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I want to move on after being cheated on. Any advice?

I still keep looking at her photos or wanting to call her and fix thing. But I have to stop myself. I feel so terrible and want to get better? How can I move on and heal?
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
Distance helps quite a but but you have to give yourself that breathing room to encourage it to grow. That includes deleting anything you have that tries to take you backwards instead of forward, like the photos and even her number. You also have to reprogram your mind to not instantly go to back to the happy places with her in your mind. Instead focus on how much she hurt you and as much as it hurts let yourself feel the pain from that betrayal instead of romanticizing the memories of what was.

This isn’t something you can heal from quickly, so give yourself the time, the compassion, and the breathing room needed to repair the internal damage that’s been done so you can one day be in a place to accept the kind of love and treatment you truly deserve.
SociallyAnxious · 36-40, M
@PerfectionOfTheHeart Thank You ❤
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@PerfectionOfTheHeart This advice is so completely spot on.
greensnacks · 31-35, F
Go no contact. Delete everything you have, all numbers, everything. And cry a lot. Don't hold it in.
SociallyAnxious · 36-40, M
@greensnacks Thank You
LikeAGlassBalloon · 46-50, F
Keep in mind, once a cheater always a cheater. You deserve better than that.
kalpanapatel149 · 36-40, F
May be delete photos and phone number so you won't have anything to look at. This might help.
SociallyAnxious · 36-40, M
@kalpanapatel149 I need to do this - I will do it
JSul3 · 70-79
Move on!
Throw away the pictures. Stop wallowing in the past. The future is bright, filled with many new gals to meet!
Get started.
ronisme1 · 61-69, M
I used my kids. Spent all my time on them, giving them my love. That helped me heal. Took me over 3 years to heal.
Tumbleweed · F
If this has been recently, you definitely need to step away from it and regroup before you make any contact. In the heat of the moment, people tend to say things they deeply regret. You need to breathe and find your footing before you do anything. Good luck to you and I'm sorry this happened to you
smiler2012 · 56-60
@SociallyAnxious it is really up too you in a sense hard as it maybe to accept it be strong be brave. draw a line under the whole thing and move forward and do not look back the past has gone it is water under the bridge
Break off all contact. Put away or throw away stuff that reminds you of her. She cheated. That is wrong. Immoral. Disgusting. You deserve a true love. A lasting one. A faithful woman. Learn a lesson on what you will tolerate. Know you are right to leave her behind. Give yourself time. And keep an open heart. You are young. Love that is good will come and stay.
Rebirth · 26-30, M
How did she react after you cuaght her? How long was she cheating on you for? How did yiu find out?
Rebirth · 26-30, M
@SociallyAnxious i ask, because we all make mistakes. So i'm curious if she's worthy of forgiveness I guess.

I've been there with an SO that cheated. So i understand how hard that is.
SociallyAnxious · 36-40, M
@Rebirth As my posts make clear, she isn't - lied and gaslighting me. Anyway: How can I move on and heal?
Rebirth · 26-30, M
@SociallyAnxious focus on yourself.. take yourself to the next level and find someone worthy of your love and loyalty.
Petruk · New
Unethical way? Find a rebound, you’ll hurt their heart in the end for sure but it’d heal you faster. And for the ethical way, go get busy and find someone new when you’re ready.
caccoon · 36-40
Delete everything, don't talk to her. You'll be reopening the wound.

Spend lots of time with friends, and other safe people.

Therapy, if you can afford it.

Spend lots of time doing things that you personally enjoy doing, and just know it will take time.
GeniUs · 56-60, M

I'll never get tired of saying that.
MissNoahLenFoxx · 31-35, F
Does it really matter?
SociallyAnxious · 36-40, M
@MissNoahLenFoxx It doesn't to you, but it does to me - this is why I am asking it
Kurea · 31-35, T
Accept it and move on.
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