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Arizv11 · 31-35, M
Old men for you but ergh!!! old women who are horny are worse especially in person (Bleh)
chrisCA · M
@Arizv11 Old to you.
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2gether4ever · 31-35, C
@Arizv11 HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! awesome

A lot of the older men are unstable af on here. (Im sure plenty older women too, but they never try to interact with me so I wouldn’t know) A dead give away are the ones who have a large interest in minors and the girls who are barely 18. Them showing an interest in girls that young is them already showing their true colors.

Majority of them are single and lonely for a reason. They give you this pity story about their lonely pathetic lives and expect you to pity them when really they’re only telling you half the story.
@Stark 80% of the time older men troll for attention from young girls because women their age know better and are repulsed by the way they act.
@SW-User You’re absolutely right. When I first joined this site a lot of older guys would message me, and I didn’t think anything of it. I actually thought a lot of them were nice now they just 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 <~ literally me when I see them pulling some shit like this. Not all of them of course some of them are cool and my buds but the weirdos.
@Stark This is why I don’t PM...especially with any women younger than 30...unless initiated by them😅

But mostly I just don’t PM...😁
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I’m laughing so hard right now. I have a man pissed at me right now cause I won’t. Talk to him because...

He sends the same dog pic in the morning hiding his bum boob

He likes to talk to other men about their wives and pictures and fantasize of them screwing the wife.

He wants to flirt with everybody on here

He cyberfucks everybody on here

He’s a serial cheater in real life.

I called him sleazy. He got pissed and said I hurt his heart. 😂
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
@Keepitsimple 😂😂😂
@Keepitsimple 😂 Oh shit that's even funnier!
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
I know!! He’s so scummy! 🤣@SW-User
Never understood lashing out online.

You venting is natural and healthy.

These people have deep past experiences that clearly need professional help learning how to cope.

It's not just men either. 😔 Both genders suffer from bad tempers or entitlement issues.
@Teggy I'm pretty sure it's not just men, but I think more men do this than women on here.
@SW-User your right. I'll agree with you on that
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
This is scary Alex. You are a beautiful, intelligent, funny young woman. Lonely (and horny) guys are going to flock to you and not all will stop with blocking when you rebuff them. Be careful.
We agree then.You advise certain people to stay away. You wouldn’t want your child here. I see a lot of people in the world who are childlike. I would advise them to stay away. That’s all I am saying. @KayraJordyn


That happens to most women on this site, or so I've come to understand. I've even been chatted up then blocked by a diaper man. Go figure.

There are people who start out on this site with an agenda: To satisfy their sexual desires. To get hard and imagine online strangers with them, making them feel like they're big papas. If someone goes along with it, they feel fiercely validated. (I promise you, many of these men are on Craigslist looking for young hookups. I also promise you some of the grossest people I've ever had comments from I met here.) But these men are not men. They're grown boys. They cannot handle rejection, which they're not even used to getting because they don't try in real life, so they lash out in a tall tantrum. They blame the lady who kindly (or coarsely) turned them down, and then they make sure they have the last word in a cowardly way: by blocking them.

I'm glad I don't get these so much now. I'm in my early 30's, I've changed my filters, and I've been here long enough that the initial "attraction" from jerks isn't at play.
You, my dear, are young, open, decent, and beautiful. I hope that backbone of yours is nice and strong, because you'll be getting these unfortunate messages for some time. Don't forget, there's no shame in deleting or blocking. Don't allow yourself to feel badly for protecting yourself from potential creeps.

Also, keep in mind, so many people whether introverted or extroverted are truly sweet and kind-hearted, whether they're looking for more or not. I can't imagine you losing sight of that, though. You've only ever been fair, if not more than.

Cheers, Lan! Don't let these things define how you feel. You're a wonderful young lady whom I've only ever seen wish others well. That's very rare, chica. 🤗🖤
@KayraJordyn Such a great post!
@KiwiBird @SW-User Thanks, guys. It's how I see things anyway.
Entitlement runs rampant on the internet. Mostly from men but sometimes from women too. Makes me wonder how they deal with being told no irl.
@SW-User I'm so glad that I'm too lazy to even try 🤷‍♂️😴
@SW-User I agree. They act like their opinions on us really matter. It's ridiculous.
@SW-User hissy fits...or probably violence.
Why were you talking to him in the first place, my sweet little angel...? Beautiful and intelligent goddess like you should know better when they are overly sweet and complimentary right off the bat like gorgeous Asian porcelain doll....😘😘😘💕💕💕😂😂😂
@SW-User @Stark LMAO do I backstroke out of this water...😂😂😂

I was just emulating an old white man with an affinity for Asian women😅 As an Asian man, I would never say that to an Asian woman...that’s all😅🤦🏻‍♂️

You already know what I think of you, Alex🤗💕
@Haniazed 🤗 That's much better 🤣🥰
@SW-User Phew...😅😜
I don't think this is entirely fair.


@SW-User 😂 Take it easy nice robot
@SW-User Seriously though, I think you're perfectly polite in replying 🤷‍♂️
@SW-User I always am 🤗
MellyMel22 · F
He did that to me too and others 😂 I didn’t open his first message within a minute, how dare I..

A friend suggested this post was about another guy who just did similar minus the drop dead part. He messaged and I tried to be nice and he said I just realized you didn’t reply to me on June 10th. I saw the last reply was him saying you’re welcome and I told him he confused me with someone else. He told me no and wrote a paragraph and blocked me LMAO 😆 It must be him afraid of getting reported again 😒
@samueltyler2 don't forget mentally ill
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP they are put shooting innocent people 😟
@MellyMel22 😂 I wonder what he's even doing on here
It seems totally insane though that a guy would act this way. It probably explains why women that i talk to seem relieved if they haven't messaged me back for a few days or weeks and that i haven't had a melt down 😂.

I'm totally fine with being messaged whenever or if someone loses interest, that's fine too,
@SW-User 😆 I'm intrigued now
@SW-User Sounds like i'm gonna amaze you with my boringness... actually i think i've started already 😬😂
@SW-User Lol nah you've never bored me
JennaBug · 31-35, F
I've come to realise that these kind don't think of us as actual people. They think of us as objects instead.
@JennaBug Exactly
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
@SW-User awww </3
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Wow that’s pathetic, I feel sorry for the lad.
I wish the same for him as well. @SW-User
@SW-User 🤗
didn't you feel sorry at first. @SW-User
I think that little boy needs to consult his parents on how to talk to and respect women. He ain't no adult, that's for sure.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@latinbutterfly @SW-User

I doubt his parents are in a position to teach him anything at this point. 🤔
@SW-User Yeah, you're right. It's probably too late for him 😂.
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@MalteseFalconPunch 😂 They really fucking do!
Leftyss · 56-60, M
A hole!! Those are exactly the type that ruin for the nice guys.

Happymedium · 56-60, F
Hi Nice Guy😂
Leftyss · 56-60, M
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@SW-User 😂 Nah I think you'll be fine
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This happens to me a lot 😂🤦‍♀️
Wol62 · 51-55, M
@SW-User Yeah well I have a lot of anger issues.
@SW-User 😂 You and I are not the only ones ahaha
@SW-User I think it's all the females sadly
Happymedium · 56-60, F
😂read this post.
🤔made a guess of who this could be.....

🙄chum🙄 he read me the same riot act and blocked me

I was devastated 😂😂😂😂
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@SW-User that’s so pathetic. It’s like taking all hostility for their lonely lives out on you good ladies
@Happymedium 😂 He's even more notorious than I thought
Happymedium · 56-60, F
@SW-User sadly🙄!
I'm interested to know who this is. What a horrible person..😥 How truly a disgusting way to speak to a young woman on the internet. You should out him, report him, he should be banned or at least WARNED.

and also...

I've experienced similar behaviour in the past on EP. The most interesting was a guy who told me he was going to beat me up and kill me, beat me again, then bury me and then later he was going to dig me up to beat the shit out of me again.
I too went from being "a dream woman" to being blocked. He started all the hate as I wouldn't add him to my circle because actually I felt he was "unhinged" and possibly could be a stalker.... LOL
@SW-User Yes ma'am 😎
@SW-User Zaby blocked him a year ago.. don't remember for wut reason tho
@SW-User 😂 It's probably best to keep it that way
LarryZ · 56-60, M
The internet brings out the true nature of some people. Would he say that to someone he meets on the street? hell no. So why does he feel the need to do that here. Be thankful he blocked you and move on. He's not worth a response.
@LarryZ That's how a mature person would think :)
Scribbles · 36-40, F
I tend to think guys like that have an entitled sense of instant gratification and have the idea of deserving something for spending any time on anyone...not to mention a high strung temper problem.🙄
@Scribbles Exactly!
Gee, shocker. You didn't respond fast enough to his fantasies and those sweet names turned sour real fast huh? Fakeness, you gotta love it 😏😂
@SW-User I only discovered his eagerness and shit at last minute.
@SW-User yeah, that makes it the wasted part. I'm still sorry it happened to you though.
ticklerguy · M
@SW-User Not Accusing,Just Saying was all
Hahaha Some people need to understand there's life outside of here.
@SW-User 😂 That just further reinforces my belief that age is just a number
Platinum · M
I like being called 40
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SW-User the "age is just a number" mentality is about the only chance an old man like me has with a beautiful young woman like you Lan lmao.

I always liked younger women, but unlike this guy I don't like being a douche to them!
Th1nkF1rst · 70-79, M
Social contact is rare for some individuals and so they're hurried & needy & wanton & greedy & pushy & clueless & impatient as to how to achieve their goal of intimate companionship.

They try overly hard to imitate complicated rituals, that they've seen portrayed in movies & TV, without understanding prerequisites of normal civil & romantic societal interface mores.

In other words they are just stupidly trying what little they have figured out, that kinda worked before.
@Th1nkF1rst Hollywood movies do cast a huge influence in this case with their pervasive idea of hypermasculinity
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Hanging2 · 51-55, M
Loneliness and isolation makes people do strange and desperate things.
As a result the emotions ate extreme.
Extreme love turns to extreme hate.
Unfortunately it is a cycle that he will face. Because intrinsically he is sad and unhappy.
Watching people here it is equally applicable across both men an women. You probably see it more because you are at the coal face.
@Hanging2 I don't think those are good excuses to treat other people like crap though
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
@SW-User they are not excuses at all. Nor am I justifying his behavior. I was simply trying to link his behaviors and reactions to you with his thought patterns
@Hanging2 I know :)
There are a bunch of guys on here that do that. Report him and move on. He's not worth giving any thought or time to.
@SW-User Yeah you're right
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Hey girl... We so need to talk about this. I have to go now, but I'll be messaging you later ... probably like tonight.
@sarabee1995 🤗 I'll be looking forward to that!
My sincerest apologies from all "older men" out here. We're not ALL as pathetic as your recent experience.
@FigNewton Lol Obviously nobody's generalizing here
That has happened before...and when I told the guy I was married the conversation just halted right there 🤣.
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@Waymore Yes, and it will be 7 years on September the 15th.
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SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
Yeah, and some of these men wonder why they are single!
@SubstantialKick 😂 I know right?! I was just writing that to him but too bad he blocked me before I even got the chance
Mirage · F
@SubstantialKick Exactly. Or can't get a real woman.
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@kingkyri Honestly most minors on here are already messed up in some ways. I couldn't care less if they decide to play with fire on here
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@hahaheheuhhaha 😂 We as in you and me or you and him?
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ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
How dare you thwart his plans!
@ozgirl512 Because nobody fucks with me and gets away that easily 😂
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I know... I've walked amongst their headstones and heard their plaintive cries to an uncaring God...
@ozgirl512 🤣
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@Darksideinthenight1 Lol Just post a picture that you think will draw attention. And don’t even think about posting a nude and saying that I made you do it. 😂
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Who is this fucktard?
@MellyMel22 Haha I can't find Newtrier's account anywhere, but I did report Chum! 😄
MellyMel22 · F
@SW-User Good, they need to know. He’s done it to so many more than once too!
@MellyMel22 Oh I bet!
I think I've been kind towards you sometimes, a little facetious with language that could bridge upon being flirty but nowhere near what you describe. Tell me if I'm wrong.

I was 39 when I turned down a 20 year old at the bar. Trust me in a way that was hard and easy ;)
@SW-User You’re not wrong
@SW-User I like so you I'm on my best behaviour with you. But that's because I *actually* like you.
Disposal · 36-40, M
You're the love of my life in an alternate dimension. Where we are the cuteness for our overlord cats.
@Disposal OMG! 😍 I just want to squeeze her in love
Disposal · 36-40, M
@SW-User her, she is a she. her name is Isabelle
@Disposal Pretty name for a lovely puppy! 🥰
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
Does anyone have a piece of gum? I think I need to chum. 🤮🤮
@Ambroseguy80 😂 I still need validation of my definitions from Oxford University Press
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@SW-User never mind them! They’re too prudish.... go right to the Urban Dictionary. 😀
@Ambroseguy80 😂 Urban Dictionary is da shit
rayoflight · 46-50, M
I'm so sorry you had this awful experience. The members here are a slice of real society and you will meet all kinds in both places. It's up to you to focus on the kind and sweet people and avoid and forget the toxic ones.
@rayoflight It’s not easy to focus on the kind ones when the bad ones keep creeping in
rayoflight · 46-50, M
@SW-User Really? It's easier here to block them... It's a constant battle to deal with new ones I know.
QuietEd2019 · 31-35, M
@SW-User aww sorry to hear that sweetheart </3
He was probably very horny and frustrated. No need to behave like that though If an old man compliments you just tell him to f*** off. He probably only wants some sort of sexual relief..... by the way did I ever mention how gorgeous you are ? I could gaze into your eyes forever.....
Platinum · M
I'm one of the oldest on here and I don't do these things you have mentioned...I show respect to most of the women on here, except a couple that have acted like the person you are talking about...a good post and I understand why you put it on here...
@Platinum That's good 😄
t3kkno · 70-79, M
To me it seems there are people here of all genders and ages who don't have decent social skills, and/or have no real lives and similate life here. The meanness, snarkiness and overall lack of compassion brings the site down.

Golden rule: Please.
@t3kkno I agree
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
He was insulting your intelligence by thinking he can just compliment you and you would fall for it right off the bat. I guess he thinks women are stupid and can be easily manipulated. When he doesn't get what he wants, his true self shines through.
@JimboSaturn I agree
Elegy · 46-50
chumgum1961, got it.
@Elegy Merci beaucoup, monsieur 😘
Elegy · 46-50
(in a southern accent) Mercy buckets, darlin
@Elegy 🤗 J'adore toi
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
There is at least one man on this site who admires you greatly, who would like to get to know you better, maybe even meet you in person one day, who knows?

That man will not kiss your ass or suck up to you just to worm his way into your heart. He already respects you for the person you've already become, and believes you have the potential to do great things with your life.

From your above description, he knows you can do and you do deserve better.

Perhaps you need to recalibrate your selection algorithm for the next man you grant the opportunity to know you?
TexChik · F
That was a psychopath . They react violently when they feel rebuked. Thank God for the anonymity provided by this site. 😉
@TexChik 😆 Thank God indeed
Oi....another example of not knowing who is REALLY behind the computer screen.
@SW-User Yes
@SW-User well good riddance I say
@SW-User Lol me too
I've had men act like dat but not to dat extent. Like they didn't start swearing at me but did get offended and start making snide remarks and blaming me for not making it clear dat I wasn't interested when I was never sexual with them in any way. They think you want more just 'cause you're nice and them making assumptions like dat ain't my fault
@SW-User I recently had a guy act like dat. I like being nice to everyone regardless of age or gender but I think anyone with common sense knows dat doesn't mean I wanna get sexual with you.
@SW-User Yup I know what you mean. It kinda hinders you from wanting to be nice sometimes
@SW-User Exactly

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