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Do atheists go to heaven? [Spirituality & Religion]

Ynotisay · M
Well, if admission to heaven is based on doing the 'right thing,' I'd say there would be a higher percentage of atheists in heaven than Christians.
@Ynotisay what is the right thing? 😂
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
According to their own belief system they simply cease to exist. They came from nothing and they return to nothing and their life and beliefs are just as vacant.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User I really don't need your help.
i think you mean want,@hippyjoe1955. still, have a nice day just the same.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
No one goes to heaven, unless their sins are forgiven and they’ve made a confession of faith, giving their hearts and lives to Jesus.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
When you die you die that's it, lights out..if it brings others comfort to believe there's a heaven then so be it..
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@katielass prove there's heaven! We all know you can't as I cant.
katielass · F
@Primnproper I didn't claim there was but you claimed there wasn't. Burden is on you dear.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@katielass I claim for myself my own perception, what you believe is of no consequence to me.
The pope says they can.
@canusernamebemyusername he denies the Bible. He even explain the Bible and the Quran are the same.

He denies Christ and tries to decrease his followers to ditch the bible and listen to the pope.

Sound like he's part of leading the false peace someday
I doubt this. This is the stuff that would be in headlines. If you are catholic then you believe that it was christ himself that ordained the first pope.
@canusernamebemyusername maybe you should go meet him and find out yourself or listen to his own testimonies
I believe they do if they have a good kind heart and good life
meJess · F
yes, God has a sense of humour
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Hell is other people ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think everybody gets their own Heaven.
I would assume not 😂
Klesingo · 61-69, F
Atheists with a good heart? I think so.
Atheists who are selfish libertarians? Never ever.
But - which atheist is actually not a libertarian?
So I think, most of atheists them will not go to heaven until they chose a better philosophy.
Klesingo · 61-69, F
@QuixoticSoul Right-libertarianism does exist. They switched to Alt-right. This is Nazi 2.0 and a big danger. They denounce human rights as christian nonsense. They're becoming more powerful and dangerous. They want a "lean state" and "law and order" like in the USA. We would finally all have to live like in a concentration camp. When people suffer they don't care, because for them there is no God to punish them. There used to be left-wing atheists, they were ok. But these right-wing atheists smell of death.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Klesingo Yes I know that they exist. And in something of a reversal from previous right-wing movements, they are friendlier to atheists than their forefathers - they still tend to want to preserve dominant cultural traditions of their states, but put less focus on Christianity.

But atheists tend to be the minority in those movements, and none of them are inherently atheistic in nature - at best they donwscaled their overt religiosity into secularism.

Left-wing atheists still exist, and in fact, most atheists tend to lean left. Your own German election definitively show that most atheists in your country vote for parties that promote human rights and social safety nets.

They want a "lean state" and "law and order" like in the USA.
Note that USA is a massively Christian country where atheists are a small and distrusted minority.

When people suffer they don't care, because for them there is no God to punish them.
Ah yes, the old "atheists are incapable of morality" chestnut.
Klesingo · 61-69, F
Left-wing atheists still exist, and in fact, most atheists tend to lean left. Your own German election definitively show that most atheists in your country vote for parties that promote human rights and social safety nets.

The extreme right-wing AfD party received 13% in the last federal election. And most of the voters of this party are from the part of Germany, which used to be communist and where almost all are atheists.

Note that USA is a massively Christian country where atheists are a small and distrusted minority.

That is true, but these East Germans without ethics imported their libertarian ideas from the USA. A lean state is simply not an idea that would have occurred to a traditional Nazi or Communist.

Ah yes, the old "atheists are incapable of morality" chestnut.

Not basically, but in this special case it is. I know that atheists in the US have problems. And that Dawkins actually wrote his book for them. But in Germany, which was little religious anyway, this book has strengthened fanatical haters of religion and thereby triggered a cultural struggle in which organized atheists and Bible fundamentalists entered into an anti-clerical alliance of purpose. So it often happens that opponents of religion quote the Bible to accuse Christians that their religious practice is not strict enough. Atheists with the behavior of the Bible Belt - madness, thanks to the USA.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
If not, it is not worth attending.
Does heaven exist?
Dogs go to heaven 🐩🐕
Lolco · 36-40, M
A Good Samaritan atheist will go to heaven before a church going hypocrite who tries to paint a pretty picture Infront of others (that ofcourse if heaven does exist 😊)
@Lolco that's what I think too
Lolco · 36-40, M
@SW-User : )
no, but then again, neither does anyone else.

but the Pope said "moral-atheists" do, so...
he did,@SW-User. i took it to mean all peoples with good morals, despite their beliefs or non-belief.
@SW-User nice so it's exactly what I think
@SW-User hAhaha I am more flexible because I think I'd the person has a kind heart goes
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
No. But it's ok, it's pretty unlikely anyone else does either.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@QuixoticSoul hOeS deservES HeaveNz
I hate to Judge but my only answer is

Without Jesus Christ, No.

That's all I have to say
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@walabby tEa PartY ConVentIoNz ?
@walabby that's not my answer to say. Only God knows. We are sinners. Some will believe they know
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
walabby · 61-69, M
No. Atheists go to their own consensus reality.
they go to spiritual prison (no, thats not hell) where they get taught about the lord and everything and when they are ready the person will be judged whether he/she goes to which kingdom of heaven he/she goes to, or if he/she will go to hell
@Haileygamer099 What’s a person dies, there is no second chance for decisions. Those are to be made while on earth in preparation for the afterlife, and where one shall spend it. After one is gone, it is too late to come back and decide to follow Christ. That’s what God said.
I’m not sure I’m really into this semantic twisting. In John, Jesus is known as “The Word”
I just mean that I know the "rules" I'm just saying can't God change the rules and let them in if he wanted? Sorry for the confusion.
“I am the Way” Jesus.
It isn’t about rules.
Check what Alice Cooper said about Faith recently.
I hope they get as far as St. Peter.. then get denied..
You can be an atheist without making fun of what you do not believe. People do not choose to be atheist or theist. They just are or are not convinced with the evidence. You can't just choose to believe or not believe you have to be convinced enough to change your mind.
very rare to find an atheist who don’t talk about religion non stop.. .00001%ers
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout there are atheists that do like to talk about the subject that is true. According to studies they usually have a higher education about religion then the followers of said religion.
Pineapple · 100+, F
i will go into a wooden box, then into a fire, then my burnt up crispy ashy ashtray self will, i dunno... go down a toilet or something
katielass · F
Why do you post stuff like this. It only brings out the sanctimonious blowhards who are fos.
@katielass it is nice to see who is who though.
katielass · F
Elessar · 26-30, M
No, they will just rot wherever they're buried, just like all the other organics I suppose. Or, well, they turn into ashes.
Aidan · 26-30
Heaven is usually a reward for believers and the faithful
I'll go to heaven cause the hell is full with people like me...
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Lovelyelaine101 · 22-25, F
Jannah (Heaven) is for the believers ONLY
most Christians would say no
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
PrAy to goDs anZ TrUmpus TheY Do.
Dusty101 · F
It's a mystery... the whole thing is... twilight zone stuff!

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