gemimaia A little bit of context, I grew up in Africa. Partially arabized parents that are originally Amazighan. I say arabized because they imitated a culture that's not their own. I grew up in war. I was also influenced by my grandparents.
My grandmother (Amazigh) believed there are two sides of witchcraft, the good and the bad. Grandmother like other Amazigh women had tattoos on her body expressing the duality and the powers in the universe.
So while my parents and other people believe/believed I was possessed because of my mental illness, talents and TBI, they used extremely abusive methods to free me from the demon possessing me through teachings in Islam and the Arab culture, and even witchcraft too.
On the other hand, both my grandparents thought I was special. They believed I was meant to lead the people, and that my situation is contextual and I need to comeback to my roots to get over my anger and aggression.
Lot of the people used magic attempting to defend their girls from rapes and kidnappings durring the war. I know a few who say they witnessed it working out.
But it's not good to decide things based on the unknown and before one hasn't used fact based explanations for their problems. What I witnessed is snakes biting the shit out of me, no venom, and my hands being burnt bacause "witchcraft" and supernatural beliefs. As if I wasn't traumatized enough.
Sorry for my English. It angers me too much.