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Is there anyone else here on SW who has received the following message?

For the third time, I've had someone send me the following:

So hey :), first of all sorry for my English. Its not my first language.
Im 16, and i train gymnastics for years. But i also love martial arts very much, but i never formally trained in it, but im very tall and fit/strong.

There us a freestyle martial arts tournament near where i live, its on the beach, but for now, all the competitors are men. So if ill sign in to that tournament ill be the only woman.
And its a different tournament from usual coz of 3 reasons, its completely freestyle, its on the beach, and you can use a very very small knife (about 2mm). (But you cant aim at someone's face of course, so its safe).

I can show you a pic of the knife if you want.
I kinda already signed in, but i can still withrdaw of course. But.since im very tall and fit/strong, my firends kinda told me it could be interesting if i enter the tournament.
Today i went with all the competitors (and also other people who wants to hear about the tournament) to a meeting about the tournament with mandatory explanations about safety with the knifes (the knifes also being put in alcohol before fights so no infections occur).

All the men were very surprised to see a lady, and when they heard i only do gymnastics, they laughted at me and were so confident about themselfs that they said that if i win the tournament i can chose 5 of them to be 'mine' for 2 months. (Like, having 5 of them doing whatever i say for 2 months). Thats how much they laughted at me.
Actually, now i really wanna win that tournament.

What do you think about it? Should i really take part in that tournament to test myself against these martial artists men? And what about the bet?

I could give you the guy's name, but apparently it's against the rules here on SW to single out people.
Tumbleweed · F
I got something similar awhile back but it was some female going into the military or something, with the whole martial arts thing. It's been awhile and I just stopped responding
@Tumbleweed All I recall was the astounding listing of accomplishments in a few months. Not credible.
Tumbleweed · F
@Mamapolo2016 this one was a bit over the top too..
@Tumbleweed Just a tad.
In my case it was a guy upset a teenage girl was appointed manager of his IT section. Told him to be gracious and learn from her. And then he admitted to making it all up, and I blocked him.
Old school 2017 troll id bet $ on it same writing style and fake age and theme jeez she/he was gone for years reply welcome back to SW martial arts troll
AbbySvenz · F

That’s almost as good a story as the teenage special forces kid in a “tournament” that went around years ago.

It wasn’t a cool story, then, either 😐
funfan · 51-55, M
@AbbySvenz Too weird. Did you ofren receive those messages?
AbbySvenz · F
No that one was posted in the main feed, a year or so ago@funfan
@AbbySvenz ya im pretty sure its gota be tbh it fits the bill
InMyPrime · 46-50, M
Saying it’s weird doesn’t quite hit the spot
so the gist is karate lady?

i remember one that kept posting about giving her brother as beat down....
Offthetop · 51-55, M
I haven’t received that message but the general tone of delusion is familiar around here.
DomMan67 · 56-60, M
I got one of those awhile ago. It was pretty clearly a fake account so I blocked it.
MarcusMayhem · 26-30, M
Yes I received one.

What do you think about it? Should i really take part in that tournament to test myself against these martial artists men? And what about the bet?

Btw, if i ask too many questions, you dont have to answer, maybe its not real and im a bin laden haha ;)
DrWatson · 70-79, M
A knife????? Really???????

Sounds legit to me.
496sbc · 36-40, M
hey hey. 👋 thats some passage
Shybutwilling2 · 61-69
No thank goodness
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Yes the user has a reoccuring post about needing advice about something and DM them.
minxy · 46-50, F
Sounds familiar but it's been a while since I've seen it first hand.
meggie · F
Had very similar from a female martial arts woman
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I haven’t received that
Convivial · 26-30, F
Ultra weird ....
LolitaDoll · 18-21, FNew
no babygirl💋

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