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safeinsanity51-55, M
There is nothing wrong with you. We were all made to be different/unique. Some people are creative/sensitive types that are more in tune with people's emotions, and others are more shallow/materialistic types driven by their need for power and success. I'm not exactly sure which type you are but people tend to be more mean to the empaths of the world (unfortunately).
Cat0536-40, F
@safeinsanity I was actually always told that I am definitely an empath even though I have ambitions, dreams, and goals that I want to accomplish.
safeinsanity51-55, M
@Cat05 I know I am one ;) We all have dreams though, but I guess what I meant is people who aren't empaths tend to be more cold/calculating.
Cat0536-40, F
That is very true actually. I noticed that.

馃槳I'm so sorry that you have felt left out of the world. I kinda feel the same why (in that I'm trans) so most alienate themselves, but I don't give up. I am hopelessly relentless with my positivity and wonderment. What helps is being in an area where there are others who aren't as stuck up with conformity and convention. I find artists of all types have a much better understanding and aren't so pragmatic. But when given a chance even those people who I thought would dislike me or fear me, have turned out to be my best alie. You need to seek those who share your values and opinion, people who are progressive in thought and act.
And btw, that you for the friend request!
Cat0536-40, F
So true- I actually have made efforts with others, but no return at all. Maybe it's not meant to be for now, but possibly sometime in this life. And thank you for your friend request! :)
@Cat05 you're welcome! I think I'm a kind person and I try to have a good nature especially when meeting new friends. I keep a positive attitude even if the friend turns foe, or we just can't see eye to eye. We can't get along with every ego out there. What I have noticed is that some people (a lot) are in their own world doing what they enjoy and not paying a lot of attention to others, even if they are "friends" managing that kind of person begins with your expectations. Very often some people won't live up to your expectations. That's ok, it's thier way. Finding what you like and have passion for is key to liking who you are as a person. The rest will fall into place after that.
NeuroticByNature41-45, F
Ive recently written a woman off in real life because she goes out of her way to pick at other women to make thrm jealous. She did it to me and I watched her do it to others. I think shes the jealous one really. That being said I dont have the energy for other women myself. In general I avoid people.
NeuroticByNature41-45, F
@Cat05 thanks for the advice. Im nonconfrontational usually and she is so underhanded about it that she is pretty quick to call others jealous. I wont feed her need for trouble. Ill pull away. I dont really need friends that much.
Cat0536-40, F
@NeuroticByNature I think and feel that she says others are just "jealous" is because it's her defense mechanism. Yes- it's best to pull away from someone like that. Have you ever read Assertiveness for Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue? I've been reading it and it shows ways of being assertive (not necessarily aggressive, but still be kind and defend and protect yourself). It's really good so far and has helped me find ways of being assertive with others when they either try to take advantage or find ways to be cruel to you.
NeuroticByNature41-45, F
@Cat05 it sounds good. I may look for it.
yfma5370-79, M
I am the same, only we me being a man it is men that I seem to have trouble with. It is much better than it use to be. But I understand. Check out my profile if you like. I would be happy to chat with you anytime.
Cat0536-40, F
@yfma53 I've noticed the same situation with men as well. I completely understand as it may most likely be our energies and light that intimidates others of our own gender. Sure, I would be more than happy to chat with you too. :)
okaybut56-60, M
Look at yourself for the change, not outside. But know that if you keep growing, you will find your place. :)
Cat0536-40, F
@okaybut Thank you so much. :)
Tukudo41-45, M
Hello 馃檪馃檹

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