nothing but an attempt by our ancestors to make sense of a universe, they couldn't possibly begin to understand. I mean they weren't given any guide book, so they had to make do and come up with their own explanations.
Ynotisay · M
Well, since you asked about religion and not the religious...

In my opinion, religion is a social construct entirely created by men to control behavior. All major religions are focused on growing so the obvious result is "us vs them.' The other component is, as far as I know, that all religions incorporate the concept of behavior on earth affecting the after life. As humans are the only animal that fears death it makes sense that something would be created to appease that fear.

So it pretty much comes down to "do you believe in an after-life?" If you don't then religion probably has very little impact on your life. That doesn't mean the religious don't have an impact though. They do.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Not good.
'Believers' all seem to have their own take on whatever holy book they say they follow and some of the biggest Bible-thumpers are some of the most hypocritical
It’s a business
HypnoChode · 46-50, M
I believe it is a scam, of sorts, rooted in the inherent fear of death. I believe it has done far more harm than good.
Religion is fine...
It’s the people that jack it up
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It is a powerful tool to both create and destroy things, to bring the hope and misery.

I hate people who misuse it and manipulate crowds for their personal profit or hurt others out of their fanaticism.

I like how religion lead to creation of astonishing works like cathedrals, pyramids, etc.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Everyone should have their own religion as they choose.
But don't pressure it on someone else.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I'm an atheist but don't have any problem with religion generally.
DDonde · 31-35, M
@CountScrofula That's basically what my response here is.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@DDonde Yeah. I went through the "All religion is evil all wars are caused by religion" stuff when I was younger but it's pretty clear that most religious conflicts are just conflicts about war and power in fancy hats.
Not for me. I understand how it gives people purpose and hope, my nan is a big fan... I can’t get behind it.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
For the most part it is a very good thing. We can always point to those who misuse and abuse it but in the grand scheme of our recorded history it has had a positive effect. Think of all the universities and hospitals we have around the world built by religious organizations.
Look at all the art inspired by religions.
For many people, me included, religion has a stabilizing and comforting effect on my day to day life
I am an atheist. Couldn't care less what others believe. It's their right.
not for me, but I respect how it provides structure and civilizes people
It’s a great comfort to some people, I get that. And if it inspires one to go out and do good for others that, imo, is how it should work. And I do know people like that personally. But too often, it seems to have the opposite effect: makes people insular and smug, promotes a “we who are saved” vs. “those wretches who are doomed” attitude which really helps no one in the long run. When I finally left the church it was because I was encountering more human kindness among non-believers than from the self-professed pious. 😔
It's a control tactic
You’re exactly right!! Jesus would go to any extreme to save people from Hell. Including dying for our sins... and He did just that. @ExperienceDLT
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
Lindaisfun · 26-30, F
@DonaldTrumpet SMH. I would delete this but you are the POTUS
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Religion has killed more people than all wars put together. Religion without relationship is worthless.
Amen, brother! It is definitely a way of life. @GodSpeed63
indyjoe · 56-60, M
I have spiritual beliefs and a firm belief in a power that I refer to as "God", but I don't follow any particular religion. All religions and spiritual paths have good things to offer, but They are all man-made and therefore flawed and imperfect. That's where I stand on the issue. I respect the beliefs and practices of others (as long as they aren't harmful and disrespectful to others different than themselves), but I don't have any respect for people or religions that do more harm than good.
I think it's kind of a human thing. Religion can do a lot of good things as well as a lot of evil things.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@MistyCee I agree. James 1:27 talks about religion that is acceptable to God.
21stCenturyFox · 26-30, F
All religions to date are false portraits of reality. Eventually, there will be a true one based on nature.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@21stCenturyFox Paganism is already there.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
For me it's not about religion it's about a living personal relationship with Jesus Christ
curiosi · 61-69, F
Religion is for those who fear hell, spirituality is for those of us who have been there.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
It's a crutch for the emotionally weak.
MinMan80 · 41-45, M
I believe in a higher power, all religions are the same at the end of the day they get you where you need or want to go. Who knows it 2000 more years they could find copies of the Star Wars books and Luke could be the next Jesus
I’ll have to differ with you on that. All religions are not the same. I won’t name names, but some are more violent than others, and all don’t worship the same god, nor the right god. Neither do they lead to the same end. Some threaten one’s life if they don’t believe in their doctrine.

Jesus said, there’s a path that SEEMS right to man, but the end thereof, is death. Meaning spiritual death. Separation from God. That is why Jesus said that HE is the only way to have eternal life. Why Him? Because religion is nothing but man-made philosophy. It leads nowhere. It functions out of “works” as it’s means to be accepted by God, and that never works. It cannot even save us, as it has no means to do so without Jesus, as Jesus is the only Mediator between God and man. Without going through Jesus, man has no means to have communication with God the Father.

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Lindaisfun · 26-30, F
@Barrett1027 as there are judgemental atheists
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Axeroberts · 56-60, M
Religion can taint a person's ability to believe in God
But I want to Be a rude jerk about it ...well,forget it now
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GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
But I could say the same of your definitions. Since you don't accept the dictionary definition, I don't accept yours.

suzie1960 · 61-69, F
You're too fucking stupid for this world.
That's why he's a christian.
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