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My ex-friend is a backstabber, and I can prove it!

I trusted her and she goes blabbing my crap to everyone, then denies it! I also know she has done the same with our other friends. How can I best call her out?
Matt85 · 36-40, M
Just forgive her and move on
The way spies catch moles is to feed each person a particular falsehood. If that falsehood gets out, you know who the leaker was.
The Best revenge is not being made into a lesser person by the actions of others
I heard it was putting them into that reverse bear-trap from the Saw movies... but, Tomato, Tamato lol 😂
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Can I tell you something .
The most scariest situation at the start is when you know you can't trust no one .
That's where the anger comes in cause your blaming yourself on a wrong judgement.
You be thinking it's her (at some point ) Yes but she's free what to say . It should be none of your business .
Learn from that or else your gonna have the same problem again with someone else.
The anger is fear
These bhoots were made for walkin..
Astera · 22-25, F
Silence is golden. Don’t give it oxygen. Karma is real.
WildBill25 · 26-30, M
Your silence will speak volumes!
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