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If the creation story in the bible is an accurate account of how god created life on this earth why doesn't it match the fossil record? [Spirituality & Religion]

Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
People can't reconcile the fact the earth is billions of years old with iron age Hebrew folk legends.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring People can't reconcile that the scientists who made those could be wrong.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Can you provide proof that they are wrong. Proof that doesn't consist entirely of "because it disagrees with the Bible or my faith"?
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Crazywaterspring Unfortunately, even if we cited journal articles, some people would still say that the results are wrong. I really can't understand why some people have such a poor understanding and lack of respect for science.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
It does match the fossil record. Scientists are finding this out.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@GodSpeed63 Can you enlighten us on how old the fossil record is and how that figure was arrived at?

Well godspeed has declared that people are lying about evolution because they dont want to believe in god. Or something to that effect.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Pikachu And Darwin wanted to destroy religion. Only by accepting God and Jesus can a person change for the better. Only by accepting God and Jesus can we truly understand the purpose behind life. The universe has to be created because it is too perfect to have come about by chance.

Seriously, pretty much any of those assertions can be either be easily disproved or have no basis in scientific reality.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
What makes you think it doesn’t?
Did you know that there are verses in the Bible that talk of an expanding universe? Long befor science accepted it...
Not sure what scriptural evidence there is for two distinct creation events but i have shown shown you that at least one of them is in error when tested against the physical evidence
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
@Pikachu And I’ve shown you your ignorance on the matter is more blaring than your self absorbed ego thinks or can admit to.. despite pretending to pass yourself off as intellectual and intelligent, underneath you’re just another fool.

Well that was very scathing, i'm sure. But i don't see how it was a meaningful response to my last post.
Do try again. This time see if you can address the content of my post rather than relying on attacking my character (or would you like to deny doing that again?)

lol but seriously, you're getting out of control. Take a breath, reign it in and try again.

Or don't because i'm a troll and so not worthy of a response.
Because it was created in his image, as he evolves so does life on earth. It was primitive man's take on a complex plan. Simples
The laws of logic do not apply to a living persons reality, a wife dies the government increases taxes. That person's reality has changed.

The conditions of their life have changed. Their reality remains the same.
@SW-User You’re talking about a very whimsical definition of reality. Pikachu and I are discussing reality; that is, the unchanging facts of our universe. I.e. the fact that the fossil record would demonstrate the creation story is nothing more than a story made up by cave men.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Hello... because the Devil planted fossils in the earth to fool man and make him believe in evolution. And anyways, dinosaurs existed in Biblical times. Ever hear of "behemoth?"

Fake news, all of it. 🙄

Actually, I'm pretty sure Hillary and Obama are behind it somehow.

lol i agree with everything you just said. All true facts
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
Because the invisible spicy meatball of the underworld whom also no one has ever seen put the fossils there to confuse us about the flying spaghetti monster 😂

I've heard it said that fossils are put there by god to test our faith. I've also heard it said that the devil put them there to trick us. I've also heard it said that fossils are fake and a conspiracy and isn't it suspicious that paleontologists find all the fossils lol
Zaphod42 · 46-50, M
ChatterinSeuss · 61-69, M
did you think maybe the Bible was created and written by man and is considered a folk story...

Well yes in fact i do. But i'm not asking me lol
Prettybrat · 26-30, F
Probably somebody Covered them up so you wont find the truth

abe182 · 46-50, M
Six days of creation, at least it accounts for how things began.
abe182 · 46-50, M
@Pikachu the dinosaurs were completely omitted and that may be because wasn't necessary information for that day. I mean the discovery of dinosaurs is a twentieth Century things mostly.
I'm almost inclined to say the moon came into existence about the same time as man did and that would go along with the creation depiction.
As like the fossil record only gives a tiny tiny view into what happened I also believe the creation depiction is an abbreviated condensed view of what happened as well. Both are full of holes and some context missing.

may be because wasn't necessary information for that day

I don't think that holds water. Why is most of the information in the creation account "necessary" ?

But the creation account is not only incomplete, it is inconsistent with the evidence of the real world.For instance it states that birds were created on the fifth day and land animals on the sixth.
This is in direct contradiction of the fossil record.

[quote]he dinosaurs were completely omitted and that may be because wasn't necessary information for that day. I mean the discovery of dinosaurs is a twentieth Century

Sure, maybe dinosaurs were omitted for hypothetical reasons. Or maybe they were omitted because they had not yet been discovered
He put the fossils there to trick err... test faith.

dick move, amiright?
Dan193 · 31-35, M
the illuminati hid it from you
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@Greenbare Yeah i've never got a good answer about that
Bushranger · 70-79, M
whatever1990 · 31-35, M
You’ll get some BS, like; “for a reason perfectly sufficient for God” or “ it’s a test”. You know, non-answers.

I have indeed heard those kinds of answers before
Sarabee · 41-45
God created everything maturely the weren't babies Grand Canyon mature
Bushranger · 70-79, M
@Sarabee Why is it so hard to believe that the earth may be very old and that natural forces have shaped its surface? I don't see how this can be against the will of your God.
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
It doesn't?

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